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Week 7: Paper 4 Write a two-page paper, plus the title page and a reference page on the following statement: Research and find a cool supply chain technology (also known as cool chain or cold chain)...

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Week 7: Paper 4

Write a two-page paper, plus the title page and a reference page on the following statement:

Research and find a cool supply chain technology (also known as cool chain or cold chain) that is being used to ensure safe and healthy foodstuffs within a retail business of our choice.

For those of you unfamiliar with cool chain or cold chains, here is a good article to read about the best cool chain trends. Link:

Incorporate at least one reference from articles listed within the online APUS library.

Submission Instructions:(Do not use Wiki as a source).

• Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
• APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
• Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no less thana two-page paper.
• Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
University of California Berkeley Library APA Style Citation
Purdue University APA Formatting and Style Guide
APUS Online Library Tutorial Center
Avoiding accidental and intentional plagiarism


Answered Same Day Jul 06, 2020 Swinburne University of Technology


Ritika answered on Jul 10 2020
142 Votes
Running Head: Assignment
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Cold chains are said to become more global today. It has arisen from growth in healthful food and even development of middle class locations that have further pushed the cold chains to globalization. Manufacturing plants have also become specialized in this way such that they too tend to ship their goods more widely. Cold supply chains also tend to develop themselves globally in a way that these manufacturing plants also become specialized along with shipping of goods, etc. It is said that cold supply chain has been working at its best and has even mitigated disruption risks such that it has even ensured quality delivery of goods at its best (Te
y, 2015).
New and non-complicating cold supply chain will be used for developing new technology and even meeting with compliance standards such that it can differentiate their service as well. Supply chain risk helps in overcoming food, beverage, bio-med and pharmaceuticals from getting perished completely. Rather it is also said that food and agricultural goods today form part of the fastest growing sector for the U.S. exporters. This has helped them earn compliance, training and even consulting firm for the performance of international trade. It is the cold supply chain...

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