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Assessment 1: Annotated Bibliography (Individual)
Students will write a 1500-word annotated bibliography of academic literature on organisational behaviour that includes concise descriptions: a
ief summary and analysis of content and critical evaluations of the selected sources.

Assessment Brief- Assessment 1: Annotated Bibliography (Individual) 30% due on Week 6,
Sunday 6pm
    Unit Code/Description
    BUS201 Organisational Behaviou
    S2, 2023
    Unit Learning Outcomes Addressed
    1, 2 & 4
    Assessment Objective
    The primary purpose of this assessment is to evaluate the student's comprehensive understanding of the process of writing an annotated bibliography of academic literature on the needs and benefits of organisational behaviour as a manager of an organisation, utilising a list of academic literature and sources that are centered on primary theories, approaches, and methods of behavioral management in business settings.
    Assessment Title/Type
    Assessment One – Annotated Bibliography (Individual)
    Due Date
    The submission of the individual report is due at 6:00pm on Sunday of week 6.
    The value of the assessment is 30 marks- Annotated Bibliography (Individual)
Instructions to Students
    Student needs to explore the relevant literature on the area of organisational behavior. They should find a list of three sources including at least one journal/conference article, one book chapter and a newspaper article. They should:
▪ Specify full bibliographic citation (according to the required referencing style- APA style)
▪ Evidence the quality and depth of reading and understanding
▪ Organize a
ief annotation that outline and analyse the main argument/s.
▪ Evaluate critically and discuss the depth and scope of sources selected. Present their own views and understanding of the relevance of the selected sources; assess the usefulness including the strengths and weakness of the sources.
▪ Be concise and write a short summary with analysis
▪ Format and present the assignment co
ectly and professionally: First page is for title page; use the Font ‘Time New Roman’ and size 12 point and 1.5 line spacing for the body of your assignment. Leave a blank line between paragraphs and Left-justify/ left-aligned. Use bold for headings.
▪ A sample annotation and further assistance to this assignment is provided below on how to write the citation and annotation. When writing an annotated bibliography, the full citation should always come first and then the annotation. In the annotated bibliography, the student needs to include the following information:
· The purpose of the work
· A summary of its content
· Information about the author(s)
· For what type of audience was the work written?
· Its relevance to the topic
· Any special or unique features about the material
· Research methodology
· The strengths, weaknesses, or biases in the material
Annotated bibliographies may be a
anged alphabetically or chronologically.
An Example is included as a guide below:
McKinnon, A XXXXXXXXXXLessons learned in year one of business Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting, 30 (4), 26–28. 
This article describes some of the difficulties many nurses experience when transitioning from nursing to a nurse consulting business. While the article focuses on issues of work-life balance, the differences between working for someone else and working for yourself, marketing, and other business issues, the author’s offer of only their personal experience is
ief, with few or no alternative solutions provided. There is no mention throughout the article of making use of other research about starting a new business and being successful. While relying on anecdotal advice for their list of issues, the author does reference other business resources, such as the Small Business Administration to help with business planning and professional organisations that can help with mentorships. The article is a good resource for those wanting to start their own legal nurse consulting business; it's even a good first piece of advice. However, entrepreneurs should also use more business research studies focused on starting a new business, with strategies against known or expected pitfalls and issues new businesses face, and for help on topics the author did not touch on in this a
eviated list of lessons learned.
    The report must be a word document
    Word/Page limit
    Length of 1500 words, font Cali
i 12
    Referencing Style
    American Psychological Association (APA)
    Submission Guidelines
    No formal CIHE cover sheet is required. Instead, your name, student ID and group number must appear at the beginning of your report. This assessment must be submitted to Turnitin. Login to your Turnitin account, locate and click on the assignment submission link, carefully review the instructions, and then submit your assessment.
    Plagiarism and Academic Integrity
    At CIHE, we take academic integrity seriously and expect all students to maintain the highest standards of honesty and ethical behaviour in their academic work. As a student, it is your responsibility to ensure that all your academic endeavors are conducted with integrity and in accordance with the principles of honesty, fairness, and respect for intellectual property. Please refer to “CIHE Student Academic Integrity and Honesty Policy” in the Moodle for details.
    Late Submission Policy
    Requests for extensions will be granted only for exceptional circumstances that are supported by credible evidence. Duration of the extension period is only one week (6:00pm, Sunday of Week 11). Late submissions are subject to a 10% reduction in marks for each day of delay. Submissions after the extended date will not be marked.
Marking Ru
    Assessment Criteria
    High Distinction XXXXXXXXXX%)
    Distinction (75-84%)
    Credit (65-74%)
    Pass (50-64%)
    Fail (0-49%)
    Relevance of sources (15%)
    Sources chosen are highly relevant to the topic; Sources adds greatly to research potential; few, if any additional sources needed
    Most sources chosen are relevant to the topic; May require a small amount of additional research
    Some sources chosen are relevant to the topic; the writer may need additional sources to complete research
    Few sources chosen are relevant to the topic; the writer may require significant additional research
    Sources are not relevant to the researcher’s topic; Sources necessitate extensive additional research
    Reliability and Credibility of sources (15%)
    All sources are from credible, scholarly materials
    Most sources are from credible, scholarly materials.
    Some sources are from credible, scholarly materials.
    Few sources are from credible, scholarly materials.
    Sources are not from credible, scholarly materials.
    Annotations (20%)
    Annotations succinctly and comprehensively describe the source material; Annotations offer great insight into the source material
    Annotations comprehensively describe the source material; Annotations offer a better insight into the source material.
    Annotations fairly well describe the source material; Annotations offer a fair insight into the source material.
    Annotations are good enough to describe the source material; Annotations offer a good insight into the source material.
    Annotations do not fairly describe the source material; Annotations offer a poor insight into the source material.
    Evaluations and logical conclusions (20%)
    The evaluation clearly explains why the sources were chosen; demonstrates a clear and strong understanding of the research process that offers insight into the source.
    Evaluation explains why the sources were chosen; demonstrates a sound understanding of the research process that offers some good insight into the source.
    Evaluation explains why the sources were chosen; demonstrates a good understanding of the research process that offers a reasonable insight into the source.
    Evaluation explains to a certain extent why the sources were chosen; demonstrates some understanding of the research process.
    Evaluation does not explain why the sources were chosen; poorly demonstrates an understanding of the research process that offers poor insight into the source.
    Referencing (15%)
    Each source has a proper citation; All citations are complete; All are in the proper APA reference format
    Most of the sources have proper citations; Most citations are complete; Most of them are in the proper APA reference format.
    Some of the sources have proper citations; Some of the citations are complete; Some of them are in the proper APA reference format.
    Few sources have a proper citation; Few citations are complete; Few are in the proper APA reference format.
    Poor citation; All citations are incomplete; All most all are not in the proper APA reference format .
    Language (15%)
    Virtually free from grammatical, punctuation, and spelling e
ors; All the assignment requirements were met.
    Mostly free from grammatical, punctuation, and spelling e
ors; Most of the assignment requirements were met.
    Fairly free from grammatical, punctuation, and spelling e
ors; Some of the assignment requirements were met.
    Reasonably free from grammatical, punctuation, and spelling e
ors; some of the assignment requirements were met.
    A high level of grammatical, punctuation, and spelling e
ors; A very few of the assignment requirements were met.
    Final Mark .../30
Answered 1 days After Sep 01, 2023


Deblina answered on Sep 03 2023
31 Votes
Annotated Bibliography         2
Table of Contents
Article 1    3
Article 2    4
Article 2    6
References    8
Article 1
Urinov, B. N. (2020). Theoretical aspects of organizational behaviour and corporate culture. Economics and innovative technologies, 2020(2), 7.
The purpose of this work is to delve into the theoretical aspects of the organizational behaviour and corporate culture. It aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of these crucial aspects of organizational management and to contribute to the academic discourse in the field. In this article, the author explores the intricate relationship between organizational behaviour and corporate culture. He begins by establishing the foundations of both the concepts and proceeds to examine how they influence each other. Urinov discusses various theoretical frameworks and models, shedding light on how they can be applied to enhance organizational performance and cultivate a healthy corporate culture. The article also touches upon the role of the leadership in shaping these dynamics and highlights the importance of aligning behaviour and culture with the organization's strategic goals. Unfortunately, the article does not provide extensive information about the author. However, it is based on the content and journals context, it can be infe
ed that the author likely has to expertise in the field of economics and organizational behaviour’s work appears to be primarily intended for an academic audience, including scholars, researchers, and students interested in the domains of the organizational behaviour and corporate culture. It is likely to benefit those seeking A theoretical foundation in these areas or aiming to engage in scholarly discussions. The article is highly relevant to the topic of the organizational behaviour and corporate culture. It offers a theoretical exploration of these critical aspects of the organizations, providing readers with valuable insights and perspectives. The articles focus on the theory sets a strong foundation for understanding practical applications and managerial strategies.
One of the unique features of this work is its emphasis on the theoretical aspects of organizational behaviour and corporate culture. While there are numerous articles and books on the practical implementation of these concepts, the authored work takes a deeper dive into the underlying theories, providing a solid knowledge base for further research and practical applications. The article predominantly relies on the literature review approach, synthesizing existing theoretical frameworks and models related to organizational behaviour and a corporate culture. While it does not detail the specific research methods employed, it effectively compiles and analyses a wide range of theoretical perspectives. Heavily relies on the literature review approach. This involves the systematic collection and analysis of existing academic literature, theories, models, and concepts related to the organizational behaviour and corporate culture. The author likely conducted a comprehensive search of academic databases, journals, books, and other scholarly sources to identify relevant literature. Keywords under the relevant terms to or to the organizational behaviour, corporate culture, and related concepts have been used. There would have been specific criteria for including and excluding sources. For instance, the author might have focused on peer reviewed journal articles, books and seminal works while excluding a non-academic resource. Information from the selected...

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