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Length:1,500 words - excludes front cover page of your assignment and appendices. Of the cases provided you need to select one case for analysis. You are expected to clearly define key concepts,...

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Length:1,500 words - excludes front cover page of your assignment and appendices.

Of the cases provided you need to select one case for analysis. You are expected to clearly define key concepts, identify and critically analyse relevant issues with support by the theories and materials learned from the class. Further information about this assignment will be provided in class.

Suggested structure for your report:

Students will have the freedom to choose the most effective way to structure their report and areencouraged to use “business like” delivery formats that are commonly used in the workplace. Naturally, clarity and structure are critical elements of success. Students are also encouraged to use the available pages wisely and forego dwelling on defining terms that are obvious and already known. The report should be written as professionally in a business-like manner, reflecting its practicality, applicability and relevance to the business.

One possible essay structure may consist of,but not limited to the following sections:

·Introductionprovides your interpretation of the topic and clarifies the focus of your research. This then leads to the following sections with a succinct preview.

·Critiquebased on your literature review and secondary resources collected, this part of your essay will define the key concepts for your arguments. It should then develop logical arguments in relation to the assigned topic we covered in the class; critically analyse the key research themes and studies identified and discuss their managerial implications, if applicable.

·Conclusionis required to briefly reiterate the key arguments and key findings of your research and analyses above, your suggestions of managerial implications where appropriate, etc.

·Referencesyou are required to carefully review the relevant pieces of literature and appropriately cite your academic references. Students must distinguish clearly between their own words and opinions from those sources. Failure to provide appropriate citations can lead to a failure in this assignment.

Answered Same Day Jul 21, 2021


Nishtha answered on Aug 09 2021
154 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Key concept    4
Critical analysis    5
Suggestions and Conclusion    7
References    9
Galanz is a Chinese company. The company deals in manufacturing and manufacturer of microwave oven. Galanz founded in 1978 by Liang Qingde. At the primarily level, the operation of the product was manufacturing down feather products. When Galanz manufactures feather products, other companies from china were not allowed to export any product at that time without a quota. Galanz headquarter is in Shunde based on Guangdong (Galanz, 2020). As indicated in this case study, the company was own by foreign trade department of the Guangdong province. Galanz had a successful story on how the company gets its desired quota exportworth more than RMB 24 million of its products in 1992. Galanz transformed the business from the manufacturer of feature products to manufacturer of microwave oven in addition with having more than 50 percent share in the market worldwide. The company had to compete with the established
ands like LG, Toshiba and Panasonic in Chinese market. At the initial level, Galanz started producing microwave oven for sale in the home’s country market that is the domestic market. The company used to purchase its production technology and key components from Japan. After that, the company started its own OEM that is original equipment manufacturing business operation. This step got attention of many foreign
ands business owners to outsource their production to Galanz. After some time the company transformed into an original design company (ODM). Galanz gets recognition when the company combined both OEM and ODM, the
and recognized in overseas market. Other strategy that company undertook is low cost of production, the company had access of cheap land and labor both that results into low production cost. These were some of the main strategy of the company that led to large volume of sales as Galanz, also able to offer its product at low price than its competitors. Moreover, the company has excellent research and development and defines supply chain system. The company has benefits of undisrupted capabilities and innovative products, which makes its operations well known in domestic as well as in international market.
Key concept
Galanz worked continuously on changing and innovating its operational management strategies, so that it succeeds in global market. The ultimate objective of the company is to make operations more efficient and effective in nature, addition with lower cost of production. This will help the company in improving its competitiveness and share in market. The operational manager of the galanz is responsible for transforming the input into output and ready for consumption. The operational manager of the Galanz was also responsible for effective international supply chain management of the company. He oversees the overseas supply chain and ensures it establishes successful operation strategy. Primarily company has started its operation by buying magnetrons products from its competitors. Therefore, the competitors of Galanz cut the supply of magnetrons in order to create ba
iers to growth of Galanz. This incident influenced Galanz to start its own manufacturing of magnetrons. This is one of the operational strategies that helped Galanz in order to made success and enhanced its productivity. The company...

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