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Chapter 2 presents the Five Steps for Constructing Moral Arguments. For your final project, you will construct a moral argument using these steps and present a powerpoint presentation . Read the 3...

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Chapter 2 presents the Five Steps for Constructing Moral Arguments. 
For your final project, you will construct a moral argument using these steps and present a powerpoint presentation .
Read the 3 Famous Moral Dilemmas that Will Really Make you Think.   Select one of the three to argue. 
Link : https:
Create a powerpoint with the following guidelines:
· Section 1: Background (title page, scenario that you selected)
· Section 2: Develop a list of premises
· Section 3: Eliminate i
elevant or weak premises (explain why these were eliminated)
· Section 4: Come to a conclusion
· Section 5: Try out your argument on others
· Section 6: Revise your argument if necessary.
Answered Same Day Aug 20, 2020


Shanaaya answered on Aug 22 2020
150 Votes
Moral Ethical Dilema
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Moral Ethical Dilemma-The Baby Problem
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Section 1: Background
In this I have selected the Dilemma no.2 which is The Baby Problem
The situation is either to kill your baby, save one self & entire town
Let the baby cough and make an individual & entire town get killed.
Section 2: Develop a list of premises
The killers are not able to find us.
The baby does not coughs.
We are able to suppress baby’s cough through making certain other noise elsewhere to distract killers
Police comes in and killers runs away
Townsman and all the people fought with killers and made them run away although few people got injured.
I leave the secret place with my baby so that everyone else gets saved at least (Yusuf, 2015).
I kill my baby with my hands.    
List of more premises
Few townsman were able to escape and diverted band’s attention and band ran after them to chase
Those townsman did not got caught and we all also moved to safer place once band is not around.
Baby had his cough when few Townsman ran away taking band with them and settles for good...

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