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PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. This is Doctoral work!! Provide one response to EACH student’s POST. Each response should be 150 words. PLEASE KEEP IN ORDER; the responses must be relevant to the...

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PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. This is Doctoral work!! Provide one response to EACH student’s POST. Each response should be 150 words. PLEASE KEEP IN ORDER; the responses must be relevant to the student’s post. LET’S MAKE SURE ALL QUESTIONS ARE COVERED AND ANSWERED, and no negative responses to each student’s post.

Answered Same Day Feb 01, 2024


Dipali answered on Feb 02 2024
23 Votes
Table of contents
Response to Edward Lisoski    3
Response to Shelby Kennell    3
Response to Deanna Mcmullen    4
References    5
Response to Edward Lisoski
Edward You accurately recognise the crucial significance that well created slide decks have in capturing the attention of an audience. The comprehensive approach to effective communication is in line with your emphasis on the "how" information is conveyed. The conversation is greatly enhanced by the link you gave to David Phillips' instructional and the free content book that goes along with it. "Avoid Death by PowerPoint," a tutorial by David Phillips, is an excellent resource. The focus on avoiding cluttering presentations and involving the audience through interaction is in line with the ideas Shelby Kennell and I have been discussing. Your resource sharing is proactive and demonstrates your dedication to ongoing presentation design improvement (Yu et al., 2020).
I am going to use the lessons I learned from David Phillips' course to my future design work, making a bigger effort to prioritise visual appeal, simplicity, and interaction. By doing this, I hope to provide presentations that engage and connect with the audience in addition to providing information, making for an engaging and...

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