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Deanna Mcmullen
Is there any value in the concept of sustaining change?
Yes, sustaining change is crucial in organizational development. It involves maintaining and reinforcing positive changes to ensure they become embedded in the organizational culture. This helps prevent a return to old habits and ensures long-term benefits from the implemented changes. Period team meetings, organization sensing meetings, periodic intergroup meetings, renewal conferences, goal-directed performance reviews, and periodic visits from outside consultants are all mechanisms to sustain change (Anderson, 2020).
ROI on Consultant Driven Change
According to Thusini et al (2022) “ROI is one of many financial metrics used to judge efficiency of an investment” (para 7). Consultant-drive change can yield a significant return on investment for organizations. External consultants
ing specialized expertise, objectivity, and a fresh perspective. They can expedite the change process, leading to quicker results. Additionally, their experience can help navigate challenges more efficiently, minimizing potential disruptions and ensuring a smoother transition.  While there are costs associated with consultants, the enhanced effectiveness and faster implementation often contribute to a positive ROI over the long term.
Other Change Methods
Strong leadership support and commitment are vital. When leaders consistently endorse and model the desired changes, it reinforces the importance of the new behaviors. Engaging employees in the change process fosters ownership and commitment. Involving them in decision-making and seeking their input can create a sense of responsibility for the changes. Additionally, clear and continuous communication about the reasons for change, progress updates, and the expected benefits helps manage uncertainty and builds trust among employees. Providing adequate training ensures that employees have the necessary skills to adapt to new processes or systems, increasing the likelihood of successful change adoption.
Thusini, S., Milenova, M., Nahabedian, N., Grey, B., Soukup, T., Chua, K. C., & Henderson, C XXXXXXXXXXThe development of the concept of return-on-investment from large-scale quality improvement programmes in healthcare: an integrative systematic literature review. BMC health services research, 22(1), 1492. https: XXXXXXXXXX.
Anderson, D. L. (2020). Organization development: The process of leading organizational change (5th ed.). SAGE Publications.
Justin Smith
The concept of sustaining change holds great value in today's business environment. Organizations are constantly confronted with changing market conditions, cultural shifts, and environmental challenges. Sustaining change implies not just implementing change initiatives but ensuring their long-term viability and adaptability. This concept is important for establishing organizational agility and resilience.
When considering the return on investment (ROI) for consultant-driven change, it's important to recognize the potential benefits they
ing. Consultants often provide specialized knowledge, experience, and an external perspective that can be invaluable for navigating complex transformations. The ROI is evident in the efficiency of implementation, minimized disruption, and the ability to tap into best practices (Saenz, XXXXXXXXXXAdditionally, consultants can facilitate knowledge transfer, empowering internal teams to sustain the changes over the long term.
Various methods exist to sustain change beyond consultant-driven efforts. One effective approach is creating a culture of continuous improvement within the organization. This involves encouraging employees at all levels to contribute ideas, em
ace innovation, and adapt to change as a constant. Leadership plays a major role in modeling this behavior and ensuring that it permeates throughout the organizational structure (Anderson, XXXXXXXXXXEmployee training and development programs are another element for sustaining change. By investing in the skills and capabilities of the workforce, organizations can build a more adaptable and responsive team. This not only enhances the organization's ability to implement changes but also ensures that employees are equipped to navigate evolving challenges.
Anderson, D. L. (2020). Organization development: The process of leading organizational change (5th ed.). SAGE Publications.
Saenz, C. (2018). Return on investment in corporate responsibility : measuring the social, economic, and environmental value of sustainable business. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Keaundria Jackson
concept of sustaining change holds significant value in various contexts, especially within organizational and societal frameworks. Change, whether it be in business processes, cultural norms, or environmental practices, is often met with initial resistance and challenges. Sustaining change involves the ability to ensure that the implemented changes endure over time and become ingrained in the fa
ic of the organization or community.
One key aspect of sustaining change is the long-term impact it can have on organizational performance and adaptability. Organizations that can effectively sustain change are better equipped to navigate dynamic environments, stay ahead of competitors, and respond proactively to evolving market conditions. This adaptability is crucial for fostering innovation and continuous improvement, as sustained change becomes part of the organizational culture.
Moreover, in the context of societal or environmental change, the concept of sustaining change takes on a
oader significance. It involves creating lasting shifts in behaviors, attitudes, and practices that contribute to long-term well-being and sustainability. For example, sustainability initiatives that focus on reducing ca
on footprints, promoting renewable energy, and fostering eco-friendly practices aim to create lasting change that benefits the planet for generations to come. In essence, sustaining change is not just about the immediate transformation but ensuring that these transformations endure for the betterment of individuals, organizations, and the world at large.
Engaging consultants to drive change within an organization can yield a substantial return on investment (ROI) for several reasons. Firstly, consultants
ing a wealth of expertise and experience to the table, often specializing in particular industries or change management methodologies. Their external perspective allows for a fresh and unbiased analysis of organizational challenges, leading to more effective and innovative solutions. This expertise accelerates the change process, minimizing the learning curve and swiftly implementing strategies that may have taken an internal team much longer to develop.
Secondly, consultants often
ing a level of objectivity that can be challenging to achieve internally. They are not bound by existing organizational dynamics or personal relationships, enabling them to make unbiased assessments and recommendations. This objectivity is crucial in addressing underlying issues and facilitating difficult conversations that may be necessary for successful change. By leveraging their impartiality, consultants can guide organizations through the change process with a focus on strategic goals and measurable outcomes, ultimately maximizing the ROI on the change initiative.
Sustaining change requires a multifaceted approach that goes beyond the initial implementation phase. One effective method is fostering a culture of continuous improvement within the organization. This involves creating an environment where employees are encouraged to contribute ideas, provide feedback, and actively participate in the evolution of processes. By integrating continuous improvement into the organizational DNA, there is a greater likelihood that changes will be em
aced and refined over time, ensuring their long-term sustainability.
Employee engagement plays a pivotal role in sustaining change. Organizations can achieve this by involving employees in the change process from the beginning, ensuring their input is valued, and addressing concerns transparently. When employees feel a sense of ownership and see the positive impact of the changes on their work environment and roles, they are more likely to support and sustain those changes. Communication is key in this regard, as ongoing dialogue about the purpose and benefits of the changes fosters a shared understanding and commitment among the workforce.
Furthermore, measurement and accountability are essential elements in sustaining change. Establishing clear metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) allows organizations to track the progress of the implemented changes and make data-driven decisions. Regular assessments and reviews help identify areas that may need adjustment or further refinement. Additionally, holding individuals and teams accountable for the success of the change initiative ensures that the momentum is maintained, and efforts are consistently aligned with the organization's objectives. Through a combination of cultural integration, employee engagement, and robust measurement mechanisms, organizations can significantly enhance their ability to sustain change and realize long-term benefits.

Evaluating and Sustaining Change [WLOs: 1 and 3] [CLOs: 3 and 4]
Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapters 13 and 14 of the textbook.
Today’s organizations must constantly change and adapt to remain agile and keep up with the competition, changing cultural events, and environmental challenges. Respond to the following thoughts regarding sustainability:
· Is there any value in the concept of sustaining change?
· Argue the return on investment for consultant-driven change.
· What other methods to sustain change have you seen?
Your initial post must be specific, significant, and at least 250 words. You must support your post with at least two credible resources in addition to the course text to defend your understanding of the sustainability of change and the evaluation process. Use the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources
Answered Same Day Jan 31, 2024


Deblina answered on Feb 01 2024
19 Votes
Response Post          2
Table of Contents
Response Post to Deana McMullen    3
Response Post to Justin Smith    3
Response Post to Keaundria Jackson    4
References    6
Response Post to Deana McMullen
Sustaining change is indeed a crucial concept in today's dynamic business environment. I strongly believe that organizations that can adapt and evolve are better positioned to thrive amidst competition, cultural shifts, and environmental challenges. Sustaining change involves not just implementing transformations but ensuring their longevity and integration into the organizational fa
ic. This concept is essential for fostering organizational agility and resilience.
The return on investment (ROI) for consultant-driven change is significant and merits consideration. External consultants
ing specialized expertise, objectivity, and a fresh perspective, expediting the change process and leading to quicker results. While there are associated costs, the enhanced effectiveness and faster implementation often contribute to a positive ROI over the long term. Consultants can navigate challenges more efficiently, minimizing disruptions and ensuring a smoother transition. In my opinion, their experience and insights can lead to innovative solutions, providing organizations with a competitive edge.
Beyond consultant-driven change, various methods can sustain change within organizations. One effective approach is strong leadership support and commitment. I agree with you that leaders who consistently endorse and model the desired changes reinforce...

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