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PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. This is Doctoral work!! Provide one response to EACH student’s POST. Each response should be 150 words. PLEASE KEEP IN ORDER; the responses must be relevant to the...

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PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. This is Doctoral work!! Provide one response to EACH student’s POST. Each response should be 150 words. PLEASE KEEP IN ORDER; the responses must be relevant to the student’s post. LET’S MAKE SURE ALL QUESTIONS ARE COVERED AND ANSWERED, and no negative responses to each student’s post.

Answered Same Day Jan 25, 2024


Dipali answered on Jan 26 2024
21 Votes
Table of contents
Edward Lisoski    3
Shelby Kennell    3
Chassity Ivory    4
References    6
Edward Lisoski
It is a wise remark that you made about the widespread misconception about reluctance to change. It is true that certain changes, like getting a raise, getting a new automobile, or meeting new people, are welcomed. The essence of these adjustments is what makes them fundamentally different; they are often constructive, advantageous to the individual, and under their own control. Resistance in organisational growth frequently results from things like unfamiliarity with new technology, fear of losing one's job, or an increase in effort. Your inquiry on the actual resistance of individuals leads to a more thorough examination of the psychological and emotional elements of organisational change.
It is critical to understand that opposition to organisational changes is frequently fuelled by perceived dangers and uncertainty (Hanelt et al., 2021). Resistance may be lessened by investigating and comprehending these wo
ies, as well as by communicating clearly and involving staff members in the change process. Organisations may foster a more positive response to change by highlighting the benefits of the change and involve staff members in decision-making. The complexity of organisational dynamics is reflected in this...

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