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PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. This is Doctoral work!! Provide one response to EACH student’s POST. Each response should be 150 words. PLEASE KEEP IN ORDER; the responses must be relevant to the...

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PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. This is Doctoral work!! Provide one response to EACH student’s POST. Each response should be 150 words. PLEASE KEEP IN ORDER; the responses must be relevant to the student’s post. LET’S MAKE SURE ALL QUESTIONS ARE COVERED AND ANSWERED, and no negative responses to each student’s post.

Answered Same Day Feb 07, 2024


Dipali answered on Feb 08 2024
21 Votes
Table of contents
Introduction    3
Care Needs    3
Access to Services    4
Perspectives of Patients or Residents    4
Conclusion    5
References    7
Response to Keaundria Jackson
    Keaundria, your thorough analysis of the difficulties facing worldwide Organizational Development (OD) reveals a deep comprehension of the complex processes at work. Your explanation of how cultural variety affects corporate goal alignment and communication
eakdowns is insightful and speaks to the challenges encountered by multinational corporations. Your study gains depth when you take into account how globalization has introduced issues like discrepancies in technology and corporate practices.
    Your emphasis on management and leadership issues highlights how crucial skilled leadership is for surviving in a globalized world. Your recognition of power distance as a cultural factor influencing communication methods, organizational structure, leadership philosophies, and change management techniques demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of cultural subtleties. Furthermore, you have demonstrated a thorough awareness of the complex issues in global OD by include time orientation as an additional dimension and discussing its...

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