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Assignment:In week 1, you were asked to complete a chart outlining the functions of an organization you are familiar with or have worked for. You can use the assignment from week 1, introduce the...

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Assignment:In week 1, you were asked to complete a chart outlining the functions of an organization you are familiar with or have worked for. You can use the assignment from week 1, introduce the organization,and provide the chart (250 words minimum plus chart).Depending on the industry of your chosen organization, describe in detail how location strategy and human resources affect the success/failure of the organization. Be specific and use sources! (250 words minimum).Describe in detail what a successful supply chain looks like for the business you introduced. If you chose a service organization, do your research – there is still a supply chain! Why is it successful/unsuccessful?What do you recommend should be done differently/what works well? Be specific! (250 words minimum).Many companies are investigating how an ERP System can help increase efficiencies and profits.Companies are presented with a number of options which they need to consider when deciding on an ERP System. Describe the ERP system of your chosen company; if they do not have one, what would you suggest they do? Use the comparative assessment you completed in week 6 as a guideline (250 wordsminimum).Lastly, describe how Project Management techniques can help in Operations Management. How should Project Management be used in the organization you chose? What would it look like and what would be the benefit? (250 words minimum).
** You will submit a Word document that contains a cover page, a table of contents, and a reference page that includes most of the sources you will use for writing this paper.
Answered 1 days After Mar 13, 2022


Shubham answered on Mar 14 2022
117 Votes
Running Head: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT                        1
OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT                                2
Table of Contents
Introduction and chart    3
Location strategy and human resources    4
Supply Chain    5
ERP system    5
Project Management techniques and Operation Management    6
References    8
Introduction and chart
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) was founded in the year 1864 in Helifax, Nova Scotia. It is one of the five biggest banks of Canada with net revenue (C$11.4 billion in 2020) and capitalization (C$132.5 billion in 2020) (Investopedia, 2021). RBC is listed on renowned stock exchanges of the world like Swiss Exchange, Toronto Stock Exchange and New York Stock Exchange.
Bank offers variety of products and services in wealth management, investor and treasury services, personal and commercial banking, insurance services, corporate and investment banking, asset and trust management services, retail banking, corporate banking and capital markets (RBC, 2021).
Organization Chart of Royal Bank of Canada
The organization structure of RBC is its strength because there are core five divisions which are operated in the bank. They offer varied variety of financial products and services to the customers. After the crisis of 2008 banks comes under strict monitoring of regulations. Therefore, the
anch of retail banking has become less profitable. Majority of its revenue comes from operations outside Canada. This has helped it to spread the risk and take advantage of different markets across the globe. This is due to the fact that it has presence in nearly 36 countries (RBC, 2021).
It has to address the risk of online security
eaches because being a publicly traded company any such occu
ence will hurt investor’s sentiments and distu
the confidence in the business. Pandemic created challenges for the whole world but despite that bank was firm and managed the storm.
Location strategy and human resources
Location: It is one of the marketing mix element in which the bank invested strategically. It depends on the factors like community drive, mapping of statistical data like traffic volume, future prospects, mathematical modelling which is used to assess the site and available opportunities to enhance customer experience. It has presence in 36 countries of the world majorly in Europe, Asia, UK and US apart from Canada. As per Joy these countries are developed or some of them are fastest growing economies ensuring high prospects for the business. The network of 1500
anches with 6000+ automated machines has helped to reach customers in big numbers. These
anches are accessible by corporates, individuals, institutions and other global enterprises. It helps to extend the services through various channels throughout the day. As businesses are going global so are the banking needs.
Human Resource: As mentioned by Madhani (2019) the reward strategy of Royal Bank of Canada is effective in keeping the morale high. It impacts the service- profit chain thus ensuring high satisfaction levels among employees. Apart from...

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