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W7 Writing Assignment: Why Should We Save the Planet? Requirements: Answer the following questions in XXXXXXXXXXwords each and submit your responses to the instructor using the Writing Assignment...

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W7 Writing Assignment: Why Should We Save the Planet?
Requirements: Answer the following questions in XXXXXXXXXXwords each and submit your responses to the instructor using the Writing Assignment Folder in Sakai. Your document should be in a Word document format (.doc or .docx).
Please read the case starting on page 665: Why Should We Save the Planet?
Answer one of the following six questions. Please defend your answer well.
1. It sounds like redbeard_90 might think that humans doing damage to the environment is OK because it’s just a symptom of “humans transforming the planet to better suit us.”
Where is redbeard_90 placing value?
What might redbeard_90’s attitude be toward the free use conception of the human relation with the environment?
What is the domination and progress argument against worrying about saving the planet? How could that argument fit together with what redbeard_90 wrote?
2. The response by a woman named Super Nova includes this reasoning: “We should try to save the planet because there would be less people with health problems. Did you know that there are more people with respiratory problems because of all the air pollution contributing to it? Also, we should think about future generations on Earth and how it would affect our future. Also, global warming is affecting our essential natural resources like food and lakes are drying up and it is causing more droughts in the world.”
The overall tone of her answer is strong with conviction.
It sounds like Super Nova wants to save the planet. What values sit underneath her desire? Why does she think environmental protection is important?
Does it sound like she believes nature in itself has value? Why or why not?
4. The poster named scottsdalehigh64 is the most intense. He’s also fairly experienced: assuming his username is true and he graduated high school in 1964, he’s about retirement age now. He writes, “There is an alternate question: Why do we think we have a right to be so destructive to other life forms on the planet? Perhaps the best answer is that we want to leave a good place to live for the species that are left when we go extinct.”
Unlike most of the other posters, he doesn’t include any personal note or “best wishes” type line in his response. He’s focused and intense.
How much value does scottsdalehigh64 place in human existence?
Where does he place value? What does scottsdalehigh64 think is worth aiding and protecting?
Just from his words, how do you imagine scottsdalehigh64 would define “a good place to live?”
6. An excited poster, KiRa01, announces, “Just live like theres no tomorrow!!!!” With respect to the environment, justify his attitude in ethical terms.
Answered Same Day Oct 19, 2021


Somprikta answered on Oct 20 2021
117 Votes
Ethics        2
Table of Contents
Questions and Answers    3
References    7
Questions and Answers
1. From the string of comments associated with the notion of saving the planet for the sake of both humans as well as animals, the commentator redbeard_90 places his value in the present. The commentator is a believer of the notion that it is important to live in the cu
ent moment, rather than procrastinating about the future. That is to say, redbeard_90 is a strong follower of the notion of carpe diem. redbeard_90 is sustaining the belief that humans are superior to nature, therefore, whatever actions the humans perform, is co
ect and justified (saylordotorg, 2020). As a result of this belief, redbeard_90 is ha
oring the false idea that nature will accustom to the changes made by humans on the face of the earth.
The domination and progress argument against wo
ying about saving the planet as well as protecting it from climate change is that there are a number of threats to existence that are associated with the notion of working towards the consequences of climate change. The first threat which ought to be given a significant priority is the tradeoff between the short term and long term benefits. The overt valuation of the short-term benefits over that of the long term is something that hinders the notion of saving the planet. Ignoring climate change in the short term benefit of the notion ensures that people continue exploiting fossil fuels, creating immense rates of pollution, degrading nature to a great extent, and so on. Additionally, climate change is not a linear problem, therefore, it becomes difficult for the citizens to directly link the issue with all the long-term consequences of the same.
The argument exactly fits the comment initiated by redbeard_90. He too does not think of the long-term consequences of saving the planet. As a result of this, he...

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