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The tone at the top of a firm "speaks loudest".We hear this phrase a lot, because it's true.Organizational leaders set the tone for acceptable and unacceptable behaviors in a firm based on what they...

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The tone at the top of a firm "speaks loudest".We hear this phrase a lot, because it's true.Organizational leaders set the tone for acceptable and unacceptable behaviors in a firm based on what they reward, punish, and ignore. In management, we often state that "what you measure, you reinforce." If pay raises and promotions are tied to a specific metric (sales, safety, production volume, tardiness, product defects, service reviews, etc.) then that is the metric your employees will focus on.

Congratulations!! You are the proud owner/CEO of your very own business. You get to build the organizational structures and culture from theground up. Take into consideration information from Ghillyer (2018), personal experience, and the Profile of aFraudster(link in Content Folder). Explain:

  • How do you build an unethical organization?
  • How do you build an ethical organization?

Minimum of 450 words.

Answered Same Day Jul 26, 2021


Anjali answered on Jul 27 2021
133 Votes
Ethical and Unethical Organizational Culture
Creating an ethical education thus requires thinking about honesty not simply as a belief problem but also as a pattern problem. Most people have less difficulty knowing what is right or wrong than they do keeping moral studies top of mind when making decisions. Moral mistakes can therefore be reduced in a culture where ethics are at the centre of attention. A leader creating an rightful culture should try to create conditions that keep moral rules top of mind, reward integrity through formal and informal encouragement and chances, and create honesty into day-to-day behaviour. To create an truthful enterprise education following are the combination of practices that must be considered:
· Be an example and be clear- Workers are the asset of the company. They look to the behaviour of top administration as an example of what is acceptable behaviour in the workplace. When top management is observed by employees to take the truthful route, it sends a favourable notice for all employees.
· Convey truthful intentions- Integrity doubts can be reduced by creating and advertising an company law of honesty. However, a law of ethics is worthless if top administration fails to pattern truthful...

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