your ethics assignment guidelines
Part A: Personal profile
Sector of your firm
No of Employment size (full-time) of
your firm?
The age of the where you work since
Type of the firm’s ownership –private,
public, foreign, JVO
7. No of
professional experience to date, not only with the current firm
half a page)
Part B: Company profile
1) Brief
history of the company, organizational structure, Any awards won by the company
– when, the awarding institution and why the award
2) Description
of products/service
(Maximum 2 pages if there are any organogram,
tables, chart send them to the appendix)
Part C: Discussion of the issue – main body of the work
1) Explain the meaning of ethical
management in your organizations and how that is different from codified
2) State and
explain all the areas in your
organisations which are covered by ethics (eg sexual harassment is covered in
my organization in detail by ethics) – There is the need to explain clearly
every ethical principle in detail including why there were put in a code of
conduct, including their importance of what the company does
a) Are
the areas covered in ethics at your company written down?
If no why?
If yes what is the name of the
document containing the ethical issues?
d) To
what extent does everyone have access to this document?
3) State and
explain areas in your organisation that are not covered by ethics, including why
you think the organization has not covered them ethically and your
justifications why they must be covered
Discuss the extent to which the areas in your organisations covered by code of ethics
are enforced?
How is it communicated – (eg in
meetings, notices, corporate manuals);
How it is rewarded (e.g. are people
praised when they behave ethically, does the firm have any cash or in-kind
awards? Here if there are any cite as many cases as possible that what was the
issue, when, who was involved, how did the firm administer the rewards
How is it punished, etc.(e.g. naming and
shaming, demotion, suspension)- here too if there are any cite as many cases as
possible – what was the issue, who was involved, how did the firm administer
the punishments, etc.
5) Discuss how
the management of ethics in your organization is embedded in the structure of
your organization – eg are there ethics committees, e.g ethics reward
committee, discipline committee, etc
6) From your knowledge
about ethics and values so far, how will you critique or appraise your firm
from best/sound ethical practices viewpoint
7) Knowing your
organisation’s stand on ethical behaviour, what will be your recommendations to
improve on its ethical practices?
single spacing
2) Font-type – Times New Romans
3) Font size 12
4) Mast have a Table of Contents
5) Must have an executive summary
count – a minimum of 2500 word