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Describe your preferred leadership style. XXXXXXXXXXWhat life experiences influenced that particular leadership style?What, if anything, would motivate you to change your style? Please provide...

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Describe your preferred leadership style.

XXXXXXXXXXWhat life experiences influenced that particular leadership style?What, if anything, would motivate you to change your style? Please provide references .
Answered Same Day Jun 11, 2020


Shashank answered on Jun 13 2020
138 Votes
Article on prefe
ed Leadership Style
My prefe
ed leadership style is democratic leadership. There have been various reasons behind getting inclined towards this type of leadership style. This does not imply that other leadership style is considered bad, it is just the association of my personality has been more with this kind of leadership style.
In this kind of style, the decision making involves the subordinates and their view is taken into account. Unlike autocratic style, the head is chosen by their subordinates and holds the final responsibility. The unique characteristics of this leadership style is communication which is active upward and downward. The process that is followed can be assured to be fair, more competent than other leadership style, includes creativity, demands courage by the leader, intelligence and promotes honest behavior. This has been really helpful in implementing in the life decisions that has been taken at various fronts. The president of world most powerful nation United States, has been following democratic leadership style which has helped them take strong and responsible decisions which are for the good of majority. At workplaces, democratic leadership style helps the leader the most because the experienced people who su
ounds the head helps them take a responsible and effective decisions which can lead to growth in career path at an accelerated rate. The problems that come in work can be solved in collaborative manner and team succeeds when everyone makes efforts to achieve the objective. Many organization leaders have become...

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