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At the end of each Reading or Case,there will be a section titled“Questions”.Provide responses to the questions listed.Responses for reach question should be well-developed.Some questions require...

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At the end of each Reading or Case,there will be a section titled“Questions”.Provide responses to the questions listed.Responses for reach question should be well-developed.Some questions require longer answers than others.Please provide at least one sentence(not a one-word answer)to more basic questions.For more complex questions,think in terms of a well-organized paragraph as a good rule of thumb.My main concern is your analysis presented and the application of what you have learned from the reading to those situations,and not so much the volume of writing in response.Think through the situations and share your thoughts.Feel free to share any questions you have via email.When evaluating each question/scenario,please consider who is impacted by the decision,what are the costs/benefits of the decision for each of those people impacted,and how the decision may align with your personal values.

  • Thinking Critically10.2 The Failed Transformation of BP (Questions XXXXXXXXXXprint text pp XXXXXXXXXX;etextat the very end of Chapter 10)
  • Thinking Critically10.3 Unprofessional Conduct (Questions XXXXXXXXXXprint text pp XXXXXXXXXX;etextat the very end of Chapter 10)

Please submit your response in a paper format (title page, content, and Reference page, double-spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font).

Answered Same Day Aug 16, 2021


Taruna answered on Aug 17 2021
153 Votes
Case Study: BP Oil Spill
Response One
    As per the observation of the given case study, the two major fines impose over BP are evident enough that recu
ing negligence in work is seen as ingrained in the corporate culture. Moreover, fines are duly understood by the administration as something that is the ‘cost of doing businesses’. The safety parameters in the first tragedy could be reversed, had the company officials not focused on earning profits merely. Even under Hayward, BP did not focus on strategic grounds which could cause failures in operations and it resulted in another fine. Overall, the improvement within the gap of two tragedies, the time taken as well as the strategies applied does not imply that BP officials were willing to change their culture of doing business in oil and refinery.
Response Two
    Hayward’s argument stands as futile in this case; he took over BP as a geologist, an experienced professional who was well aware of the environmental factors. Before taking over as CEO, he must have gone through the merits and demerits of the company as well as his own goals of the future to ensure the quality in business. Three years as CEO of the company were fairly enough to
ing root changes in the organizational culture. He failed because he ca
ied out the legacy of previous owner in spite of knowing the fact that he had to take the work ahead of quality.

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