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APA 6 edition style intext citation automated bibliography academic journal references plz Watch and reflect: Watch the interview with Ray Anderson, former CEO of Interface Carpets...

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APA 6 edition style intext citation automated bibliography academic journal references plz Watch and reflect:

Watch the interview with Ray Anderson, former CEO of Interface Carpets at

Now go to the Interface website and read and reflect on the sustainability sections of the website. In particular watch the short videos in the ‘Challenges’ section covering closed loop products, zero footprint and engaged culture. Reflect on these videos and summarise in no more than 200 words under Week Four in your Learning Journal (a) what you consider to be the key factors drivingthe success of Interface’s sustainability initiatives, and (b) how Interface has integrated the principles of natural capitalism into the people, process and culture?

You may find it useful to compare the innovation of Interface to the achievements of your own organisation or an organistion with which you are familiar'.

Answered Same Day Mar 28, 2020


Ritika answered on Mar 29 2020
139 Votes
Journal 3: Week 4: Business Models for Sustainability
This video is interesting as it showcases Mr. Ray Anderson discussing about the corporate responsibility that is required when it comes to action and the environment su
ounding us. Anderson, though is the CEO of Interface Global, which is also the largest carpet manufacturer in the US talks about how important it is to be sustainable and one that can develop even the renewable resources. The sustainability section of the Interface website discusses about how humanity has changed the climate and how the damage hence caused needs to be changed and modified. Natural capitalism in consideration is also an important aspect in this highly innovative method. Climate take back is what the...

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