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A detail statement of the problem that you would like to investigate. Research aim, objectives and research questions : What are the potential research objectives and questions that can address the...

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  • A detail statement of the problemthat you would like to investigate.
  • Research aim, objectives and research questions: What are the potential research objectives and questions that can address the problem?
  • Justification and potential output of the research project: Why is your chosen project important both theoretically and practically? What are the potential outputs and outcomes of your research?
  • Conceptual framework: An analysis of the literature relevant to the research topic that will give you the conceptual basis for conducting this research.
  • Methodology and presenting secondary data: Based on the conceptual framework, research aim(s) and objectives, you need to provide a detail description of the data collection methods and tools, data sources and the methods/tools that you will use to analyse the data.
  • Organisation of the study, project budget and schedule: Write the names of the chapters/sections of your research report, and briefly discuss what you will write in those chapters/sections followed by a brief description of budget for conducting this study and project schedule i.e., Gantt Chart.

This is an individual research task. You are required to demonstrate your understanding of the relevant body of works to a real-life business research. We expect you to read and reflect on at least twenty recent refereed journal articles on your topic supported by any other evidence or information that can help refine the problem of your research, formulate conceptual framework and the methods of data collection and analysis. Please see detailed guidelines about specific research requirements on the unit Moodle site. You can write3000 words maximumfor this assignment. The cover page and the list of references are not counted in the word limit.

Answered Same Day May 27, 2020 BUSN20016 Central Queensland University


Sangeeta answered on May 30 2020
155 Votes
Gender Inequality in Education Sector: The Case of Central Queensland University Australia
Problem Statement
Most women pursuing for senior management position believe that glass ceiling still exist in career progression which creates challenges and discrepancies in the workplace. However, Australia’s gender pay gap cu
ently sits at 17% (Ryan, 2015). A study conducted by Federal Government’s Workplace Gender Equality Agency (2012) mentioned that on average men earn more than 25% with compared to women. The argument for this research article is that women are treated unfairly despite of having the same qualification profile as of their male colleagues. However, in education sector also, women are not getting appropriate chances to begin and build their career. There exists gender gap among domestic students which is also now widening to 20% in the cu
ent year (Agénor, 2018). Though, the proportionate of female completing tertiary courses has jumped to 129,045 which show a 64% increase from past decades; while the number of male attending the course is 57,310 only (Martin, 2015). Therefore, addressing women’s needs and improving the issuer of gender balance is essential to persuade more skilled and qualified women to the industry (Agénor, 2018). Additionally, it is also observed that women hold position in more than half of the Australian public service and they are on senior government positions as well. There are more than 30% of women operating Australia’s small businesses which clear that equal opportunities ought to be given to both the gender (Risman, Myers & Sin, 2018). Further, taking the above discussion into consideration the chief purpose of this research is to identify the glass ceiling & Gender inequality for women by taking the case of Central Queensland University Australia.
Research aim, objectives and research questions
The main aim of research proposal is to identify the glass ceiling & Gender inequality for women by taking the case of Central Queensland University Australia. Along with this, discussion is also made regarding the challenges and ba
ier which female employees experience in education sector.
Research Objective
· To analyse the factors that lead to gender inequality at Central Queensland University Australia
Research Questions
· What is the cu
ent rate of gender equality in education sector at Central Queensland University Australia?
· What challenges are faced by the female employee at Central Queensland University Australia?
· What factors that leads to gender inequality at Central Queensland University Australia?
· What strategies could be considered by at Central Queensland University Australia to deal with such gender inequality?
Justification and potential output of the research project
The study of factors leading to gender inequality in education sector would hold the following importance:
(i) The research is expected to assist educational planners, educational policy makers and education decision formers to propose diverse perceptions on attempting to make equal prospect in education for females.
(ii) The research attempts to allow policy developers, decision makers and planners to develop gender sensitive programmes within schools and colleges henceforth for creating atmosphere of equal access to education for all. Thus, the prevailing policies related to gender might be examined and altered for realization of equal admittance for males as well as females.
(iii) The research also aims at helping parents along with other educational stakeholders for changing their outlooks toward females’ education. The data gathered from this research would assist in creating insights on significance of females’ education towards the development of society and community as a whole, this will drive parents for creating equal admittance to education to both males and females.
(iv) The research is projected to improve the references regarding gender inequality in educational or associated forces resulting in gender inequality within education sector, effect of gender inequality within education and lastly, suitable means of dealing with gender unfairness within education sector.
Literature Review
Conceptual framework
The conceptual framework, which would guide this research, is based upon gender inequality within education sector. Diverse literatures have discovered several forces, which hamper gender equality within education sector. Inequality in accessing education is considered as being a dependant force, it relies upon different forces, which impede fairness in access to education such as gender stereotypes, negative socio-cultural practices, poor education policies, low entrance grade through girls within secondary education, low encouragement to females than males, unfair education cu
iculum, leaning and teaching resources, poverty and violence against females. This factor would inform people regarding particular forces that hinder gender equality within education sector. The research would also examine the effect of disparity in access to education (Klasen and Lamana, 2008). Moreover, the factors that would be evaluated under this variable include dropout, absence of formal work, high rate of fertility, poverty and rise in the rate of infancy and child mortality. Such inputs would reveal to the people including teachers, policy makers and parents the particular effects of gender inequality within education sector and thus properly understanding the issue and managing it. The research is further set for exploring the measures that must be considered for ensuring equal opportunities to education, several measures could be undertaken for overcoming the issue of unevenness in admittance to education by altering negative socio-cultural procedures, female rights, dealing with violence against females along with girl child, enhancement in education environment, rise of research documentation and publication and gender mainstreaming within educational planning (Chaudhry, 2007). This particular study would inform the readers to devise effective means for addressing the gender inequality at Central Queensland University Australia.
Gender Inequality in Education Secto
Gender fairness, in general and within education sector in specific, is considered as being a priority on the global development agenda as well as continues to remain as a central problem in all the discussion (De Jaeghere, 2004). Education, particularly female education, is regarded as one among the highly efficient investments towards development (Chaudhry, 2007). Educating females is significant not just for enhancing their own living situations but also for the reason that it yields social, personal and development advantages like it empowers...

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