Microsoft Word - COIT20272_T118_Case_study_v2
COIT20272 Mobile App Development Project
Term 1/2018
Suggested case study Page 1 of 4
COIT20272 Mobile App Development Project
Term 1/2018
Suggested Case study: Design and deliver an Android app
Apollo Solutions (AS) in an information
oker company that runs an appointment service for
its strategic partners and other independent car servicing firms. Both these services are known
as service centres. At present AS is providing its services through a web based systems where
it allows:
Service centres to register as business users
Individual car owners to register as customers to make appoints with service centres
As a vendor AS can view the booking status of all registered services centres. This helps AS
to offer pre-sales support to service centres, thereby providing schedule and appointment
information to individual car owners (also known as customers).
Although the existing web bases system is doing its job perfectly, AS is also planning to
provide the appointment set services through mobile phone or tablets. Furthermore, AS plans
to help customers to find nea
y service centres using the location-based services and Google
Map. To start with, AS intends to build and launch an Android app for this purpose.
Being a consultant to AS, you will design and develop a fully functioning Android app that
meets their business requirements. You will deliver this project working in a group (not more
than 4 team members).
Higher-level project requirements
1. An external database (MySQL recommended). All appointment information must be
stored in this external database.
2. An Android app to run on Android phones or tablets with API 20 or above.
Since this app is a part of your academic assessment requirements, you CANNOT launch
this app in Google Play or by any means distribute to others for public consumption
during or after the course.
Mandatory requirements:
This application will have three types of users as below:
1. The super administrator (i.e. AS itself)
2. The service centres (or the business customers)
3. The individual customers
COIT20272 Mobile App Development Project
Term 1/2018
Suggested case study Page 2 of 4
The system must be able to handle the tasks ca
ied by these users are below:
User Tasks
AS (super user) - View appointment status of all service centres
- Create new service centre or business account
Service centre - Create / View / Update / Delete appointments. Please note that
there are three types of service centres:
o Strategic service centre (SSC)
o Recommended service centre (RSC)
o Independent service centre (ISC)
- Sign up for a user account
- Log into the system
- Search service centres
- Book appointment
4. The app will have option to sign-in or login through the Option menu (recall your past
Android programming topic on the Option menu). For easiness, you have a default
super administrator account with the username as admin and the password as admin.
You may hardcode this login and password as constant data in your code.
5. The app will have input forms to enter data such as service centre information, and
client information. It is up to you to decide on the data structure to store the data in
the database.
6. The app will also have a menu item called ‘make appointment’ in the profile menu.
7. The app will allow service centres as well as individual customers to create appointment
for a car service. (Note: the duration of each appointment must be at 1 hour. All
appointment durations come in a block of 1 hour, i.e. the appointment duration(s) are
in integer numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4).
8. Service centres or individual customers must sign-in or log-in to make appointments.
9. Service centres can also read, update and delete the appointments created.
10. Individual customers cannot update or delete their appointments. They can only create
or read their appointments.
11. You must implement Android’s Calendar control to make appoints. Likewise, you are
equired to implement necessary validation checks such as customer name cannot be
lank, or date of appointment cannot be a history or past date.
12. The following is how the app will set the appointments:
a. As soon as the app is launched (via its launcher icon), it will check whether the
Location feature is turned on in the user’s Android device. It will ask the user
to turn on the location if that is turned off.
. The app will read the geolocation and display user’s location in Google map.
c. User chooses ‘Create appointment’ from the option menu.
COIT20272 Mobile App Development Project
Term 1/2018
Suggested case study Page 3 of 4
d. The App will now display labels ‘From date’ and ‘To date’ and two Calendar
controls to choose the dates.
e. A button with a label ‘Create’ will be displayed on the same screen (where the
calendar inputs are). When this button is pressed, app will search the
appointment status in the database so that it can suggest available time slots.
Below is how the app will use its logic to make suggestions:
i. Firstly, based on the user’s cu
ent geo location, it will find whether
there is any service centre within the radius of 5km. If yes, then check
all appointment schedules of that service centre matching the user’s date
ii. The radius search will be set to 10km if above (i) fails.
iii. Please consider following priority search criteria to find
appropriate service centre.
1. Priority #1: Find Strategic service centre (SSC)
2. Priority #2: Find Recommended service centre (RSC)
3. Priority #3: Find Independent service centre (ISC)
In short, based on user’s date criteria the appointment search algorithm
works like below:
Search SSC within the radius of 5 km. If found, make
sure the user has logged in. Create the appointment in
If no SSC is found within the radius of 5km, find
if any SSC exist within 10km of radius. If found,
make sure the user has logged in. Create the
appointment in database.
If no SSC is found within the radius of
10km, activate priority #2 and find any
RSC within the radius of 5km. If found,
make sure the user has logged in. Create
the appointment in database.
If no RSC is found within the radius of
5km, find any RSC within the radius of
10km. If found, make sure the user has
logged in. Create the appointment in
If no RSC is found within the
adius of 10km, activate priority
#3 and find any ISC within the
adius of 5km. If found, make sure
the user has logged in. Create the
appointment in database.
If no ISC is found within the
adius of 5km, find any ISC within
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Term 1/2018
Suggested case study Page 4 of 4
the radius of 10km. If found, make
sure the user has logged in. Create
the appointment in database.
You are free to choose any app icon, and layout design including style sheets. Likewise, you
also are free to choose any supporting graphics, fonts, and e
or message descriptions.
Microsoft Word - COIT20272 Assignment-1 Specification and Marking Criteria
COIT20272 Assessment‐1 Specification and Marking Criteria (Term 1/ 2018)
COIT20272 Mobile App Development Project
Assessment 1
Project Proposal and Project Plan
Assessment Specification and Marking Criteria
This week you are required to submit following project documents as the part of course
1. Project charter
2. Project plan
3. Risk management plan
4. User requirements
5. Quality assurance plan
This assessment weighs 15% of total assessment of this course. This is a group submission.
However, each member of the team must submit the same copy of assessment, individually.
The information below will give you some guidelines on what these documents must contain.
1. Project charter
1.1 Project background
Write the
ief background of the organization or an individual
ief introduction of the application outlining what system is about, and what you
are aiming to deliver as the final output.
1.2 Objective
Brief outline of why you are building that system? How will that help the organization or an
individual? Write in bulleted form to communicate your ideas clearly. You should also list the
key features or functionalities of the system.
1.3 Scope
This is where you will look into setting up the boundary of the project. This helps you to
avoid schedule and scope slippages. You should provide the list of all features you will
provide in your app. Likewise, you should also provide any features that you think are
important but will not implement in the project, for example data privacy and security.
1.4 Constraints
List any constraints that may impede the successful completion of the project. This may
include issues with technical and non-technical issues.
1.5 Key deliverables
List all the items that you will deliver at the end of the project. This may include items such as
project plan, requirement specification, systems specification, design documents (but not
limited to) such as use case diagram, activity diagram, class diagram, database design, user
acceptance test cases, app testing plan, project reports.
COIT20272 Assessment‐1 Specification and Marking Criteria (Term 1/ 2018)
1.6 Schedule
State when you will deliver the project (a specific date)
1.7 Hardware and software requirements
Write a list of hardware (for example, configuration RAM, processing power) for server and
user devices loaded with Android API appropriate to your app, and software