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1) Implement converter class hierarchy as follows: a. Converter class which includes:  Private attribute for input of data type double  Default constructor with no parameter which sets input to...

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1) Implement converter class hierarchy as follows:
a. Converter class which includes:
 Private attribute for input of data type double
 Default constructor with no parameter which sets input to Double.NaN
 Overloaded constructor with input for parameter
 Get and set methods for input attribute
 Method convert() which returns input value
b. TemperatureConverter class which is a child of Converter and includes:
 Constructors which call parent constructors
 Overridden convert() method to convert input (Fahrenheit temperature) to
Celsius and returns the value. If the instance has no input value, it should
return Double.NaN
 Use the following formula for conversion: C = ((F-32)*5)/9
c. DistanceConverter class which is a child of Converter and includes:
 Constructors which call parent constructors
 Overridden convert() method to convert input (distance in miles) to distance
in kilometers and returns the value. If the instance has no input value, it
should return Double.NaN
d. Use the following formula for conversion: KM = M * 1.609
2) Implement GUIConverter class using JFrame and JPanel as follows:
a. GUI will have 3 buttons: “Distance Converter”, “Temperature Converter”, and

Answered 18 days After Jun 08, 2022


Aditi answered on Jun 27 2022
78 Votes

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