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467_final_project_report Tech Stack: Flutter (version XXXXXXXXXXwith Firebase and google map api and camera. Project Description: ● We need to build an Android Application where a User can...

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Tech Stack: Flutter (version XXXXXXXXXXwith Firebase and google map api
and camera.
Project Description:
● We need to build an Android Application where a User can Register and find
different restaurants using google map api in a particular location and can
ate the restaurant, write a feedback and upload images taken via phone
● In our Application we will have a User Authentication page for Registration
and Login.
● Once Logged In, the user will be prompted to the home page which has Use
profile and an option to search restaurants nea
● The User profile will have the details of the user and also a profile photo can
e uploaded using camera and a signout button for the user to log out (we
have to come back to the loginpage once any user logs out).
● If the user selects the other option that is “Search nea
y restaurants”. The
user will be prompted to the next page which will have a google map opened
where we can set a range and select restaurants within that range or also by
typing in the restaurants name using the Google location services.
● Once the user clicks on a particular restaurant, he will be redirected to the
estaurant page which will have the details(name, ratings and an image of
the restaurant) of the restaurant and also its reviews and an option where the
user can submit his ratings.
Project UIs:
1. Login Page.
● The first screen will be a login form for users to fill out before they can
egin using the app.
● If the User is new to the Application then there is also an option to Sign up.
2. Registration Page:
● Here a New User can sign up to the Application by putting in their details.
● The user will also have to upload an image using their camera.
3. Home Page:
● This is the first page after logging in, This is where the user will be prompted with
two options.
● 1. User Profile Page, 2. Restaurants near me.
4. User Profile page:
● The user profile page will have all the details of the user (including their profile
photo which the’ll upload at the time of sign-up) and also a button for the user to
log out of the application.
5. Restaurants list Page:
● We will be using Google location services to search for the nea
y restaurants and
list them in this page.
● The user will have the option to select any of the restaurants and view the reviews
and also rate the restaurant.
● This page has to look like a map, which has an option to set a range in which the
estaurants can be selected. Once you click on a particular restaurant you have to
e directed to that restaurant page to give a rating.
● And also should have a back button to come to the home page.
6. Restaurant Page:
● Once the user clicks on a particular restaurant he will be redirected to that
particular restaurant page, which will have its details and an option for him to rate
that restaurant.
7. Rating Page:
● In this page the user should be able to rate the restaurant and give some
feedback. They should also have the option to upload an image if they wish
● Once the user clicks the submit button, his rating will be added to the
estaurants page. And will be reverted back to the restaurant’s page.
Diagram Screen Relationships:
Project Deliverables:
1.Expected Deliverables:
● Login Page -
○ The first screen will be a login form for users to fill out (their email and
password) before they can begin using the app.
○ There will also be an option to sign in with their google accounts
(Google authentication). The profile photo, first name, last name,
email address and phone number should all reflect in their profile
page if they sign up using Google authentication.
○ If the User is new to the Application then there is also an option to Sign up.
● Registration Page-
○ Here a New User can sign up to the Application by putting in their details.
○ The user will also have an option to upload an image using their camera.
○ The profile photo, first name, last name, email address and phone
number should all reflect in their profile page if they sign up
using this process.
● Home Page-
○ This is the first page after logging in, This is where the user will be
prompted with two options.
○ 1. User Profile Page, 2. Restaurants near me.
● Profile page-
○ The user profile page will have all the details of the user and also a button
for the user to log out of the application.
● Restaurants list page-
○ We will be using Google location services to search for the nea
estaurants and list them in this page.
○ The user will have an option to select any of the restaurants, view the
eviews, rate the restaurant, write a feedback and upload an image if they
wish to.
○ Restaurants to be searchable on a google map view. A page like
google map should pop up and we should be able to set range and
select restaurants in that range or type in a restaurant name we want
to rate.
● Restaurant page-
○ Once the user clicks on a particular restaurant he will be redirected to that
particular restaurant page, which will have its name, ratings and an option
for him to rate that restaurant, write a feedback and upload an image if they
wish to.
● Rating Page-
○ In this page the user will rate the restaurant and give some
description/feedback. They should also be able to upload an image if
they wish to use their phone camera.
○ Once the user clicks the submit button, his rating will be added to the
estaurants page. And will be reverted back to the restaurant’s page.
○ Option for the user to add in images while giving the ratings.
Note to Developer: Please include a step-by-step process of how to run
the app on Visual Studio or Android Studio after it has been built.
Answered 9 days After Nov 29, 2022


Sanskar answered on Dec 08 2022
42 Votes

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