This problem is adapted from an earlier edition of P&H, and should be submitted.Consider the following code used to implement a new instruction: foo $t3,$t1,$t2:mask : . word 0xFFFFF83Fs t a r t : l a $t0 , masklw $t0 , 0 ( $ t 0 )l a $t3 , s h f t rlw $t3 , 0 ( $ t 3 )and $t3 , $t3 , $ t 0a ndi $t2 , $t2 , 0 x 0 0 1 fs l l $t2 , $t2 , 6o r $t3 , $t3 , $ t 2l a $t5 , s h f t rsw $t3 , 0 ( $ t 5 )s h f t r : s l l $t3 , $t1 , 0Add meaningful comments to the code and write a brief (2 sentence max) description of what foo does. Thisis not the same as saying how it does it - e.g., when asked to describe what a pedestrian is doing, you wouldsay they are walking, not that they are ilfting their left leg, angling it forward, putting it down, . . ..State at least one reason why writing “self-modifying code” such as this is a bad idea (and often times notactually allowed by the operating system)?
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