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select a leader ( I have choosed barack Obama ) and prepare a 5 minute presentation by analysing his characteristics and leadership style. Clearly identify what makes him an effective leader. For...

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select a leader ( I have choosed barack Obama ) and prepare a 5 minute presentation by analysing his characteristics and leadership style. Clearly identify what makes him an effective leader. For example his personality, leadership style, traits, creativity, situation, ethical standing etc. Discuss your findings in relation to why the leader has been effective in his particular situation. In summing up the presentation you will make a reflective concluding statement to sum up what leadership means to you in a work situation (no more then 1 minute ).

Support your claims with reference to your research sources.

You must use credible references to analyse and discuss your chosen leader

Answered Same Day Jun 06, 2020


Perla answered on Jun 07 2020
145 Votes
Barack .H.Obama
Leadership & Personality - Profile
44th president of united states – elected as president in the year 2009.
He is the first African American to become president of United States of America.
Re-elected as president of united States and sworn in for second time as president in the year 2013.
Barack obama has exceptional charisma and if often compared with great presidents of America like A
aham Lincoln.
    Self Confidence
    Sensitivity to others
    High Energy
He never hesitated to take bold decisions, always move for the good for masses. He has exceptional intelligence and is always good in getting things done with personality characteristics.
Behavioural Traits
    Caring type
    Care of followers
    Seeks change
    Remains Calm under pressure.
    Always remains open for new experience
He always look for practive change in the nation. He do have compassion towards middle classs, women and other weaker sections of the society. Also he do...

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