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I need the script worth 1000 words

1 answer below »
Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Unsatisfactory
Criteria 6 - Coherence: uses Coherence: uses Coherence: Coherence: Coherence: speech
Language well connected connected maintains flow but maintains a flow of | has frequent and
5 language. There is | language. There is | uses repetition self- | speech but uses noticeable pauses,
no hesitation, minor hesita- co
ection, and repetition, repetition, and
ection or tion /co
ection or hesitation. Uses self-co
ection, or self-co
ection with
epetition. Engages repetition. The mostly connected slow-paced speech a lack of fluency
the audience when | speaker engages the | language. There h hesitation to and coher-
speaking. Vocabu- audience, although | may be an over search for words. ence Vocabulary:
lary: uses a wide there may be some | reliance on visual Vocabulary: uses an | frequent inaccurate
ange of appropriate | reliance on visual cues. Vocabulary: adequate range of | word choices o
words to express cuesVocabulary: uses a good range vocabulary but may | communicates with
complex meanings. | usesa wide range of | of words to make lack words, use simple vocabulary
Uses vocabulary appropriate words meaning clear; words with limited not at the level
expected of a to express complex | some inaccurate expected of a
health care pro- meanings. There word choices; but na
ow health care
fessional. Grammar: | may be occasional | not enough to understanding of professional
excellent use of a inaccuracy cause confusion. meaning with Grammar: uses
ange of simple and | Grammar: very Grammar: a good | overuse of informal | simple sentences
complex sentences | good use of a range | use of a range of words and some and lacks accurate
to ensure effective | of simple and simple and complex accurate word usage of complex
communication. complex sentences sentences to ensure | usage Grammar: sentences, this
Pronunciation: to ensure effective | effective uses anadequate frequently impedes.
speech is fully communication. communication. range of simple and | listene
understandable Pronunciation: uses | Some complex complex sentences | comprehension.
45-5 a sentences lack with limited Pronunciation:
very good range of | structure in flexibility and Uses limited words
words and speech is | communication. frequent inaccurate | with a lack of
understandable; Pronunciation: uses | usage that may clarity and difficulty
there may be minor | a good range of reduce comprehen- | in comprehension
mispronunciation. words and speech is | sion.Pronunciation:Oyerfarequent e
ors in
4 understandable; ‘communication is pronunciation
there may be reasonably clear but | impede the flow of
occasional lapses or | at times frequent ideas and meaning
mispronunciation e
ors in is hindered.
ut this does not pronunciation <20
impede meaning or | sometimes impede
comprehension. the flow of ideas.
Criteria 7 - Minimum of (6) Minimum of (6) Minimum of (6) Minimum of (6) Does not use six(6)
References appropriate refer- appropriate refer- appropriate refer- appropriate refer- appropriate
5 ences, References ences. References ences. References ences, References references, relies on

are presented
flawlessly in a
eference list using
7th ednAPA style.

are presented in a
eference list, there
may be minor e
in punctuation in
the reference
listusing 7th edn
APA style.

are presented in a
eference list.
There are some
ors in reference
details in the
eference listusing
7th edn APA style.

are presented in a
eference list.
There are frequent
ors in reference

sources that are not
appropriate fo
health professionals.


Marking Criteria:
Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Unsatisfactory
Criteria 1 -Provide | Provides an Provides an Provides an Provides a An inadequate
an introduction to | accurate and accurate and accurate and clearly | satisfactory and introduction to the
the health comprehensive thorough defined introduction | clear introduction | health disadvantage
experienced by
many Aboriginal
and To
es Strait

introduction to the
health disadvantage
experienced by
many Aboriginal

introduction to the
health disadvantage
experienced by
many Aboriginal
to the health
experienced by
many Aboriginal
to the health
experienced by
many Aboriginal

experienced by
many Aboriginal
and To
es Strait
Islander people in

Islander people in | and To
es Str and To
es Strait and To
es Strait and To
es Str Australia
Australia Islander people in | Islander people in | Islander people in | Islander people in | <7
15 Australia Australia. Australia. Australia
Criteria 2 Explain | Provides an Provides an Provides an Provides a An inadequate
your chosen issue, accurate accurate accurate satisfactory and explanation of you
and how th
experienced in
Australian hospitals
y Aboriginal and
es Strait
people and acts as
ier to achieving
equitable health
and comprehensive
explanation of you
chosen issue, and
this is experienced
Australian hospitals
y Aboriginal and
es Strait
people and acts as
and thorough
explanation of you
chosen issue, and
this is experienced
Australian hospitals
y Aboriginal and
es Strait
people and acts as
and clearly defined
explanation of you
chosen issue, and
this is experienced
Australian hospitals
y Aboriginal and
es Strait
people and acts as
explanation of you
chosen issue, and
this is experienced
Australian hospitals
y Aboriginal and
es Strait
people and acts as
chosen issue, and
Australian hospitals
y Aboriginal and
es Strait
people and acts as
ier to achieving
equitable health

s experienced
ier to achieving | ba
ier to ach ba
ier to achieving | ba
ier to achieving | outcomes
equitable health equitable health equitable health equitable health <7
outcomes outcomes outcomes outcomes
Criteria 3 - Identify | Provides an Provides an Provides an Provides a An inadequate
the role of accurate accurate accurate satisfactory and explanation of the
nurses/midwives in | and comprehensive | and thorough and clearly defined | clear role of
addressing the explanation of the | explanation of the | explanation of the | explanation of the | nurses/midwives in
issue you identified.
ole of
nurses/midwives in
addressing the
chosen issue you

ole of
nurses/midwives in
addressing the
chosen issue you
ole of
nurses/midwives in
addressing the
chosen issue you

ole of
nurses/midwives in
addressing the
chosen issue you

addressing the
chosen issue you

identified. identified.
Criteria 4 Identify | Provides an Provides an Provides an Provides a An inadequate
ealistic strategies accurate accurate accurate satisfactory and explanation of
that can be and comprehensive | and thorough and clearly defined | clear realistic strate
implemented in explanation of explanation of explanation of explanation of that can be
your realistic strategies | realistic strategies | realistic strategies | realistic strategies | implemented
workplace to that can be that can be that can be that can be you
address implemented in implemented in implemented in implemented in workplace to
the chosen issue your your your your address
you workplace to workplace to workplace to workplace to the chosen issue
identified. address the chosen | address the chosen | address the chosen | address the chosen | you identified.
25 issue you identified. | issue you identified. | issue you identified. | issue you identified. | <12
Criteria 5 - Presentation is Presentation is en- | Presentation style is | Presentation is Presentation does
Presentation no use | engaging. Uses gaging Presentation | good, easy for the | effective but basic. | not
of visual aids or visual styleis supported by | listener toengage. | Minimaluse of engage the listener.

they are not
effectively used

aids tosupport
discussion that are
of veryhigh quality.


visual aids thatare
effective in relaying
information (i.
dia-grams/ pictures)
Visual aids are used

visual aids.

There is

Choose from one of the following issues as the focus of your presentation;
- Culturally safe practice and effective communication
- Racism
- Closing the Gap
- History
The following structure is to be used for your presentation;
- Provide an introduction to the health disadvantage experienced by many Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander people
in Australia.
- Explain your chosen issue, and how this is experienced in Australian hospitals by Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islande
people and acts as a ba
ier to achieving equitable health outcomes.
- Identify the role of nurses/midwives in addressing the chosen issue you identified.
- Identify realistic strategies that can be implemented in your workplace to address the chosen issue you identified.
Your presentation should be recorded and uploaded to YouTube (instructions will be available on the VUWS). Ac-
companying your oral presentation should be a written dialogue (script) that is used during your presentation. The
URL for the presentation is to be provided in a word document along with your written script and submitted through
The script needs to be submitted through the Turnitin portal. The script should include your student details and
the URL link to your presentation. The SCRIPT will be used by the marker whilst listening to your presentation to
help understand complex terminology that is prone to mispronunciation. The references at the end of your SCRIPT
will be marked as detailed in the marking ru
ic. The similarity index generated by Turnitin will be checked for the
purposes of detecting potential academic misconduct.
You need to include references. These should be listed at the end of your SCRIPT using APA 7 referencing style.
References are to include six (6) recent (less than 6 years old), relevant references including journal articles, textbook
material and evidence-based resources. For your oral presentation:-Zoom is recommended to record your presenta-
tion. You can use a slide show (such as PowerPoint) to support your presentation by sharing your screen. If you
have difficulties with Zoom or technology in general there will be webinars and workshops to help you. Please check
announcements for dates and times.
A note on ACADEMIC references: References to support your discussion must be from peer-reviewed and/or pub-
lished sources that are less than 6 years old. This includes textbooks, journal articles, government websites such as
The Australian Bureau of Statistics, and evidence-based guidelines produced by expert bodies such as the Nursing and
Midwifery Board of Australia. Please do not refer to patient information sites to support your discussion (example
Submission Requirements
1. Electronic copy only. Students are to submit an electronic copy of the assessment. Students are not required to
submit the original hard copy of their assessment on campus
2. Submit your assessment electronically through the Turnitin link on the subject vUWS
3. Students are to upload the assessment with the following title; Surname_First name_assessment title
4. Your assessment must be submitted in .doc, docx
5. This assessment is marked online; no paper copy will be accepted. Marks, comments and the marking criteria will
e released If you do not receive your marked assessment when all others have been returned, it is your responsibility
to contact the Subject Coordinator for assistance.
6. The Marking Ru
ic for your Portfolio is located in the Subject Outline.
3.2.3 Portfolio
Weight: 40%
Type of Collabora- | Individual
Due: 20th May XXXXXXXXXX:59hrs
Submission: See instructions below
Format: Portfolio
Length: 1000 words

Use of Artificial Intel- | In this assessment task, you will not be able to meet the learning outcomes related to the
ligence: Portfolio by using generative artificial intelligence (Al) tools. Working with another person
or technology in order to gain an unfair advantage in assessment or improperly obtaining
answers from a third party including generative Al to questions in an examination or othe
form of assessment may lead to sanctions under the Student Misconduct Rule. Use of
generative Al tools may be detected. More information is available on the Li
ary we
Assessment 3: Portfolio
Word count /duration: There is a word limit of 1000 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used
in your assignment. However, do not include the reference list at the end of your assignment in the word count.
In-text citations will be included in the additional 10%-word count. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10%
the marker will stop marking at 1000 words plus 10%.
Aim of assessment:
The purpose of this assessment is to enable students to: - Identify Aboriginal health as not just physical wellbeing of
an individual but refers to the social, emotional, and cultural wellbeing of the whole community
- Compare cu
ent demographic, health indicators and statistical trends for Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islande
peoples with non-Indigenous peoples in Australia.
- Critique strategies to deliver culturally safe health care to Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander clients from a
strengths- based approach.
- Appraise the role of nurses and/or midwives in achieving culturally safe healthcare for and with Aboriginal and
es Strait Islander people.
You are required to record yourself delivering an oral presentation, as outlined below:
You are a Registered Nurse or Midwife working in a clinical setting of your choice. You are required to give an in-
service to your nursing/midwifery colleagues on an issue related to Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander peoples’ health
outcomes. Your presentation is aimed at improving the quality of your service to achieve better health outcomes.
The following structure is to be used for your presentation;
Answered Same Day May 18, 2024


Sanjukta answered on May 19 2024
10 Votes
The topic that is considered for this assignment is racism.
Health disadvantage that is experienced by a lot of To
es Strait Islander and Aboriginal people in Australia
After the colonisation that happened 250 years ago the Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander Australians are still burdened by devastating and complicated history. It is highlighted by a lot of researchers that Australians are quite likely to die younger when compared with the non-indigenous community members. It can be stated that these people are more prone to have some of the dangerous diseases such as diabetes as non-indigenous Australians, along with it three times more likely to suffer vision loss or even blindness. When contrasted with the non-indigenous Australians, To
es Strait Islander and Aboriginal Australians individuals are more than 6 times likely to be advanced stages of chronic kidney disease.
Throwing light on the above-mentioned discussion it can be stated that the Aboriginal and the To
es Island people tend to experience a burden of diseases that is more or less 2.3 times the rate of non-aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander Australians. There are some of the health problems for the Aboriginal and the To
es Island people such as: Cardiovascular diseases, injuries that consist of suicide, respiratory diseases, cancer and also musculoskeletal diseases. As per the Australian Burden of Disease Study it is stated that that To
es strait islander and aboriginal people are quite likely to have chronic diseases when contrasted with the non-indigenous ones and the chronic diseases like diabetes, mental illness and kidney diseases tends to account for 65% of this entire disease burden.     
How racism affects To
es Strait Islander and Aboriginal people and acts as ba
ier for achieving proper health outcomes in the Australian hospitals
Racism is such an element that can be considered as a main health determinant that tends to contribute to the inequalities in health. Furthermore, in Australia efforts are considered for
idging this gap. Moreover, it is found out by a lot of researches that racism is connected negatively with general health self-perception health self-perception whilst its direct connection with more specific physical health conditions that might be underestimated because of the lack of studies. It is needless to say that Australia is a diversified nation still there is racism against the Indigenous Australians within this society. Indigenous people always have...

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