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Questions Outline your communication approach for two of the following scenarios using the following headings. Your answers can be in point form. Audience analysis – Who are your audience (receiver)?...

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Questions Outline your communication approach for two of the following scenarios using the following headings. Your answers can be in point form.
Audience analysis – Who are your audience (receiver)? What are the needs and attitudes of your audience?
Communication goals – What are you trying to achieve? Consider short and long term goals.
Communication process – How will you plan and implement communication strategies and practices to achieve your goals.
Scenario 1
You have been asked to present an information session on wills and estate planning to a group of Aboriginal people.
Scenario 2
Devise a communications program which announces a reduction in staff when the company has just announced record profitability.
Scenario 3
How would you use active listening in a job interview to ‘interview’ the interviewer?

Answered 1015 days After Oct 07, 2019


Shubham answered on Jul 19 2022
74 Votes

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