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MGT602_Assess 3_Research Analysis 1 of 4 A SSESSMENT 3 BRIEF Subject Code and Title MGT602 Business Decision Analytics Assessment Research Analysis Report Individual/Group Individual Length Up to...

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MGT602_Assess 3_Research Analysis 1 of 4
Subject Code and Title MGT602 Business Decision Analytics
Assessment Research Analysis Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length Up to 2,000 words
Learning Outcomes a) Select and evaluate the usefulness of a range of
decision making tools and reflect on you
decision-making styles and contrast with othe
styles to determine the respective levels of
ationality and intuition utilised
) Compare, contrast and critically evaluate sources
of data as influences for decision-making in a
ange of business contexts
c) Examine and evaluate decision making systems
and techniques to engage group decisions and
analyse how these can enhance sustainable
d) Critically examine emerging tools and
technologies for decision making
12 week class: By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Friday of Module
6.1 (Week 11)
Intensive 6 week class. By 11.55pm AEST Friday of
module 6.1 (week 6)
Weighting 40%
Total Marks 40 marks
Context: Workplaces today are changing rapidly in parallel with rapid advances in technology and
means of communication with teams separated in terms of space and time, that is different
geographic locations and time zones, not only within countries, but also across continents. This is
something that we in To
ens adapt to on a daily basis as part of a global organisation. We need to
take into account not only time and space, but other elements of diversity to collaborate effectively
for organisational outcomes.
This assignment is designed for you to critically reflect on key themes for this subject: individual and
group decision-making processes; sources of data and analysis, including usage of data analytics for
organisational decision-making, and the influence of bias in effective decision-making.
MGT602_Assess 3_Research Analysis XXXXXXXXXX2 of 4

In doing so, you should consider a meaningful work challenge – a project that requires many
decisions to be made- that is relevant for you- in your cu
ent, or recent workplace. [NOTE: To
University is a workplace and you have a special role in it.].
CHECKPOINT: Submit a draft of your outline and discuss your report proposal with your Learning
Facilitator by WEEK 9.
Your task is to analyse the project from the perspective of decision-making points/stages. In the
analysis, you are to consider:
1. The sources of data, and the use of data analytics to identify trends/ patterns that form
the evidence for decision-making;
2. Show visualisation of the decision-making process, and analytics to support the decision-
3. Select at least three decision-making tools and technologies from within the subject
modules and show their application for your project. Consider if the decision would be
the same/ different by using multiple methods.
4. Present the findings of your results in a business style report that includes clear headings
to guide the reader and visualisation of the data sources/trends/ patterns, and is
underpinned with evidence from relevant contemporary literature, including major
esources from within the subject modules.
5. Reference according to the APA 6th. Ed. reference style guide, available at Student Hub
@ To
Submission Instructions:
1. Submit your report to Turn-It-In.
2. Submit your report and TII report via the Assessment link in MGT602 Business Decision
Analytics on the Student Portal.
3. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via Grade Centre in the Student Portal.
Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.

MGT602_Assess 3_Research Analysis XXXXXXXXXXPage 3

Learning Ru
ic: MGT602 Assessment 3 Research Analysis Report 40% (40/100 marks)
Assessment Criteria
75 -84%
High Distinction
1. Critically reflect
on the key themes for
this subject: individual,
group decision-making
and business analytics,
and reduction of bias for
more effective business
(25% -10 marks)
Little or no authentic
personal reflection on
individual, group and
usiness decision-making and
the use of analytics for

No, or limited reflection on

Some personal reflection on
individual, group and business
decision-making and the use of
analytics in organisational
decision-making is evident,

Some reflection on bias is
A clearly authentic personal
eflection on individual, group
and business decision-making
and the use of analytics is
evident, with clear links to the
influence of bias on decision-
Comprehensive reflection on
individual, group and business
decision-making and the use
of analytics, with clear links to
the influence of bias on
Comprehensive and sophisticated
eflection on individual, group and
usiness decision-making and the
use of analytics is evident, including
implication of bias and blind spots
for decision-making.
2. Examine and
analyse at least three
decision-making tools
and technologies to
demonstrate their
application in the
(25%- 10 marks)
Little or no reference made
to conceptual frameworks
and explicit decision-making
tools and technologies.
Basic coverage of at least three
decision-making tools and
technologies, with reference to
conceptual frameworks, data
analytics and their workplace
Clear analysis and comparison
of at least three decision-
making tools and technologies,
with reference to conceptual
frameworks, data analytics and
their workplace application.
Well-developed analysis and
comparison of at least three
decision-making tools and
technologies, with reference
to conceptual frameworks,
data analytics and their
workplace application.
Sophisticated analysis of at least
three decision-making tools and
technologies, with reference to
conceptual frameworks, data
analytics and their workplace
3.Prepare a business
style report with clear
headings and visual
interpretation and
presentation of data
trends/ patterns
(25%- 10 marks)
Report lacks logical
coherence and clear
Limited data analysis and no
visual representation of data.
Report has basic logical
flow and structure.
Basic concepts and analysis are
Attempts basic visual
epresentation of data.
Report has a clear
logical flow and
Clear expression of
concepts and analysis.
Adequate visual
epresentation of data
trends/ patterns
Report has a strong
logical flow and
Accurate Executive
Conclusion accurately
captures key learning.
Clear visual representation of
data trends/ patterns
Excellent logic and structure.
Concise, accurate Executive
Conclusion accurately captures
deep learning and insights.

Creative and engaging visual
epresentation of data
trends/ patterns.
4.Support your
argument with relevant
contemporary literature
including major
esources from within
the subject modules.
(25%- 10 marks)
No, or few references from
within subject learning
Many e
ors in text citations
and reference list according
to APA referencing
Makes some attempt to use
elevant references from within
subject learning resources.
Several major and minor e
in text citations and reference list
according to APA referencing
References support an
adequate argument and
application of major concepts
from within subject learning
Several minor e
ors in text
citations and reference list
according to APA referencing
References support a mostly
comprehensive argument and
application of major concepts
from within subject learning
Strong level of accuracy of in-
text citations and reference
list according to APA 6th ed.
style guidelines; minor e
Sophisticated references support
comprehensive argument and
application of major concepts from
within subject learning resources.

High level of accuracy of in-text
citations and reference list
according to APA 6th ed. style
MGT602_Assess 3_Research Analysis XXXXXXXXXXPage 4
    Learning Ru
ic: MGT602 Assessment 3 Research Analysis Report 40% (40/100 marks)
Answered Same Day Aug 09, 2021 MGT602


Parul answered on Aug 11 2021
131 Votes
Research Analysis Report
Research Analysis Report
MGT602 Business Decision Analytics
Introduction    2
Essence of Decision Making    2
Power of Data Analytics to Discern Patterns    3
Roadblocks of Taking Effective Decisions    4
Visualisation of the decision-making process, and analytics to support the decision-making    7
Data Source    7
Understanding the Consumer Base through Research    7
Investigation of Return of Investment    8
Technique of Visualization    8
Johari Window    8
Leveraging Technology & its Tools to make decisions    10
Conclusion    10
References    11
In our normal everyday exercises whether in close to home lives or in our expert lives, we frequently face circumstances loaded up with decisions or options. How often do you trust your Intuition? Do you think it is always fruitful or optimal to follow your gut? I mean just think about it, more often than not, we are constantly under the play of cognitive biases that control our thought process. Decisions may include choices for answer for an issue close by, picking a way at go across street, (for example, go or off-limits choices) and so on. Also, we have to choose the apparently most ideal choice or choice to push ahead. Dynamic is one of the most significant essential administration aptitudes for us all. It is a psychological capacity. It can vary from individual to individual. Settling on choice which are convenient and which depend on cautious investigation of different data is basic to our prosperity. Dynamic is a propensity just as a procedure. Choices should not be taken in scu
y nor be procrastinated uncertainly. Dynamic can be hard now and again.
Essence of Decision Making
Effective decision making is a crucial component of cu
ent business and the executives. Essentially, sane of acing dynamic is grasping the most ideal choice or most ideal choice from numerous other options. Fundamentally, the executives and manager take hundreds and a few decisions subconsciously or deliberately making it as the key part in the activity of a boss. Decisions expect huge employments as they choose both various levelled and managerial activities.
A decision can be described as a technique purposefully perused a great deal of decisions to achieve various levelled or managerial targets or goals. Methodology of dynamic is interminable and key piece of managing any affiliation or business works out. Decisions are made to help the activities of all business practices and various levelled working. These choices and determination of which decisions are made at every level of the board to ensure progressive or business destinations are practiced. Further, the decisions make up one of focus helpful characteristics that every affiliation grasp and realizes to ensure perfect turn of events and drivability to the extent organizations just as things publicized.
Power of Data Analytics to Discern Patterns
Area of Analysis of information in its centre is the investigation of analysing rough data in order to settle on choices about that information. Immense quantities of the techniques and methodology of data examination have been robotized into mechanical strategies and counts that work over rough data for human use. Data assessment systems can reveal examples and estimations that would somehow be lost in the mass of information. This information would then have the option to be used to propel techniques to manufacture the overall viability of a business or structure. Data assessment is a far-reaching term that wraps various kinds of data examination. Any sort of information can be presented to data examination procedures to get information that can be used to improve things.
Basically, information examination is a wide term that incorporates various kinds of data examination and investigation that can assist with distinguishing significant examples and patterns. Any sort of information can be presented to data assessment strategies to get understanding that can be used to improve things. For example, creating associations normally record the runtime, individual time, and work line for various machines and a while later examine the data to all the more probable plan the rest of the main jobs so the machines work closer as far as possible. Data examination can do extensively more than point out bottlenecks in progress. Gaming associations use data examination to set prize schedules for players that keep the greater part of players dynamic in the game. Content associations use a significant part of comparable data assessment to keep you clicking, survey, or re-sifting through substance to get another view or another snap.
Roadblocks of Taking Effective Decisions
Well, the central premise in the book is the dichotomy between the 2 modes of thought. Daniel Kahneman says our
ain pretty much switches between on and off-state! We have two systems that control our entire thought process thereby controlling our lives.
The first system is more like instinctive, emotional, sort of like an automatic system. It is refe
ed to as the fast...

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