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Personal Project - Capturing your curiosity A key part of innovation and entrepreneurship is curiosity. There is an almost unlimited amount of news and information, but you need to open your ears and...

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Personal Project - Capturing your curiosity

A key part of innovation and entrepreneurship is curiosity. There is an almost unlimited amount of news and information, but you need to open your ears and eyes. From Week 3 to week 10 you need to identify at least 2 sources of information that relate to he project

Week 3




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Hi i need this project to be done in this template provided. You have to find out two articles, it could either a you tube video as well anything it could be new related toinnovation, entrepreneurship, disruption, transformation etc. PLease make sure to complete the details in the template only. You have to answer all the parts which is their in the template. Please write the summary in your own words dont copy paste from the article

Answered Same Day Jun 04, 2021


Parul answered on Jun 05 2021
127 Votes
Week 3
    Curiosity Is the Key to Discovering Your Next Breakthrough Idea
    In the golden words of Walt Disney, "We keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things, since we are curious and this curiosity keeps leading us to the new paths". One attributes that distinguishes a successful entrepreneur from others is their inclination towards gaining new knowledge and efforts to comprehend the unknown, underlying the importance of curiosity Boss, J. (2015). Curiosity is to look for answers to possibly the most mundane questions and understanding the rationale behind what looks normal. This is because learners who consistently look for new answers since they recognize curiosity is the missing piece that instills energy in an idea, it is indeed the path that results to novel discoveries
    Why I found this interesting -
    One of the most interesting part while reading this article is that, article touches upon the fact that curiosity is not something everyone would have by default. However, treating it more than a gift being born with rather a skill that can developed. Article provides list of activities that is required to develop curiosity in one self. For instance, art of asking powerful questions since questions are fuel for creativity that ultimately leads to innovation. One should indulge habit of asking more open-ended questions like how or why questions, because it urges oneself to explain the rationale rather than vanilla binary response answer of "yes" or "no". Second activity is to
oaden one's mental boundaries. Essentially, we permit our experiences to establish boundaries for our thinking. Majority of time we depend on stereotypes to generalize things however, the need of the hour is to think outside the box. Putting oneself out of our comfort zone and...

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