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PROJ6004 Assessment 1 Brief .docx Page 1 of 13 ASSESSMENT BRIEF – Assessment 1a and 1b Subject Code and Title PROJ6004: Contracts and Procurement Assessment Assessment 1 Part A and Part B: Contracts...

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PROJ6004 Assessment 1 Brief .docx
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ASSESSMENT BRIEF – Assessment 1a and 1b
Subject Code and Title PROJ6004: Contracts and Procurement
Assessment Assessment 1 Part A and Part B: Contracts and Procurement
Discussion Board Participation review of the Case Study
Project and other Learning Resources
Individual Assessment 1 Part A: Discussion Board Participation.
Assessment 1 Part B: Discussion Board Participation.
Length Part A: Approximately 250 words for the main post and
minimum of 2 responses to other students.
Part B: Approximately 250 words for the main post and
minimum of 2 responses to other students.

Learning Outcomes 1. Critically evaluate the risks associated with
contract and procurement management
approaches and make recommendations to
global project sponsors with regard to ‘best
practice’ in this area.
2. Apply judgement and initiative in the
development of ‘best practice’ contract and
procurement process for global project management,
identifying the external factors that need to be
considered and mitigated for in every instance.
Submission Part A: Due in Module 2 and Part B Due in Module 3
Weighting Part A - Module 2 = 15%
Part B - Module 3 = 15%
Total Marks 30 marks

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Procurement and contracts are integral to successful project management. Planning for
purchases and acquisitions, requests for proposal, vendor selection, contract
administration, and contract closure are integral parts of the process. Learning from Case
Studies and benchmarking against better practices, standards and excellence is vital to
understand complexity of issues and successful strategies for procurement and contract
management. It will also ensure improved responsiveness to key issues, promote supplier-
client relationships through proactive management of risks and ultimately deliver higher
level of focus on performance-based outcomes.

Specific (Assessment 1 Part A and Part B Context)
The context of Assessment 1 is a further deep-dive discussion with other students of key
issues to better understand the principles of project procurement, challenges, risks, and to
develop key procurement themes and quantify financial exposure. Using blackboard and
class interaction to develop risk mitigation, to benchmark issues and capture lessons learnt.

Discussion Board Participation based on further review of the subject Learning Resources
and the Case Study.
Students are encouraged to look at the full suite of module Learning Resources as well as
other public documents associated with the Case Study.
Through a variety of contributing perspectives, Assessment 1 aims to encourage a further
understanding of the procurement and financial risk, mitigations and benchmarking against
etter practices and excellence reports to ensure successful completion. The specific roles
and responsibilities of project manager and procurement manager in the completions effort
is also explored.
Students are also encouraged to understand and explore the related organisational issues,
stakeholders and the funding and other procurement aspects associated with the Case
Study drawing upon the learnings from similar procurement projects from the Essential
Learning Resources.
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There are 2 important aspects to Assessment 1 discussion board participation:
 Protocols for postings: As a minimum requirement the student will submit a main
post of approximately 250 words on the relevant topic, and then reply to at least 2
other students. The objective to create a fluent generation of ideas and authentic
perspectives on each topic.
 Rules for participation: a culture of mutual respect towards other students or
participants, being timely and relevant (staying on the topic), being creative and
critical thinking and thoughtful approach in the interactions. It is expected that student
contribution to a particular discussion will be made within 3 days of start of a new
Assessment 1 Part A and Part B will involve discussion board contribution by individuals
exploring the following key issues:
 Typical procurement and risks required to be managed for complex projects;
 Specific financial risks from the Case Study project (use research information,
initiative and judgement);
 Possible risk mitigation actions that relate to the Case Study project and how these
elate to better practice guidelines
 Areas for further vendor negotiations and management - to achieve a successful
contract completion.
 Areas of key accountability for Project Manager and Procurement Manager in facilitating
successful outcome for the Case Study project;
 The questions for discussion board are formulated to critique the above topics and
ing out ideas thoughts, develop solutions and ensure students active participation,
leadership, feedback, cooperation and time-management aspects.
It is expected that the students will undertake sufficient research and reading to effectively
contribute and share ideas individually during Modules 1 to 3 discussions, This is important
for discussions to achieve sufficient depth of analysis as to provide high quality of
information to satisfy the requirements for the case study analysis – based on the above
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Learning Resources:
 Resource on APA style:
The URL/page for the TUA referencing guides is

 Resource on report writing:
Victoria University of Wellington XXXXXXXXXXHow to write a business report. School of
Marketing and Internal Business and Student Learning Support Service, Wellington,
New Zealand.
 Resource on writing case study reports
Monash University XXXXXXXXXXCase study report (sample). Learning Support, Language
and Learning Online, Melbourne, Australia.
Assessment Criteria:
Assessment 1 - Discussion Board Participation (30%)
 Participation (20%)
 Leadership (20%)
 Feedback (20%)
 Cooperation (20%)
 Time Management (20%)
See learning ru
ics in the following pages for details.

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Learning Ru
ics – Assessment 1: Individual Participation in Discussion Board

High Distinction
Participates in group
Participates in group
activities but works on
unrelated materials.
Participates in group
activities but is rarely
on task.
Participates in most
group activities and is
on task most of the
Participated fully and
Is always on task.
Provides constructive
Fails to assume
Assumes leadership
ut in a non-
productive manner.
Assumes leadership
and allows others to
do but often
dominates the group.
Assumes leadership by
helping members stay
on track and
encourage group
Assumes leadership by
helping members stay
on track and
encourage group
participation, posing
solutions to problems.
Has a positive attitude.
Fails to offer any
Offers feedback but
arely constructive or
Offers feedback that is
sometime constructive
or useful.
Offers constructive
feedback regularly
Always offers detailed
constructive feedback
that is specific and
Offers suggestions to
guide peers

Treats group
Does not share the
workload fairly.

Treats group
espectfully but does
not always share the
workload fairly.
Treats group
member(s) respectfully
and share the
workload fairly
Treats group
member(s) respectfully
and share the
workload fairly.
Shows sensitivity to
others and encourages
Treats group
espectfully and share
the workload fairly.
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the participation of
Shows sensitivity to
the feelings and
learning needs of
Encourages the
participation of others.
Values the knowledge,
opinion and skills of all
Fails to complete
assigned task on time.
Often forces the group
to make last-minute
adjustments and
changes to
accommodate missing
Often fails to
complete assigned
task on time and held
up completion of
Completes only half of
the assigned task on
Completes most
assigned task on time.
Always completes all
assigned task on time.

6/15/2020 Laureate International Universities
lackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_89516_1&content_id=_8991213_1&mode=reset 1/2
Introduction to Contracts and
Proactively managing the critical steps in an organisation’s contracting and procurement
strategy directly contributes to its bottom line success. For projects, especially those in
which procurement costs are a signi�cant proportion of the total cost, project managers
are required to ensure that the project schedule, cost and risk tolerance are balanced
and aligned with the organisation’s procurement processes.
Project managers should be keenly aware of their own project-speci�c procurement
oles and responsibilities and also have clarity on their organisation's procurement and
contracting policies and procedures.
As part of Module 1 students will get an introduction to procurement and contracts in
the context of project life cycle and globalisation. It will also explore leadership,
governance, organisation aspects and roles
esponsibilities that are relevant in
Module 1 learning activities will include a review of the learning resources (essential,
highly recommended and other learning resources), viewing of essential videos,
engaging with other students to discuss key sub-topics (noted below) and ultimately
ecord key aspects through re�ection in the student’s re�ection journal.
This module will cover:
Procurement context, project life cycle, leadership, governance and organisational
6/15/2020 Laureate International Universities
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Globalisation and interconnected environment;
Roles and responsibilities of project manager, procurement manager and project
team members
iefs and speci�cations
Project procurement needs in planning and execution phases.
This module will help you:
1. Understand procurement in the context of project life cycle including leadership,
governance and organisation issues;
2. Understand globalisation of contracts and procurement processes and achieve
improved management of risks and underlying opportunities;
3. Appreciate the speci�c roles of project manager, procurement manager and
project team members so as to achieve enhanced value in project procurement
and contracts management
4. Explore and understand importance of procurement
iefs and speci�cations;
5. Evaluate procurement scope and procurement needs of projects and how these
Answered Same Day Jun 16, 2021


Bhavna answered on Jun 17 2021
151 Votes
Basic challenges of Internalization of agreement and acquisition administration.
As the internalization is spreading internationally, therefore are the distribution group and the hurdles of the big business with the agreement and acquisition administration are appearing. As the distribution network administration is blooming on the international concern and promising extensive assistance and adds the sellers, producer, transporter and merchandiser which aid to soothe the...

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