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Assessment 4 is about ENGAGING so must be completed throughout the session. Work through each of the six (6) unit topics and write a 150-word +/-10% response on the Blackboard Discussion Board to each...

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Assessment 4 is about ENGAGING so must be completed throughout the session.
Work through each of the six (6) unit topics and write a 150-word +/-10% response on the Blackboard Discussion Board to each of the topical questions. The online posts are designed to create engagement with the materials beyond passive reading alone. They are also designed to ensure you keep up with the recommended topic per week throughout the course. This activity will build your critical thinking skills and engagement with others by creating a community of learners and practitioners.
Please note:
    We want students to participate so they can learn from each other. We know that active involvement in learning increases what is remembered, how well it is assimilated, and how the learning is used in new situations. In making statements about your own thoughts on a topic, you must articulate those thoughts and also submit them to (hopefully constructive) examination by others. In so doing you will come across many different ways of interpreting and applying the class material, and thus be able to integrate many examples of how to use the information. In a course that stresses application of material, the discussion board participation is an essential element of your learning.
    It is recommended you post your response at the beginning of every week. This will enable all students the opportunity to engage in the dialogue.
    Individual postings and responses must be collated into a word document with an accompanying cover sheet and submitted through Turnitin by 28th September.
Participation Topic 1: Why organisations change: tu
ulent times, innovation and the changing workplace.
Our focus in Topic 1 is on the nature of change. Choose up to three articles from the business section of a newspaper or from a business magazine about organisations going through change. For each article, what is the rationale presented for the change? Which of the external and internal pressures considered in the unit are refe
ed to? Are there additional pressures not specifically considered in the unit?
Participation Topic 2: Diagnosis by image.
The focus of Topic 2 is on diagnosis for organisational change. One way of describing an organisation and how it operates is by using a metaphor or simile such as ‘my organisation is like a well-oiled machine' (it runs very smoothly), or ‘my organisation is a dinosaur’ (it is big, slow-moving, unresponsive to change, and probably headed for extinction). In relation to your organisation what metaphor or simile would you use to describe it? What is it about your organisation that you are trying to convey through this image?
Participation Topic 3: Planning and preparing the change.
In Topic 3 we address issues of recognising the need for change, starting with the change process as well as diagnosing the need for change and gathering and interpreting information for diagnosis. Change occurs as a process, not as an event. Organisational change does not happen because there was an announcement, a kick-off meeting or even a go-live date. Individuals do not change simply because they received an email or attended a training program. When we experience change, we move from what we had known and done, through a period of transition to a
ive at a desired new way of behaving and doing our job. Based on your experience at work or elsewhere, list any problems you have encountered in the early stages of the change process that have been associated with: • choice of change agent • quality of the change relationship • identification of the group to be targeted for change • specification of the change issues.
Answered Same Day Jul 23, 2020


Sundeep answered on Jul 24 2020
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1. Organizations are present in their cu
ent state because of the decisions they have taken in the past and the forecasting that the organizations do for the future according to the past data and their previous experiences. The organizations undergo changes in their structure, practices, strategies and multiple more things in order to maintain their track path on the growth line. Such changes are important to maintain their market capability and not lose out to competition. (Alvesson, M. and Sveningsson, S., 2015)
Innovation and automation are the two capabilities that the organizations of today have to develop in order to have an upper hand over the other competitors. Innovation drives the technology and development while automation drives the speed of execution and the reduction in workforce which contribute to profits for the organization. (Benn, S., Edwards, M. and Williams, T., 2014)The changes in the organizational structure is important to maintain sustainability and sufficiency.
2. My organization would be a Tiger. It is fast, it is adaptive and it is ferocious in terms of growth and capturing market share. The organization is number 1 in software testing services...

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