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Instructions: Applying concepts throughout the term, groups will outline a CEM strategy that – • Introduces the company background and industry • Identifies and differentiates 3 customer segments and...

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Applying concepts throughout the term, groups will outline a CEM strategy that –
• Introduces the company background and industry
• Identifies and differentiates 3 customer segments and profiles (with personas)
• Connects customer experience maps with an updated business value proposition for each segment or customer profile
• Takes the Voice of the Customer (VOC) and customer feedback obtained from research into account in forming the
experience strategy
• Applies the IDIC model towards achieving loyal customer relationships
• Presents the value proposition for each segment.
• Maps the current experience and journey maps for each of the 3 customer profiles.
• Illustrates the current state of the customer experience and where the challenges and opportunities for improvement are.
• Explains how your recommended customer experience strategy contributes towards an intended brand perception
• Explains how the customer experience will be measured and evaluated
• Proposes improved service offerings by applying best practice CEM concepts covered through the term, data gathered from Voice of
the Customer (VOC), interview, survey and other field research tools.
• Documents steps towards forming a customer centric organization

Answered Same Day Nov 26, 2019 BIZ104


David answered on Jul 07 2020
141 Votes

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