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If Charles Whitman had faced prosecution, how would you, as a forensic psychology professional expert witness for either the prosecution or the defense, have assessed his personality? What are the...

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If Charles Whitman had faced prosecution, how would you, as a forensic psychology professional expert witness for either the prosecution or the defense, have assessed his personality? What are the risk/protective factors in his background that might relate to the mass shooting he committed? If you are a witness for the defense, how would you have assisted the defense? If you are working for the prosecution, how would you have assisted that side?
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Answered Same Day Aug 09, 2021


Sumita Mitra answered on Aug 09 2021
153 Votes
Charles Whitman Mass Murder Case:
As per the case and me as a forensic psychology professional expert witness for the prosecution would have definitely assessed his personality so as to know why actually over the years led to this mad act and behaviour from him for which 18 people lost their lives. Charles Whitman as we all know is a mass murderer and a person who would have been tried for culpable homicide if he would have been caught alive after his mass killing from the university of Texas campus. If we focus on his early life, he had to experience physical abuse form his father. His father also taught him how to use guns and shoot at targets. He was also intelligent with a very high IQ level. But there...

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