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First half of the final paper. You will write the first draft as if it were only the first 7-8 pages of the final paper. Thus, it will look like this:a) Introduction: 1.5-2 pagesb) Literature...

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First half of the final paper. You will write the first draft as if it were only the first 7-8 pages of the final paper. Thus, it will look like this:

a) Introduction: 1.5-2 pages

b) Literature review/theoretical framework: 3-4 pages

c) Cases/explanation: first 2-2.5 pages

And, at the end, a references page for your sources.


-You do not have to do as much research and analysis, as the cases/explanation section is short.

-You do not need to write any conclusion.


-Whatever you do not write now will eventually need to be written later.

-Because the introduction and literature review/theoretical framework sections are full-length, they should reasonably read like the final paper version.
Answered 1 days After Nov 02, 2023


Dipali answered on Nov 04 2023
32 Votes

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