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1 Randi Haring CWV-101 07/22/2020 Andre Mooney Impact of ADHD on a Child’s Schooling It takes amazing people to go to work every day in a classroom full of students that all are so different from one...

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Randi Haring
Andre Mooney
Impact of ADHD on a Child’s Schooling
It takes amazing people to go to work every day in a classroom full of students that all are so different from one another. Teachers, aids, support staff, and higher ups are all involved with a typical child’s normal school day. Keeping them safe, inspiring them, being a friend, but most importantly making sure the children are learning to the best of their ability. There can be significant impacts on an ADHD’s child's schooling when it comes to academics, socialization and interaction as well as sports and extracu
Children with ADHD struggle with academics in school. Children with ADHD tend to struggle with academics because they struggle to focus, become frustrated easily and want to rush through things to get to move on to the next activity ( Huey-LingChiang, Shur-FenGau Susan, XXXXXXXXXXMost of the time some type of support is
ought in to help. The teachers may request extra help inside the classroom such as a classroom or instructional aide. These aides can closely work one on one with the children in need. If an aide isn't enough for the child, the teacher may recruit the parents and higher ups such as the special education teachers to determine if there is time needed outside of a regular classroom to give the child more support.
Socialization and Interaction with others is also something that a child with ADHD struggle with. With any normal elementary school setting, most children can freely go around the classroom interacting with each other with little to no effort. For children with ADHD that may present to be a little more difficult. “Through peer interactions, children gain the ability to communicate, form relationships, resolve conflict, adhere to social norms, practice self-expression, grow cognitively, demonstrate language development, and regulate emotions” ( Pollack, Hojnoski, DuPaul & Lee Kern, XXXXXXXXXXIt is important to be able to acknowledge when children are acting like children, or if there is something to be more concerned about. For many young children the first classroom they see is also the first outside of home interaction they may get. This is where many children are just learning how to interact, how to be social, and express themselves to learn who they are. As stated in a peer reviewed article, “Young children who display ADHD symptoms may have trouble initiating and maintaining positive social interactions with peers in a play context. Children with ADHD may engage in more solitary play and less group play than their peers without ADHD” ( Pollack, Hojnoski, DuPaul & Lee Kern, 2015).
For many children extracu
iculars are a great way to release some pent-up energy. This can be extremely helpful in some case for children with ADHD. engaging in physical activity can be beneficial in so many ways mentally and physically (Pooja S. Tandon, Tyler Sasser, Erin S. Gonzalez, Kathryn B. Whitlock, Dimitri A. Christakis, and Mark A. Stein, 2019) “several studies have documented the benefits of physical activity for children with ADHD, including reductions in ADHD symptoms, improved social-emotional functioning, and academic achievement.”(Pooja S. Tandon, Tyler Sasser, Erin S. Gonzalez, Kathryn B. Whitlock, Dimitri A. Christakis, and Mark A. Stein, XXXXXXXXXXChildren with ADHD are known for sometimes being Hyper-active however, many may find something they like to do and only continue to do that. If children with ADHD are given a choice, they may prefer screen time over physical activity. It is extremely important that as educators and parents we can set boundaries and give the children with ADHD a little more attention to benefits there physical, mental and emotional needs.
There can be significant impacts on an ADHD’s child's schooling when it comes to academics, socialization and interaction as well as sports and extracu
iculars. Educators and parents are some of the most hardworking people and they are capable of anything. They are able to come together in many ways to help figure out the best ways to help children with ADHD. It is important that they come together to set great routines that help children grow and learn as any other children. Educators can help lessen the impact of children with ADHD when it comes to making sure they are getting enough support, interacting and socializing as they should and give them option to complete extracu
iculars with peers.
Impact of executive functions on school and peer functions in youths with ADHD
Chiang, H.-L., & Gau, S. S.-F XXXXXXXXXXImpact of executive functions on school and peer functions in youths with ADHD. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(5), 963–972. https: XXXXXXXXXX
Play Behavior Differences Among Preschoolers with ADHD: Impact of Como
id ODD and Anxiety
Pollack, B., Hojnoski, R., DuPaul, G., & Kern, L XXXXXXXXXXPlay Behavior Differences Among Preschoolers with ADHD: Impact of Como
id ODD and Anxiety. Journal of Psychopathology & Behavioral Assessment, 38(1), 66. Retreived from:https: XXXXXXXXXX?accountid=7374
Physical Activity, Screen Time, and Sleep in Children With ADHD
TANDON, P. S. et al. Physical Activity, Screen Time, and Sleep in Children With ADHD. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, [s. l.], v. 16, n. 6, p. 416–422, 2019. Disponível em: https: XXXXXXXXXX&site=eds-live&scope=site. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2020.

ENG-105 Peer Review Worksheet: Commentary
Part of your responsibility as a student in this course is to provide quality feedback to your peers that will help them to improve their writing skills. This worksheet will assist you in providing that feedback. To highlight the text and type over the information in the boxes on this worksheet, double-click on the first word.
Name of the draft’s author: Type Author Name Here
Name of the peer reviewer: Type Reviewer Name Here
After reading through the draft one time, write a summary (3-5 sentences) of the paper that includes your assessment of how well the essay meets the assignment requirements as specified in the syllabus and the ru
Type 3-5 Sentence Summary Here
After a second, closer reading of the draft, answer each of the following questions. Positive answers will give you specific elements of the draft to praise; negative answers will indicate areas in need of improvement and revision. Please be sure to indicate at least three positive aspects of the draft and at least three areas for improvement in reply to the questions at the bottom of this worksheet.
Commentary Content and Ideas
· How effectively does the thesis statement identify the main points that the writer would like to make in this commentary?
Type Answer Here
· How descriptive is the writer’s choice of a label to name the issue in question?
Type Answer Here
· How effectively does the writer frame an issue at the beginning of the essay?
Type Answer Here
· How effective is the writer’s analysis of the issue in terms of causes and consequences?
Type Answer Here
· How persuasively is evidence used to support assertions and enrich the essay?
Type Answer Here
· How effectively does the essay’s content support the thesis by using strategies appropriate for commentaries, as outlined in chapter 10 of Writing with Purpose?
Type Answer Here
· How effectively does the introduction engage the reader while providing an overview of the paper?
Type Answer Here
· Please identify the writer’s thesis and quote it in the box below.
Type Writer's Thesis Here
· How effectively do the paragraphs develop the topic sentence and advance the essay’s ideas?
Type Answer Here
· How effectively does the conclusion provide a strong, satisfying ending, not a mere summary of the essay?
Type Answer Here
· How closely does the paper follow GCU formatting style? Is it double-spaced in 12 pt. Times New Roman font? Does it have 1" margins? Does it use headers (page numbers using appropriate header function)? Does it have a proper heading (with student’s name, date, course, and instructor’s name)?
|_|Yes |_|No Add optional clarification here
· Are all information, quotations, and bo
owed ideas cited in parenthetical GCU format?
|_|Yes |_|No Add optional clarification here
· Are all sources listed on the references page in GCU format?
|_|Yes |_|No Add optional clarification here
· Is the required minimum number of sources listed?
|_|Yes |_|No Add optional clarification here
Language Use and Style
· Are the voice and tone of the essay effective in characterizing ideas and creating the appropriate mood? If “No,” please provide examples of ineffective or inappropriate voice and tone.
|_|Yes |_|No Add optional clarification here
· How effectively does the paper incorporate a variety of sentence structures that strengthen the ideas, create vitality, and avoid choppiness in the writing?
|_|Yes |_|No Add optional clarification here
· How would you assess the writer’s diction (i.e., word choice)? Does the writer use active ve
s, concrete nouns, and precise words?
|_|Yes |_|No Add optional clarification here
Grammar and Mechanics
· Does the writer use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling? If “No,” please provide examples of e
ors in need of co
|_|Yes |_|No Add optional clarification here
· Is the writing clear and comprehensible throughout the draft? If “No,” please provide examples in need of improvement.
|_|Yes |_|No Add optional clarification here
Three things that I liked about your draft are:
1. Type First Thing You Liked
2. Type Second Thing You Liked
3. Type Third Thing You Liked
Three things that could be improved are:
1. Type 1st Area for Improvement
2. Type 2nd Area for Improvement
3. Type 3rd Area for Improvement
Answered Same Day Aug 02, 2021


Bandita answered on Aug 02 2021
156 Votes
ENG-105 Peer Review Worksheet: Commentary
Part of your responsibility as a student in this course is to provide quality feedback to your peers that will help them to improve their writing skills. This worksheet will assist you in providing that feedback. To highlight the text and type over the information in the boxes on this worksheet, double-click on the first word.
Name of the draft’s author: Type Author Name Here
Name of the peer reviewer: Type Reviewer Name Here
After reading through the draft one time, write a summary (3-5 sentences) of the paper that includes your assessment of how well the essay meets the assignment requirements as specified in the syllabus and the ru
Children with ADHD show hyperactivity as well as can face difficulties in communicating and interacting amongst their peers. These children might also prefer spending their time on screen rather than engaging themselves in physical activities. However, physical activities have been observed to help children suffering from ADHD. Teachers can help the children affected by ADHD by interacting with them, creating a strong relationship with the children and supporting them. The given essay follows all the requirements as mentioned in the syllabus and the ru
 After a second, closer reading of the draft, answer each of the following questions. Positive answers will give you specific elements of the draft to praise; negative answers will indicate areas in need of improvement and revision. Please be sure to indicate at least three positive aspects of the draft and at least three areas for improvement in reply to the questions at the bottom of this worksheet.
Commentary Content and Ideas
· How effectively does the thesis statement identify the main points that the writer would like to make in this commentary?
The thesis statement in the given essay effectively focuses on all the significant issues faced by a child suffering from ADHD in primary learning process. It mentions all the issues that were further explained
illiantly in the essay. The thesis statement effectively demonstrates the precise opinion of the writer regarding the commentary.
· How descriptive is the writer’s choice of a label to name the issue in question?
The writer is very descriptive in terms of choosing a label to name the issue in the essay. Different aspects of the issues caused by ADHD have been mentioned and well explained.
· How effectively does the writer frame an issue at the beginning of the essay?
The writer has...

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