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P a g e 1 | 18 Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College 55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: XXXXXXXXXX PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D Approved:...

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P a g e 1 | 18
Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International
College 55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: XXXXXXXXXX
PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D
Approved: 14/06/2019, Version 2

Unit Code and Title: SBM1300 Research Project
Assessment Information

Assessment Task

Weighting Due Length ULO CLO
Assessment 1 : Research
Proposal Brief and
Proposal identifying a
esearch area and its
feasibility (reflection from
industry representative) plus
oral presentation
20% + 10%
Week 4
12 July
1500 words ULO-1
Assessment 2: Literature
Review and Conceptual
Literature Review,
Rationale, Gaps,
Conceptual Framework
Research Methodology,
Ethical issues plus oral
20% + 10%
Week 7
2000 words ULO-1
Assessment 3: Research
Design: Rationale,
Methodology, Proposed
Data collection and Data
Analysis; and Ethics
20% Week 9
2000 words ULO-1

Assessment 4: Final
Research Proposal and
Written submission of final
proposal and Viva-voce
presentation – Viva Voce
Week 12
02 & 03
4000 words ULO-1

Assessment Details
P a g e 2 | 18
Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International
College 55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: XXXXXXXXXX
PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D
Approved: 14/06/2019, Version 2

Assessment 1: Research Proposal Brief and Feasibility

Due date: 12July 2020
Group/individual: Individual Assignment
Word count / Time
1500 words
Weighting: 30% - 20% written submission plus 10% presentation
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO-1ULO-2
Course Learning

Assignment Details:
A Research Proposal Brief early in the semester is to receive feedback about the suitability of the topic so that
y the time is a document that informs others of a proposed piece of research and its significance. This is the
first stage of preparing a Research Proposal that could be used as part of an application to undertake a
esearch degree or to apply for funding to conduct the research.
The purpose of writing the Research Proposal Brief early in the semester is to receive feedback about the
suitability of the topic so that by the time you complete and present the Research Proposal (due in week 12)
the final submission is of a standard that could be used to support an application for a research degree or for
esearch funding.
For this assignment, students are further required to consult with an Industry Representative / Consultant or
other approved person (this may include an academic staff member), to discuss their research project’s
significance and feasibility. They will therefore revise their proposal or research question on the basis of the
feedback. This assignment has two assessable components: the submission of a written Research Proposal
Brief and its Feasibility Report in academic format (1500 words) and a viva –voce oral PowerPoint presentation
(5-7 minutes).
This assignment is aimed at ensuring that the research project is important, realistic and manageable, and that
the research question is appropriate and can be answered with the proposed methodology. It is crucial that the
students can complete the research tasks in a timely manner and apply the relevant project management and
esearch tools and techniques.
The research feasibility report takes the research
ief proposal to the consultant and investigates the possible
continuation of the project and its realistic execution for the given time period and availability of resources, as
well as taking into consideration the student’s capacity to ca
y on with the research task. Students can use a
Gantt chart to keep track of their schedule for all assigned assessment tasks, and therefore, minimize risks. The
feasibility analysis may result in feedback that suggests changes to the research approach and these can be
incorporated in the Research Proposal. The reflection on the feedback is important for demonstrating that the
feedback has been considered and suggesting how it may be acted upon, for example, by reconsidering or
evising the scope of the topic or research question or by revising the methodology. This is equivalent to the
acceptance of the project charter for which the students have studied in their course and has been accepted by
key stakeholders.
This assessment is worth 30% of your marks for SBM1300 and forms the basis of the Research Design due in
week 9 and worth 20% of your marks for SBM1300 and your Research Proposal Presentation due week 12 and
worth 20% of your marks for SBM1300. Students develop the Research Proposal across the semester
incorporating several individual assignment tasks. The first of these is the Research Proposal Brief and its
P a g e 3 | 18
Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International
College 55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: XXXXXXXXXX
PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D
Approved: 14/06/2019, Version 2

For the Research Proposal Brief you need to prepare an outline of your proposed research topic and
esearch plan using the template below. The document should be between 800 and 1000 words in
length (excluding project title and references). The recommended lengths of each section are
approximate, and will vary depending on the research question you are proposing to investigate and
the methodology you are proposing to use in your research proposal.
Contents Length (words)
1. Project Title: This is a
ief descriptive summary of the proposed research topic. For
ideas on how a project title should look, look at articles in Project Management journals
such as the International Journal of Project Management
20 words
2. Research Overview and Justification: This is a
ief summary of the research
topic that describes the topic and why it is important for a research study to be
conducted to investigate the topic
3. Condensed Literature Review (at least three research-based sources). Discuss
the objectives, methodologies and findings of relevant previous research that provides a
ackground for your research topic. The aim is to provide a critique of existing work and
identify gaps in knowledge and / or methodological weaknesses in existing research.
4. Research Objectives, Research question and Sub-questions. Linking back to
sections (2) and (3), present and justify the question that your research project will be
designed to answer.
5. Methodology (which type- Comparative, Descriptive, Action, Ethnographic,
Explanatory, Exploratory). Think about how you would answer your research question
(e.g., by reviewing trends in national / international statistics, by conducting a survey of
consumers, by undertaking interviews with employers) and start to consider any
advantages, disadvantages, materials needed or practical limitations of the
methodology. This section is the most likely to change as you progress through the unit
and learn about alternative ways of answering your research question. Remember, this is
hypothetical. You do not have to actually be able to ca
y out the study, but you need to
think about what you would need to ca
y out a study to answer your research question.
6. Significance of the research of the project. This is a final summary of all of the
sections above ending with a statement of why it is important to conduct the research
using the methodology proposed.
7. Describe the role of the Industry Representative / Consultant and their
years working in the industry (do not identify the person by name)
8. Summary of the questions presented to the Industry Representative /
Consultant based on the following main questions:
* “Please comment on the importance of this research topic for the industry?”
* “Please comment on how convincing you found the justification for the research?”
* “Please comment on the feasibility of the proposed methodology for answering the
esearch question?”
* “Do you think the findings of a study like this can have industry applications?”
9. Summary of Feedback / Recommendations from Industry Representative /
Consultant organized by questions
P a g e 4 | 18
Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International
College 55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: XXXXXXXXXX
PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D
Approved: 14/06/2019, Version 2

10. Your reflection on the Feedback / Recommendations from Part 3 above.
How might you need to modify your Research Proposal to improve it in the
areas of:
* Justifying the topic and question?
* Importance to Industry?
* Feasibility?
11. References and Resources: provide references to at least three research studies,
government reports and/or industry reports using Harvard Referencing. Please note,
websites are not acceptable resources for the purpose of the assignment.
Marking Criteria and Ru
ic: The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 20%
of the total unit mark
Not satisfactory
(0-49%) of the
criterion mark)
(50-64%) of the
criterion mark
(65-74%) of the
criterion mark
Very Good
(75-84%) of the
Answered Same Day Jun 26, 2021


Dilpreet answered on Aug 28 2021
154 Votes
As the Australian healthcare industry is moving forward in the direction of adapting latest technologies and has been slowly inclining towards digital platforms, the Australian healthcare industry has become more vulnerable to cyber-attacks that have been hampering the cyber security of the industry and is interfering adversely with the operations of the industry. As advanced technologies have been taking over the way healthcare is being provided to the patients in the modern times, healthcare systems and hospital networks are becoming more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. These attacks not only access the sensitive information of the patients but may also hack the healthcare devices and therefore, may risk the lives of the patients. Therefore, to minimise the frequency of these attacks it is essential that cyber security of healthcare systems should be improved in possible sense.
Table of Contents
Introduction    4
Description of the Research Objectives    4
Critical Evaluation of Available Evidence    5
Reasons Behind Increasing Number of Cyber-attacks on Healthcare System    5
Strategies to Enhance Cyber Security of Healthcare Systems in Australia    7
Scope for Future Research    9
Research Question for Further Research    9
Hypothetical Research Study to Answer the Research Question    9
Research Design/Methodology    10
Details of the Participants    11
Description of Materials    11
Data Analysis Techniques    15
Ethical Considerations    15
Conclusion    16
References    17
As the Australian healthcare industry is moving forward in the direction of adapting latest technologies and it has been slowly inclining towards digital platforms, the Australian healthcare industry has become more vulnerable to cyber-attacks that have been hampering the cyber security of the industry and is interfering adversely with the operations of the industry. These attacks on the system against the cyber security being maintained by the industry have been costing millions of dollars. As the healthcare technologies have been advancing and the usage of smart devices has increased exponentially, more and more information is being stored digitally, which has been attracting these cyber-attacks. Hence, cyber security in healthcare industry has to be ensured by implementing a number of prevention and protection measures.
Description of the Research Objectives
The research aims at attaining the below mentioned research objectives. These research objectives have been described in detail.
· To understand the concept of cyber security and cyber-attacks in healthcare systems of Australia
Description: This objective has been framed with a purpose to learn the basic concepts associated with the research. Learning the foundational concepts will help to ensure that the research focuses on the key aspects associated with the topic. It is understood that creating a theoretical framework is important for a successful research. As mentioned by Osanloo and Grant (2016), learning the foundational concepts shall help in theory-driven thinking procedure, which might further assist in development of research questions, coming up with a coherent and comprehensive literature review and developing a research methodology that might further assist in achieving the research objectives within the pre-set period.
· To analyse the impact of cyber-attacks on the healthcare systems of Australia
Description: The objective aims at determining the factors that contribute significantly towards the increasing frequency of cyber-attacks in Australian healthcare system. This objective further aims at explaining the impact of each type of cyber-attack on the Australian healthcare system. As opined by Murphy (2017), knowing the factors that contribute to healthcare system vulnerabilities might help in reducing the number of issues associated with cyber security of this system. Furthermore, knowing the impacts of these cyber-attacks on the healthcare system will make the employees within the industry aware and conscious and will therefore, make them put in their dedicated efforts to avoid cyber-attacks in every possible way.
· To identify the issues associated with cyber security of healthcare systems in Australia
Description: Addressing this objective is extremely important, as this will help to shed some light on the loopholes and flaws in the technologies and softwares being used for ensuring cyber security of Australian healthcare industry. Furthermore, identifying the issues shall also assist in finding the issues with the legal system associated with cyber-attacks and cyber security. These issues are likely to increase the vulnerability of the electronic data being stored by the healthcare system. Aligning with the opinions presented in the work of Jalali and Kaiser (2018), identifying the threats to cyber security will help to spread awareness and make the healthcare facility authorities realise the importance of securing the systems and sensitive and private information of the patients.
· To develop an in-depth understanding of the measures, methods, tools and techniques that could be adopted to enhance cyber security of healthcare systems in Australia
Description: This can be thought of as the primary objective of this research. Attaining this objective successfully will help to measures, methods, tools and techniques that could be adopted to reduce the number of cyber-attacks on the healthcare industry of Australia. Implementing these measures and methods will further help in improving cyber security. As mentioned in the work of Dhanvijay and Patil (2019), enabling technologies in healthcare systems and increased usage of internet to support a number of applications based on the Internet of Things has been providing the attackers with a number of opportunities to attack the healthcare system. Therefore, it is essential to come up with measures, methods, tools and techniques that could help to reduce the frequency of cyber-attacks and improve the cyber security of Australian healthcare systems.
Critical Evaluation of Available Evidence
Reasons behind Increasing Number of Cyber-attacks on Healthcare System
Cyber-attacks in general may be defined as any sort of attack on the computers or computer networks that attempt to alter, destroy, steal or gain unauthorised access to use the assets and information available in an unethical and illegal manner. In case of the healthcare sector, cyber attackers look to exploit the vulnerabilities associated with the technological advancements in this sector. Cyber security in general can be defined as the methods, technologies, processes and practices that have been designed and can be adopted to protect the network, information, hardware resources and software resources against attacks and unauthorised access. With the technical evolutions in the healthcare industry, the industry is exposed to a number of cyber security related issues. The integrity of the systems and the confidentiality of the information being stored are at risk, when it comes to analysing the cyber security of the systems and the network in the healthcare sector. According to Williams and Woodward (2015), increased connectivity to internet and interdependencies of the medical devices has made these medical devices more vulnerable to cyber security issues.
The technological advancements that have taken place in the recent times have drastically changed healthcare delivery in Australia and have been improving the capacity and capability of patient care. This interconnectivity has left medical devices vulnerable to cyber-attacks. As mentioned in the work of Williams and Woodward (2015), cyber security protection can be enhanced by focusing on technical controls, governance, resilience measures, consolidated reporting, context expertise, regulation, and standards. It is evident that a coordinated approach shall help to resolve this issue considerably. Furthermore, it is important to take into consideration the laws and regulations that apply to medical devices and hospital networks. Aligning with arguments presented in the work of Wellington (2013), lack of sufficient legal structure is a major factor behind the increasing number of cyber-attacks on healthcare systems. However, the arguments presented by wellington (2013), do not cover other important factors such as the weak defence mechanism or the challenges and complexities of advanced and interdependent healthcare systems.
Supporting the arguments presented by Coventry and Branley (2018), smart and intelligent healthcare systems have been exposed to cyber attacks and other vulnerabilities due to increased connectivity to existing computer networks. Cyber criminals have been targeting healthcare information systems for two fundamental reasons firstly, healthcare systems are a source of valuable data and secondly, the defence mechanism of healthcare information systems is quite weak. Some of the most common security
eaches in healthcare...

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