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COIT20272 Mobile App Development Project
Term 1/2018
Suggested case study Page 1 of 4
COIT20272 Mobile App Development Project
Term 1/2018

Suggested Case study: Design and deliver an Android app

Apollo Solutions (AS) in an information
oker company that runs an appointment service for
its strategic partners and other independent car servicing firms. Both these services are known
as service centres. At present AS is providing its services through a web based systems where
it allows:
 Service centres to register as business users
 Individual car owners to register as customers to make appoints with service centres

As a vendor AS can view the booking status of all registered services centres. This helps AS
to offer pre-sales support to service centres, thereby providing schedule and appointment
information to individual car owners (also known as customers).

Although the existing web bases system is doing its job perfectly, AS is also planning to
provide the appointment set services through mobile phone or tablets. Furthermore, AS plans
to help customers to find nea
y service centres using the location-based services and Google
Map. To start with, AS intends to build and launch an Android app for this purpose.

Being a consultant to AS, you will design and develop a fully functioning Android app that
meets their business requirements. You will deliver this project working in a group (not more
than 4 team members).

Higher-level project requirements
1. An external database (MySQL recommended). All appointment information must be
stored in this external database.

2. An Android app to run on Android phones or tablets with API 20 or above.

Since this app is a part of your academic assessment requirements, you CANNOT launch
this app in Google Play or by any means distribute to others for public consumption
during or after the course.

Mandatory requirements:
This application will have three types of users as below:
1. The super administrator (i.e. AS itself)
2. The service centres (or the business customers)
3. The individual customers

COIT20272 Mobile App Development Project
Term 1/2018
Suggested case study Page 2 of 4
The system must be able to handle the tasks ca
ied by these users are below:
User Tasks
AS (super user) - View appointment status of all service centres
- Create new service centre or business account
Service centre - Create / View / Update / Delete appointments. Please note that
there are three types of service centres:
o Strategic service centre (SSC)
o Recommended service centre (RSC)
o Independent service centre (ISC)
- Sign up for a user account
- Log into the system
- Search service centres
- Book appointment

4. The app will have option to sign-in or login through the Option menu (recall your past
Android programming topic on the Option menu). For easiness, you have a default
super administrator account with the username as admin and the password as admin.
You may hardcode this login and password as constant data in your code.

5. The app will have input forms to enter data such as service centre information, and
client information. It is up to you to decide on the data structure to store the data in
the database.

6. The app will also have a menu item called ‘make appointment’ in the profile menu.

7. The app will allow service centres as well as individual customers to create appointment
for a car service. (Note: the duration of each appointment must be at 1 hour. All
appointment durations come in a block of 1 hour, i.e. the appointment duration(s) are
in integer numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4).

8. Service centres or individual customers must sign-in or log-in to make appointments.

9. Service centres can also read, update and delete the appointments created.

10. Individual customers cannot update or delete their appointments. They can only create
or read their appointments.

11. You must implement Android’s Calendar control to make appoints. Likewise, you are
equired to implement necessary validation checks such as customer name cannot be
lank, or date of appointment cannot be a history or past date.

12. The following is how the app will set the appointments:
a. As soon as the app is launched (via its launcher icon), it will check whether the
Location feature is turned on in the user’s Android device. It will ask the user
to turn on the location if that is turned off.
. The app will read the geolocation and display user’s location in Google map.
c. User chooses ‘Create appointment’ from the option menu.

COIT20272 Mobile App Development Project
Term 1/2018
Suggested case study Page 3 of 4
d. The App will now display labels ‘From date’ and ‘To date’ and two Calendar
controls to choose the dates.
e. A button with a label ‘Create’ will be displayed on the same screen (where the
calendar inputs are). When this button is pressed, app will search the
appointment status in the database so that it can suggest available time slots.
Below is how the app will use its logic to make suggestions:
i. Firstly, based on the user’s cu
ent geo location, it will find whether
there is any service centre within the radius of 5km. If yes, then check
all appointment schedules of that service centre matching the user’s date
ii. The radius search will be set to 10km if above (i) fails.
iii. Please consider following priority search criteria to find
appropriate service centre.
1. Priority #1: Find Strategic service centre (SSC)
2. Priority #2: Find Recommended service centre (RSC)
3. Priority #3: Find Independent service centre (ISC)
In short, based on user’s date criteria the appointment search algorithm
works like below:
Search SSC within the radius of 5 km. If found, make
sure the user has logged in. Create the appointment in
If no SSC is found within the radius of 5km, find
if any SSC exist within 10km of radius. If found,
make sure the user has logged in. Create the
appointment in database.
If no SSC is found within the radius of
10km, activate priority #2 and find any
RSC within the radius of 5km. If found,
make sure the user has logged in. Create
the appointment in database.

If no RSC is found within the radius of
5km, find any RSC within the radius of
10km. If found, make sure the user has
logged in. Create the appointment in

If no RSC is found within the
adius of 10km, activate priority
#3 and find any ISC within the
adius of 5km. If found, make sure
the user has logged in. Create the
appointment in database.

If no ISC is found within the
adius of 5km, find any ISC within

COIT20272 Mobile App Development Project
Term 1/2018
Suggested case study Page 4 of 4
the radius of 10km. If found, make
sure the user has logged in. Create
the appointment in database.

You are free to choose any app icon, and layout design including style sheets. Likewise, you
also are free to choose any supporting graphics, fonts, and e
or message descriptions.

This in-class presentation is a group work. Each member of the group MUST give presentation. The presentation will cover:
1. Demonstration of fully running Android App
2. Presentation of the draft version of their final project report
Each group will have 20-30 minutes to present above items to the plenary.
With (1) above. it is advised that each group must install their app in other participant's Android phone devices prior to deliver the presentation.
With (2) above, each group also must present their final project report (covering all aspects of projects such as the project charter, plan, formal and non-formal requirement specifications, design documents - model diagrams, user interfaces, reports;  lessons learnt)

1. The Project Report (1 Microsoft Word file – no word limitations will apply)
2. App program codes (ZIP file). The fully running application. The submission should also contain an Android .apk file.
3. Database schema (a .sql dump file, if any external database such as MySQL was used). This schema file must be submitted as a plain text document saved in any standard text editor such as Notepad, Notepad++, TextEdit. Please do not submit this schema in Microsoft Word document.
Note: the Project Report will include (but not limited to) following:
1. Cover page
2. Table of content
3. Project information
    a. Introduction
    b. Aims/objectives/scopes
4. Design documents
    a. User requirements
    b. Context diagram
    c. Use cases
    d. Class diagram
    e. . Behavioural or UML Activity Diagram
    f. User interface wireframes
    g. Database design (schema)
5. Test plans and test results (in tabular forms)
    a. Test plan (indicating test scenario including validations)
    b. Test results (showing all anticipated results and actual results)
6. User manual (detailing how to operate the system)
7. References (if any)

Table of Contents
1.    Project charter    2
2.    Project Plan    6
2.1.    Gantt chart    6
2.2.    Work Breakdown Structure    6
3.    User requirements    9
4.    Quality assurance plan    9
5.    Risk management    10
References    12
1. Project charte
1.1. Project background
Apollo Solutions or AS is an information
oker company. It manages an appointment services for all the car servicing companies associated with them. At present the services rendered by AS is via a web portal but AS wishes to transform this service into a fully functional mobile application and also adding additional features. At present it provides service providers to register as business users on their web application and thereafter provides customer appointment services to individual car owners. When the same web service is extended to a mobile application it is expected to provide additional feature set that allows customers
Answered Same Day May 07, 2020 COIT20272 Central Queensland University


Sonu answered on May 22 2020
156 Votes
Service Cente
Final Report.docx
Assessment 3
Project Proposal and Project Plan
Weight: 25%
Priyaraj Hiralal Chavda
Student Number: S0282319
Email: [email protected]
Due Date: 27 April 2018
Academic Referencing Style: Harvard
Lecturer: Dr. Usman Du
Course Coordinator: Mahesh Kayastha
Table of Contents
1.    Project Information    4
1.1 Introduction    4
1.2 Objective.    4
1.3 Scope    5
1.4 Constraints    5
2.    Target User    6
Role of users    6
a.    Admin Users    6
.    Service Centre Users    6
c.    Individual Customers    7
3.    Technology Used    8
i)    Why java language?    8
ii)    External database    8
iii)    Location Based Service    8
4.    Functional Requirement    8
5.    Non-Functional Requirement:    9
6.    Use Case Diagram:    9
Use Case Brief Description:    10
7.    Activity Diagram:    11
8.    Class Diagram:    13
9.    Entity Relationship Diagram:    14
10.    Data dictionary:    14
11.    Wireframe:    16
A.    Login Page:    16
B.    Register Page:    17
C.    Search Page:    18
D.    Create new appointment    19
E.    Add new service centre:    19
12.    Schedule    20
13.    Hardware and software requirements    20
A.    Hardware System Configuration    20
B.    Software System Configuration    21
C.    Android Studio IDE    21
D.    Android Mobile    21
14.    Project team    21
15.    Project Plan    22
A.    Gantt chart    22
B.    Work Breakdown Structure    23
16.    Quality assurance plan    27
17.    Risk management    28
18.    Bibliography:    30
1. Project Information
1.1 Introduction
Apollo Solutions or AS is an information
oker company, that provide communicate between Customer and Service centre using web portal or mobile application platform. Here Service Centre working as Service provider whereas business user as a Service consumer. AS manages an appointment services for all the car servicing companies associated with them.
At present the services rendered by AS is via a web portal only but AS wishes to extend their platform to transform this service into a fully functional mobile application as well and with adding some additional features. At present it provides service providers to register as business users on their web application and thereafter provides customer appointment services to individual car owners. When the same web service is extended to a mobile application it is expected to provide additional feature set that allows customers to find nea
y service centres using location-based service and Google map features of the android platform.
1.2 Objective.
The objective of Apollo solution to provide this application are as following,
· To provide the same level of service to end-customers.
· To extend the cu
ent web-service to a mobile platform of choice and the platform being Android platform.
· To additionally provide a feature that allows customers to find nea
y service centres using the location aware feature of android platform via Google Maps.
· To deliver a fully functional product that is free of any bugs and performs under a given load suitable to that of the needs of the business
· Without wasting of time for searching Service centre, get list of all Service centre nea
y you by using Geo-location app.
· Fixed appointment with Service centre as per your free time, no need to go Service centre for asking Service is available or not.
1.3 Scope
· This application consists of three types of users Admin, Business users and individual car owner.
· The application would provide the super users or Admin with viewing of all appointments created by car owners and creation of new service centres.
· The application would provide business users of the service centres to manage appointment by users like create, delete, view and update the appointments.
· Furthermore, the application would provide the services for three types of service centres including strategic service centres, independent service centres and recommended service centres.
· The application would provide individual customers to create an account, login to a system, search for service centres and book appointments.
· Additionally, the application would provide easy to use interface that has a shorter learning curve for both service centres as well as individual customers.
· The application would be built using the optimum levels of system protection available for Android platform thereby to provide safety and security features for both the users.
· All data will be stored in database so can be seen later if required.
1.4 Constraints
· The project identified here shall be completed within the deadline set aside within the project with acceptable levels of deviations.
· The system would provide high levels of security.
· The system would provide standard and safe user authentication mechanism, authorised user take appointment for their service.
· The system would have built in encryption technology that scrambles key user information for protection of privacy.
· Finally, the system in discussion here would keep all the stored data in a safe and easy to use manner while retaining the data integrity.
2. Target User
Every application has some motive to provide solution, which is easy to use, user friendly and data secure. Every user has their own role either service provider or service consumer with some terms and condition. In the same way our application has three types of Users,
1. Admin
2. Business users
3. Individual Users
Role of users
a. Admin Users
This admin user has major pillar of application which will operate whole application and changes in application as per requirement may be extend new features or remove existing features. But now it has some role are as follows,
a. Appointment Status: Can see all appointment list with status like user name, appointment time, business user, type of service and so on. which is create by individual customer for Business users.
. Account manage: Only admin will manage business account users like if new users want to get service then only admin can create their account, update existing account details, delete account and so on. Can create new account for Service centre user as business type.
. Service Centre Users
This Service centre users also known as business users which will provide service for individual users. Only authorised service centre can provide service which will be verified by admin. Business users first sign up their account and fill all details by inserting all fields and after it will sign up with specific service provider. There are some following features for business users are as follows,
a. Sign-in and Sign-up for account creation and login for service centres
. Input forms for a range of functions such as adding all the details of the service centre and so on.
c. Essential data validation mechanisms built-in into the application
d. Make appointment button create an appointment
e. Options to Create, Delete, Update and View appointments
f. Provide three different types of services like Strategic service centre, Recommended service centre and Independent service centre.
c. Individual Customers
Individual user behaves as end user which will consume service out of three services provided by business user. This user will be follow some step like first it will create account in application by inserting all necessary details after that it will login account to get services.
Authorised user will login and all data will be secure, no data will by share by any other party. It will search nea
y service centre, so it will enable their GPS location first app will get or search app location and get nea
y service centre details. here user will get service centre details like name, location and so on. User will select any one service centre from list and fix their appointment as per schedule and schedule time will be integer like 1,2,3 and so on. Once appointment is fixed same user can’t update schedule time or can’t delete their appointment. Only business users have access to update or delete appointment. Now, there are some following features are as follows,
a. Sign-in and Sign-up for account creation and login for service centres
. Input forms for a range of functions such as adding all the details of the service centre and so on
c. Essential data validation mechanisms built-in into the application
d. Make appointment button create an appointment
e. Options to Create and View appointments only
f. Ability to read the Location of the user accessing the application in order to make use of Google Maps API and provide the users with nea
y service centres. If the location access is turned off then the application would ask the user to turn it on.
g. Ability to select a service centre displayed on the Google Maps to view its timings, address, contact details and furthermore choose the same to go ahead with making of appointment with the same service.
3. Technology Used
This application is extending their platform from Web application to Mobile application, So create android application here I have used Java language and to store data into database used SQL database.
i) Why java language?
Java is a general-purpose computer-programming language that is class-based, concu
ent, object-oriented, portable and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible high level, Object oriented programming language. It is secure, portable and platform independent language. It is easy to use.
ii) External database
External database is used to store permanent data in to database. When individual user will login then user is authorised or not by validating login credentials using this database. This database will store all nea
y service centre details like centre name, location latitude and longitude, time slot and others.
iii) Location Based Service
This is a third-party service providers which will find out near by location by using latitude and longitude. Here location service will get own geo location details and find distance between them, in our application we take 5 km radius between individual user and business user. If they are unable to find service centre as per service type then it will find service distance between them is 10 Km radius.
4. Functional Requirement
A. The authorization is the process of validating the user request. The system will have various authorization levels which will separate the customer requests from the service centre requests. All this authorization will be done within the core of the system. The customer identification will be done using the ticket.
B. The authentication is process of verifying an end user. The system will read the user id and retrieve the details from the database. If the user is valid then only the customer will be authenticated to access available functions.
C. The database of the system is a significant functional requirement. It will record all the data into a hardware device called magnetic tapes. The system will retrieve all the stored data from the database as per need. The database serves as the memory of the system.
D. The system will be generating reports based on the stored data and information. These reports can be accessed by the organization’s executive management only. The system will create report weekly, monthly and yearly basis. This reports will be stored in the system for a long time so that it can be available to the management for a long period.
E. The backup and recovery technique will be allied to the system to back up the data into a secure server. In case the data is lost, customers may not be able to exit the parking area as there will be no data on the system based on which the processes can be excited. In such situations the system will automatically retrieve the lost data from the backup server.
F. The system will be having displays or interfaces. These interfaces will be serving as the interaction medium between the customer and the system. The interface will show messages like ‘appointment booked’, ‘Please login to book appointment’ and many more.
5. Non-Functional Requirement:
A. The system will be exceedingly proficient and viable as far as performance. The system will take close to five seconds to process client ask. The system will acknowledge just a single ticket at any given moment. The aggregate time from auto show up before column to tolerating the stopping must not take over 7 seconds in normal.
B. Scalability alludes to the ability of the system adapting to the business necessities. The system will utilize assets in light of the recu
ence of the auto showing up. So as to help the benefit, the system will create estimating reports that will enable the administration to distinguish when more assets are required. Through appropriate scalability, the system will be prepared for giving administrations to the client.
C. The system will be available for giving administration 24*7. The clients can come to stop their autos at any hour of the day. So as to keep up the system accessibility, the association will select a specialist to keep up the system functionality.
D. In present day world, securing an ICT system is a central point. The system won't acknowledge any fringe gadgets. This will any write coordinate infusion of infections or Trojans. The system will be secured utilizing three layered approach with the goal that nobody can get to the database unauthorized way.
E. The system will be outfitted with a fiasco recovery strategy. On the off chance that every one of the information and the attractive tapes are decimated, the association will have the capacity to gather every one of the information from the debacle recovery approach.
F. The convenience of the system will be of high caliber. The client will perform undertakings according to the guidelines showing up on the show.
G. The information put away in the system will be exact and reliable. The system will have different checks and approval strategies to check the integrity of the information. In the event that the validations are effective then just the system will store the information into the database.
6. Use Case Diagram:
This is use case diagram of our application, as you can you given images represent one shot architecture behaviour of application.
Customer: it is an end user which will create an account (Sign up) and then login with same registered Id. After that it will search nea
y service centre and book their appointment for given time.
Service Centre: It is like a business user which will manage appointment status like create, update, delete and view.
Admin user: Admin is a Apollo service which can create new account for business user and as well as create service centre.
Fig: Class diagram
Use Case Brief Description:
Sign up: The customer will register into the system by entered or filling registration form like name, email id and password through the Android application. All fields are mandatory.
Login: The user will login to the system using the id and password provided during registration. Only registered user can access or get service from our application. It is pre-requisite condition for our app.
View Appointment Status: The management of the organization like admin can access all the appointment’s status.
Create Service Center: The management of AS can create new service centers.
Book Appointment: Individual user can book nea
y service center by enter details like Customer name, Service center, from data and to date. User will book their appointment and it will be manage by business users.
Search Service Centre: Individual user will search nea
y centre and book appointment.
7. Activity Diagram:
This activity diagram will explain activity perform by different users or can say that life cycle of user from new user registration to booked appointment. As you can see in given diagram, that when new individual type user will install app then it registered or sign up their details. After successfully sign up it will login by entering same mail id and password at the time of registration then authorised user will enter into app and have two road, one is for create new service centre if user is business user from providing service centre as a service provider and other will search nea
y service centre to get service after getting list of multiple service centre, user will select one of centre from list and get distance between then on map by using google map location. After select one centre from list, user will book appointment from entering details.
After successfully book appointment, management can see status of your appointment and act on behalf of them.
Fig : Activity diagram
8. Class Diagram:
This class diagram represents database schema of external database, In our application, I have user MS SQL database, external database is used to permanent store appointment status which will maintain appointment status with details like customer name, business user name, from date, to date, id, name and so on.
Fig : Class disgram
9. Entity Relationship Diagram:
Fig: ER- diagram
10. Data dictionary:
        Data Type
        Varchar (40)
        Varchar (40)
        Alex Summers
        Varchar (40)
        12, Main Street
        Varchar (10)
        Varchar (40)
        [email protected]
        Data Type
        Varchar (40)
        Primary Key
        Varchar (40)
        Alex Summers
        Varchar (40)
        12, Main Street
        Varchar (40)
        Varchar (40)
        [email protected]
        Varchar (40)
        Strategic service centre
11. Wireframe:
A. Login Page:
Registered user will enter same email id and password at the time of registration. According to user type, information screen will display because different user has different operation.

B. Register Page:
New user will register by entering following details like name, email id and valid password. Once user enter these all details then it can use our application.

C. Search Page:
Individual user will search nea
y service centre and can see on map also. Marker will display between individual and business user. Initially it will search for 5Km radius of service type and if there is no service centre then it searches for 10 km radius.
D. Create new appointment
When individual user gets list of al nea
y service centre then it can create new appointment by entering details like customer name, Service centre name, from date and to date and then click on submit button.
E. Add new service centre:
Business user will have registered as a service provider so they will create service centre by entering details like name, address and types of service out of three. So, that user can easily access and book your appointment.
12. Schedule
The project is expected to complete by 1st June 2018 and has following project phases:
13. Hardware and software requirements
A. Hardware System Configuration
· Processor: Quadcore Core i5 or higher
· Ram: 16GB DDR3 Ram or highe
· Disk Space: 1 TB of HDD with an additional 128GB of SSD space
· Ethernet: 10 Gigabit of Ethernet Lan connection
· Screen: 21” Screen with at least 1920 x 1080 resolution
B. Software System Configuration
· Operating System: Windows 8.1 / 10 64 Bit / Gnome or KDE Desktop (GNU C Li
ary (glibc) 2.19+)Linux latest version
· Database: MySQL
· Programming Languages: Java Development Kit 8 or higher, JavaScript, HTML and PHP
· Software Development Environment
C. Android Studio IDE
· Updated version 3.0
· App Emulato
D. Android Mobile
· Support high speed internet
· GPS enabled
· Google map application
14. Project team
The project team is organized into specific tasks:
        Team membe
        Project leade
        · Take over role of project manager in PMs’s unavailability.
· Analysis of system requirements
· Managing project documentation
        Software develope
        · Development of business logic
· Development of changes as required by QA team
· Upgradation of software
        Software architect
        · Designs base code framework
        Software quality control manage
        · Checks software against defined requirement document
· Testing and verification of changes developed by software developer.
        App community manage
        · Management of app community
· Give feedback on the developed app
· Provide feedback on designs.
        Priyaraj Hiralal Chavda (PM)
        · Delegation of requirements
· Management of project plan
· Management of project implementation
· A
itration of any likely issue to occu
        · Perform unit and system testing
· Find bugs
· Make testing summary
        · Development of database scripts and execute them
        Security expert
        · Development of secured design for deployment of app
15. Project Plan
A. Gantt chart
Figure 1: Gantt chart(Clark, 2013)
B. Work Breakdown Structure
        Task Name
        Resource Names
        App development
        64.5 days
        Mon 05-03-18
        Fri 01-06-18
        Software Engineering
        3 days
        Mon 05-03-18
        Wed 07-03-18
        Project description
        3 days
        Mon 05-03-18
        Wed 07-03-18
        Priyaraj Hiralal Chavda
        Operational concept
        3 days
        Mon 05-03-18
        Wed 07-03-18
        Priyaraj Hiralal Chavda
        Software development plan
        3 days
        Mon 05-03-18
        Wed 07-03-18
        Software architect (Priyaraj)
        Software requirements
        3 days
        Mon 05-03-18
        Wed 07-03-18
        Priyaraj Hiralal Chavda,Software architect (Priyaraj)
        Software design
        2 days
        Mon 05-03-18
        Tue 06-03-18
        Software architect (Priyaraj)
        Test plan
        2 days
        Mon 05-03-18
        Tue 06-03-18
        Tester (Priyaraj)
        Software manual
        2 days
        Mon 05-03-18
        Tue 06-03-18
        App community manager (Priyaraj), Software architect (Priyaraj)
        Software quality and test
        59.5 days
        Thu 08-03-18
        Wed 30-05-18
        15 days
        Thu 08-03-18
        Wed 28-03-18
        Validate concept
        2 days
        Thu 08-03-18
        Fri 09-03-18
        App community manager (Priyaraj)
        Validate plan
        2 days
        Mon 12-03-18
        Tue 13-03-18
        App community manager (Priyaraj)
        Finalize requirements
        4 days
        Wed 14-03-18
        Mon 19-03-18
        Priyaraj Hiralal Chavda
        Validate design
        2 days
        Tue 20-03-18
        Wed 21-03-18
        Software architect (Priyaraj),Software developer (Priyaraj)
        Validate test plan
        2 days
        Thu 22-03-18
        Fri 23-03-18
        Software architect (Priyaraj)
        Validate manual
        3 days
        Mon 26-03-18
        Wed 28-03-18
        App community manager (Priyaraj),Project leader(Priyaraj)
        Unit test
        16 days
        Thu 29-03-18
        Thu 19-04-18
        Database testing
        3 days
        Thu 29-03-18
        Mon 02-04-18
        Tester (Priyaraj)
        GUI testing
        3 days
        Tue 03-04-18
        Thu 05-04-18
        Tester (Priyaraj)
        Security test
        3 days
        Fri 06-04-18
        Tue 10-04-18
        Tester (Priyaraj)
        Web component test
        3 days
        Wed 11-04-18
        Fri 13-04-18
        Tester (Priyaraj)
        Interface test
        4 days
        Mon 16-04-18
        Thu 19-04-18
        Tester (Priyaraj)
        Security Quality
        5 days
        Fri 20-04-18
        Thu 26-04-18
        Android test
        5 days
        Fri 20-04-18
        Thu 26-04-18
        App community manager (Priyaraj)
        Software implementation
        23.5 days
        Fri 27-04-18
        Wed 30-05-18
        Unit programming
        18.5 days
        Fri 27-04-18
        Wed 23-05-18
        Database design
        2 days
        Fri 27-04-18
        Mon 30-04-18
        DBA (Priyaraj)
        Graphical user interface
        1.5 days
        Tue 01-05-18
        Wed 02-05-18
        Software developer (Priyaraj)
        Security design
        6 days
        Wed 02-05-18
        Thu 10-05-18
        Secuirty expert (Priyaraj)
        Web component
        6 days
        Wed 02-05-18
        Thu 10-05-18
        Software developer (Priyaraj)
        Interface module
        15 days
        Wed 02-05-18
        Wed 23-05-18
        Software developer (Priyaraj)
        Software integration
        5 days
        Wed 23-05-18
        Wed 30-05-18
        Android integration
        5 days
        Wed 23-05-18
        Wed 30-05-18
        App community manager (Priyaraj)
        2 days
        Wed 30-05-18
        Fri 01-06-18
        Software architect (Priyaraj),Software developer (Priyaraj),Tester (Priyaraj)
(Norman, Brotherton and Fried, 2011)
16. Quality assurance plan
The quality assurance lifecycle will include following stages (Atkinson, 1999):
· Project initiation and planning – In this phase, the Quality Assurance head will study the requirement specification, begin test plan elaboration and assign team specific tasks to team members of Quality Assurance team.
· First Review –In this phase, initial testing of 1st project deliverable will be conducted. It includes test plan and test items.
· Iteration Audits –It includes testing of under-process intermediate builds.
· Verification and validation – It includes end-to-end testing of final product to test final quality and final deployment.
Quality Assurance processes will include following test types:
· Regression testing
· Functional testing
· Usability testing
· Accessibility testing
· Performance testing
· Installation testing
· Security testing
· User Acceptance testing
· System testing
· Configuration testing
· Localization testing
17. Risk management
Following are key risks associated with the proposed app:
        Risk Item
        Likelihood of occu
        Mitigation strategy
        The system does not meet the requirements of the custome
        Avoid: Take timely feedback from client at different intervals of project i.e. after completing a part of the app.
        Making updates on Android OS cause app to halt
        Avoid: Follow industry standards to check what steps are to be taken when making app in android
        The project is behind the schedule
        Avoid: The QA team should make a plan to perform quality check to ensure that project is on track.
        The execution time of system is behind the system response time
        Avoid: Follow industry standards to check what steps are to be taken when making app in android
        The hackers co
upt the database of privileges to users
        Avoid: Follow industry standards to check what steps are to be taken when making app in android
        The app contains bugs and e
        Avoid: Take timely feedback from client at different intervals of project i.e. after completing a part of the app.
        The app is unable to interface with database
        Team members quit or are on leave
        Mitigate: Hire new resources
18. Bibliography:
Ahmad, M., Belloir, N. and Bruel, J.M., 2015. Modeling and verification of functional and non-functional requirements of ambient self-adaptive systems. Journal of Systems and Software, 107, pp.50-70.
Asadi, M., Soltani, S., Gašević, D. and Hatala, M., 2016. The effects of visualization and interaction techniques on feature model configuration. Empirical Software Engineering, 21(4), pp.1706-1743.
Chen, M., Tan, T.H., Sun, J., Liu, Y. and Dong, J.S., 2014, May. Veriws: a tool for verification of combined functional and non-functional requirements of web service composition. In Companion Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering (pp. 564-567). ACM.
agh, M. and Lee, S.P., 2014. An approach for integrating the prioritization of functional and nonfunctional requirements. The Scientific World Journal, 2014.
agh, M., Lee, S.P. and Parizi, R.M., 2016. Functional and non-functional requirements prioritization: empirical evaluation of IPA, AHP-based, and HAM-based approaches. Soft Computing, 20(11), pp.4497-4520.
Eckhardt, J., Vogelsang, A. and Fernández, D.M., 2016, May. Are" Non-functional" Requirements really Non-functional? An Investigation of Non-functional Requirements in Practice. In Software Engineering (ICSE), 2016 IEEE/ACM 38th International Conference on (pp. 832-842). IEEE.
Fernández-Sáez, A.M., Genero, M., Chaudron, M.R., Caivano, D. and Ramos, I., 2015. Are Forward Designed or Reverse-Engineered UML diagrams more helpful for code maintenance?: A family of experiments. Information and Software Technology, 57, pp.644-663.
Gogolla, M., Hilken, F., Niemann, P. and Wille, R., 2017, July. Formulating Model Verification Tasks Prover-Independently as UML Diagrams. In European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (pp. 232-247). Springer, Cham.
Khan, F., Jan, S.R., Tahir, M., Khan, S. and Ullah, F., 2016. Survey: Dealing Non-Functional Requirements at Architecture Level. VFAST Transactions on Software Engineering, 9(2), pp.7-13.
Khan, S., Babar, M., Khan, F., Arif, F. and Tahir, M., 2016. Collaboration Methodology for Integrating Non-Functional Requirements in Architecture. the Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences (JAEBS), 6, pp.63-67.
Li, F.L., Horkoff, J., Mylopoulos, J., Guizzardi, R.S., Guizzardi, G., Borgida, A. and Liu, L., 2014, August. Non-functional requirements as qualities, with a spice of ontology. In Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 2014 IEEE 22nd International (pp. 293-302). IEEE.
Nanthaamornphong, A., Carver, J., Mo
is, K. and Filippone, S., 2015. Extracting uml class diagrams from object-oriented fortran: Foruml. Scientific Programming, 2015, p.1.
Rahman, M. and Ripon, S., 2014. Elicitation and modeling non-functional requirements-A pos case study. arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.1936.
Sharma, C., Sabharwal, S. and Sibal, R., 2014. Applying genetic algorithm for prioritization of test case scenarios derived from UML diagrams. arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.4838.
le, H., 2018. On the impact of size to the understanding of UML diagrams. Software & Systems Modeling, 17(1), pp.115-134.
Atkinson, R., 1999. Project management: cost, time and quality, two best guesses and a phenomenon, its time to accept other success criteria. International Journal of Project Management, pp. 337-342.
20 | Page Appointment Service
Apollo Solutions System
Search Service Cente
Service Cente
Create appointments
View appointments
Update appointments
Delete appointments
View appointment status
Create service centre
Create business account
SystemIndividual customerAS (super user)PhaseSign up for a user accountLog into the systemSearch service centresBook appointmentCreate new service centreView appointment status
Individual custome
AS (super user)
Sign up for a user account
Log into the system
Search service centres
Book appointment
Create new service centre
View appointment status
customer-ID-Name-Phone-Email-AddressService Center-SID-Name-Phone-Email-Address-Contact_NameStrategic service centreRecommended service centreIndependent service centreAppointment-ID-Date-Purpose-Contact_Name-Status
Service Cente
Strategic service centre
Recommended service centre
Independent service centre
Apollo Solutions SystemCustomerSignup LoginSearch Service CenterBookService CenterCreate appointmentsView appointmentsUpdate appointmentsDelete appointmentsASView appointment statusCreate service centreCreate business account
Service Cente
Service Centre.pptx
Service Centre
                                        Presented by,
                                    Service Centre
Why Service center?
Types of users
Use cases
Pre requisite
Next scope
Service Centre
Apollo solution run an appointment service using web and mobile app.
Provide communication between business users and Individual users.
Business user is a service provider while Individual users is a service consumer.
Individual user get nea
y location service provider prefe
ed to 5 Km and then 10 Km.
Business user provide three types of services like Strategic, Recommended and Independent service center.
User will fixed appointment using mobile application.
Appointment time will be in integer value ie 1,2,3 and so on.
        Introduction -
Service Centre
All users get better and same service.
All users will be authorized.
Pollution free vehicles so, effect on environment.
Vehicle service will be on time.
At emergency situation, called to nea
y service for repair.
        Why Service center? -
Service Centre
Native mobile application using Java language.
Java language is portable, secure, neutral and platform independent.
External database used to store appointment data.
Geo-location map.
GPS get latitude and longitude.
Call third party API to get cu
ent location of users.
Calculate distance between business and Individual users.
        Technology -
Service Centre
3 different types of users
Admin :
will see appointment status list
Create account for Business users.
Business Users
Service provide
See user appointment details
Update and delete appointment.
Individual Users
Service consume
Get nea
y service list
Create new appointment
        Types of users -
Service Centre
        Use cases -
Service Centre
Create account for service.
Require internet on mobile.
Basic understanding of internet.
Mobile must be GPS support features.
Minimum API is 20.
        Pre requisite -
Service Centre
Any users can create account and provide service.
Get near service center list.
Data is secured
Fixed appointment using mobile app.
3 Different types of services.
Appointment data will stored in external database for later.
No pape
form filling required for appointment fix.
        Features -
Service Centre
New user get OTP on registered mobile number.
Payment gateway features.
Refer and earn features.
User as per membership.
Get alert on appointment status movement.
        Next Scope -
Service Centre
Admin users gets all appointment status list and create account.
Business user provide service and manage appointment by user.
Individual user get nea
y service center list of radius 5/10Km.
Appointment fix.
        Conclusion -
Service Centre
Atkinson, R., 1999. Project management: cost, time and quality, two best guesses and a phenomenon, its time to accept other success criteria. International Journal of Project Management, pp. 337-342.
Austin, S., Newton, A., Steele, J. & Waskett, P., 2002. Modelling and managing project complexity. International Journal of Project Management, Volume 20, pp. 193-198.
Clark, W. (2013). The Gantt chart. Hardpress Publishing.
Norman, E., Brotherton, S. and Fried, R. (2011). Work Breakdown Structures. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
        Reference -
Service Centre
Queries ?
Service Centre
Apollo Solutions SystemCustomerSignup LoginSearch Service CenterBookService CenterCreate appointmentsView appointmentsUpdate appointmentsDelete appointmentsASView appointment statusCreate service centreCreate business account
Service Cente
#Sun May 20 15:45:36 IST 2018






































apply plugin: ''
android {
compileSdkVersion 27
defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.assignment.servicecenter"
minSdkVersion 15
targetSdkVersion 27
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
# Add project specific ProGuard rules here.
# You can control the set of applied configuration files using the
# proguardFiles setting in build.gradle.
# For more details, see
# http:
# If your project uses WebView with JS, uncomment the following
# and specify the fully qualified class name to the JavaScript interface
# class:
#-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.webview {
# public *;
# Uncomment this to preserve the line number information fo
# debugging stack traces.
#-keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable
# If you keep the line number information, uncomment this to
# hide the original source file name.
#-renamesourcefileattribute SourceFile



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