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Cross-Cultural Awareness Training Design a cross-cultural awareness training program for your current (or fictitious) organization. Benchmark ideas from two top global organizations. You may use peer...

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Cross-Cultural Awareness Training

Design a cross-cultural awareness training program for your current (or fictitious) organization. Benchmark ideas from two top global organizations. You may use peer reviewed articles and company websites for help with your research. Be sure that two of your sources are in addition to the required weekly readings. Include the following components in your training program:

  1. Training Topics and rationale for these topics
  2. Training Medium (e.g., in-person, group, e-learning)
  3. Length of training
  4. Detail about who will receive this training
  5. Detail on how to monitor and measure progress and training success
  6. Information on recertification training, if necessary.

Your paper should be 5-7 pages in length, excluding title page and References section.

Answered Same Day May 25, 2021


Sudipta answered on May 25 2021
147 Votes
1. Training Topics and rationale for these topics
Before getting into discussion about the topics of the training and its rationale, it is essential to understand what is cross culture and why it is important to any organization. Cross culture refers to an area where people from different cultures come together and collaborate to deliver value. Organizations hire employees based on their quality, knowledge, and experience. Most of the time, they look after the cultural aspect of any employee. As a result, cross cultural issues like cross cultural communication gap takes place. Sometimes these issues reached to an extent where workplace bullying takes place. To avoid such situations, organizations must offer training programs to their employees so that they can work effectively in a culturally diversified environment.
Training topics:
· Cultural awareness and its associated with employee effectiveness
· Avoid Cultural Dimensions Theory
· Impact of diversified culture in a business
· Communication, communication, and communication
Rationale of each topic
Topic 1: In order to work effectively, a person needs to develop a comfort zone in a workplace. A workplace consists of people from different communities, religions, language, and beliefs. In other words, people from different cultures are part of a work environment. Faster a person will get aware of people’s culture, they will be able to create his/her comfort zone more quickly. As a result, effectiveness in the work will take place sooner. Therefore, this topic must be conveyed through the training.
Topic 2: Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory has segmented cultures in six different aspects. Mazanec et al. (2015) stated that Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory is one of the most useful tools to determine the culture of an employee. However, through the training everyone should be suggested to avoid such theory as it will not be effective in resolving cross cultural communication issues.
Topic 3: International business is one of the most profitable business segments for any firm. If any organization wants to expand their business in international te
itory then it is very important to communicate with customers of that country. A person with better local knowledge and culture will only be able to communicate effectively in the new market. Hence, organizations are bound to hire local people rather than sending employees from the host country. As diversified culture plays a vital role in generating profit and expanding the...

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