BSBMGT605 Provide leadership across the organisation
Assessment PACK
Student number:
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© Aspire Training & Consulting
BSBMGT605 Provide leadership across the organisation
Assessment Pack
1. Contents
Learning checkpoint 1 – Communicate organisational mission and goals 6
Learning checkpoint 2 – Influence groups and individuals 10
Learning checkpoint 3 – Build and support teams 14
Learning checkpoint 4 – Demonstrate personal and professional competence 18
Final Assessments 22
Question 1: 28
Question 2: 28
Question 3: 29
Question 4: 29
Question 5: 30
Question 6: 30
Question 7: 31
Question 8: 32
Question 9: 33
Question 10: 34
Question 11: 35
Question 12: 36
Question 13: 37
Question 14: 38
ASSESSMENT TASK - PART B – Project: Providing leadership BizOps Enterprises 40
Student Declaration for submission
The student will, affirm the following facts regarding this assessment they are submitting under their name:
1. I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this assessment is my work, all sources have been properly acknowledged and the assessment contains no plagiarism.
2. I declare that the following assignment has a backup copy held with me.
3. I declare that I will seek feedback from my Trainer on the result of this Assessment Item
4. I understand that I may be requested to answers questions about the content of this Assessment Item to determine my Competency.
**What is Plagiarism and Cheating?
Plagiarism is when a student uses other writers’ ideas or words as their own. The most common forms are:
· Directly copying word for word from another person’s work without proper acknowledgment,
· Using or developing another person’s ideas without acknowledging them,
· Using the work of other students (with or without their permission) and claiming it as your own.
Student has read and understood the information on sheet relating to cheating and plagiarism. They certify that the work submitted is completely their own, except where they have referenced it co
ectly. They understand that if their work is plagiarised they will be deemed not yet competent.
Assessment Instructions
The assessor will mark student’s against a competency checklist to ensure that they have met the requirements of each of all the relevant unit competencies. Each assessment task has been developed to make judgement on whether the unit of competency has been achieved.
The assessment results will be based on:
S – Satisfactory
US – Unsatisfactory
Students are to gain ‘satisfactory’ results in all assessment tasks to be deemed ‘Competent’ in this unit of competency. For the student to be able to achieve academic success in the complete unit of competency they MUST achieve a ‘satisfactory’ result in all assessment tasks associated with this unit of competency
Should a student be deemed unsatisfactory in an assessment task by the assessor, they will be informed by their assessor of the process for re-assessment.
Final unit results:
Final assessment results will be recorded as ‘Competent’ or ‘Not Yet Competent’. Students failing to achieve ‘Competent’ in the unit of competency will be subject to the course progress policy.
final Assessment Tasks
Self-Assessment Checklist
Part A - Questioning
[You will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit requirements in your responses.]
Part B – Project
[Contributing to organisation development at BizOps Enterprises]
Reasonable Adjustment
Each unit is delivered and assessed based on a student’s individual needs. If a student requires assistance, or modifications, or has a disability and requires “reasonable adjustments” necessary to perform the required assessment tasks, they will need to inform the Assessor.
If the student is not satisfied with the decision made by the assessor the Shafston appeals policy and process for Academic decisions will apply (refer student handbook)
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BSBMGT605 Provide leadership across the organisation, Release 1 – Assessments
© 2015 Aspire Training & Consulting
Level 8, 409 St Kilda Road
First published July 2015
Subject: This document is uncontrolled when printed
Assessment BSBMGT605 – Provide leadership across the organisation
Version 2 (updated Sep 2017)
©Shafston House College Ltd trading as Shafston International College
Page 6 of 47
Learning checkpoint 1 - Communicate organisational mission and goals
This learning checkpoint allows you to review your skills and knowledge in communicating organisational mission and goals.
Part A
Choose an organisation and research its vision, mission and goals and answer the following four questions.
1. List the organisation’s values.
1. List the organisation’s standards.
1. Outline the role of the organisation’s strategic direction.
1. Explain the link between organisational objectives, values and standards and the responsibilities of teams and team members in an organisation. Give examples.
Part B
Read the case study, and then answer the questions that follow.
Case study
Anna is newly employed as a team leader at a large local government department. Being new to the organisation, Anna must become familiar with the expectations of her new employer and with the key objectives of her team as a priority.
Anna has inherited a team that was dissatisfied with the previous team leader, who was described as a controlling person who withheld information from the team and took credit for their ideas. As a result many team members feel disillusioned and the team is consistently underperforming (it is not meeting operational objectives).
Anna’s new team is diverse. Team members’ cultural backgrounds, age, education and skills levels vary widely. Anna needs to develop strategies to build the team’s commitment to their set objectives so the team can start to succeed and grow.
On Anna’s first day, one team member tells Anna there is an unresolved incident that she needs to deal with. A customer slipped and fell when paying a bill in the reception area and as this is part of Anna’s team, she now needs to deal with the incident. The incident occu
ed two weeks ago when the team was in transition between leaders and follow-up has not occu
Anna reviews the WHS policies and procedures, and finds that the organisation doesn’t have a comprehensive procedure for investigating and reporting incidents in its administration areas. There is a template for recording the incident’s basic details and an incident register that is kept in the human resources unit. The health and safety representative for Anna’s area is on long-service leave. The WHS policy merely states:
Incidents are defined as any event that causes injury, potential injury or may be classified as a ‘near miss’. All incidents shall be recorded in the incident register, which must be readily accessible.
1. Where would Anna find her team’s objectives?
1. Where would Anna find information about the expectations of her new employer? What information should she expect to find?
1. Suggest a communication strategy for Anna to review the organisation’s objectives with her team.
1. Anna needs to prepare an electronic presentation to her team to communicate expectations in a way that builds commitment. Provide an outline of the points Anna should include in her presentation.
1. Anna is to develop an incident investigation and reporting procedure that incorporates the assessment and treatment of risks to injury in the workplace. What should she include?
1. Outline the legislation, regulations, standards, codes or bylaws that Anna needs to abide by in resolving all incidents.
Learning checkpoint 2 – influence groups and individuals
ning checkpoint 2 – Influence Groups and Individuals
This learning checkpoint allows you to review your skills and knowledge in influencing groups and individuals.
Part A
1. List four impacts of new and changing technology in work activities.
1. List five ways to represent your organisation positively in the media and community.
Part B
Read the case study, and then answer the questions that follow.
Case study
Anna has been working in her new job as a team leader in a local government department for two months. She is working towards building a positive team environment and culture but there is still a long way to go. Anna strives to be a positive influence and role model by sharing information, supporting team members and encouraging discussion and team work. Anna has been informed by senior management that the long-awaited and much-dreaded computer system upgrade is to be implemented in her department in the next three months. She is asked to provide feedback and decide which of the two proposed systems will suit her department’s activities better: option one is the PRO356 and option two is the EXP841 system. As well, Anna needs to develop a risk management plan for senior management covering the introduction of the new system for her department. Anna is concerned about how her team will respond to the changes. Anna has turned to you as her mentor for support. Read the questions below and provide some strategies for Anna that address the needs outlined in each question.
1. Detail six actions Anna can take to ensure she has the trust and confidence of the team.
1. Outline at least five elements of an effective work culture that Anna should strive for.
1. What sort