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MIS302_Assessment_1_Brief_Report_Module Due3. Page 1 of 6 Task Summary For this individual assessment, you will be required to research and write a 1500-word report on agile methods, processes, and...

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MIS302_Assessment_1_Brief_Report_Module Due3. Page 1 of 6
Task Summary
For this individual assessment, you will be required to research and write a 1500-word report on
agile methods, processes, and the agile approach.
This report needs to be written from the perspective of explaining the Agile software development
process to someone who has no understanding of the Agile approach, as if it is being implemented in
an organisation for the first time.
The Agile Manifesto embodies the philosophy of Agile, which is
ought to life through Agile
processes and teams. In this report you will be required to use the 12 Agile Principles as outlined by
the Agile Manifesto on this webpage: https:
You will be required to examine each Scrum event/ceremony/meeting, including Backlog refinement
and identify:
a) Which Agile artifacts or documents support the event/ceremony/meeting? Why do you say
this and what evidence can you refer to that backs your point of view? Please refer to the
eadings used in the modules and in class first and then readings from additional sources.
) Which team members participate in the ceremonies and/or are responsible for producing
the artifacts/documents? Why do you say this and what evidence can you refer to that
acks your point of view? Please refer to the readings used in the modules and in class first
and then readings from additional sources.
c) Which Agile principle/s align to each Scrum event/ceremony/meeting? Explain why you
elieve this to be the case, backed with evidence from the subject readings.
d) What contribution does the Agile Business Analyst make in each event/ceremony/meeting?
Subject Code and Title MIS302 – Agile Business Analysis
Assessment Agile Business Analysis Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1500 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful
completion of the task below include:
d) Communicate agile methods, processes, and approaches with
stakeholders in order to address organisational requirements.
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 3.1.
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 marks (100 marks unless it is a quiz assessment)

MIS302_Assessment_1_Brief_Report_Module Due3. Page 2 of 6

As organisations have started to adopt an Agile approach to software development, the role of the
Business Analyst has evolved from longer analysis and design activities done from initiation to
completion, to a world where software is produced iteratively is smaller release in sprints. For you to
succeed in a role as an Agile Business Analyst will require an understanding of agile methods
processes and approaches.
Task Instructions
Report Structure
The report is
ief and therefore will not require and executive summary or abstract.
1. Title page: should include subject ID, subject name, assignment title, student’s name, student
number and lecturer’s name
2. Introduction XXXXXXXXXXwords): Also serve as your statement of purpose for the report. This
means that you will tell the reader what you are going to cover in your report. You will need to
inform the reader of:
a) Your area of research and its context
) The key concepts you will be addressing,
c) What the reader can expect to find in the body of the report
3. Body of the report (1000 – 1100 words): The 4 Agile Ceremonies + Backlog will form your key
a) Sprint Planning
) Daily Stand-up
c) Sprint Review
d) Retrospective
e) Backlog
Within each of these events/ceremonies/meetings you will be required to discuss the following
a) Which Agile artifacts or documents support the event/ceremony/meeting? Why do you say
this and what evidence can you refer to that backs your point of view? Please refer to the
eadings used in the modules and in class first and then readings from additional sources.
) Which team members participate in the ceremonies and/or are responsible for producing
the artifacts/documents? Why do you say this and what evidence can you refer to that
acks your point of view? Please refer to the readings used in the modules and in class first
and then readings from additional sources.
c) Which Agile principle/s align to each Scrum event/ceremony/meeting? Explain why you
elieve this to be the case, backed with evidence from the subject readings.
d) What contribution does the Agile Business Analyst make in each event/ceremony/meeting?
Please note that these are to guide you as to the required content of each section and ARE NOT
to be used as sub-headings.
4. Conclusion (175 – 200 words): summarise any findings that the report puts forward regarding
the concepts covered in the report.

MIS302_Assessment_1_Brief_Report_Module Due3. Page 3 of 6

The report should use font Arial or Cali
i 11 point, should be line spaced at 1.5 for ease of reading
and page numbers on the bottom of each page.
With the required diagrams due attention should be given to pagination to avoid loss of meaning
and continuity by unnecessarily splitting information over two pages. Diagrams must ca
y the
appropriate captioning.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more
information on referencing here http:
Submission Instructions
Please submit ONE MSWord document (.doc or .docx) via the Assessment 1 section found in the
main navigation menu of the subject’s Blackboard site. The Learning Facilitator will provide
feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.

Academic Integrity Declaration
I declare that except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is
my own work. I have read and am aware of To
ens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy
and Procedure viewable online at http:
I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so

MIS302_Assessment_1_Brief_Report_Module Due XXXXXXXXXXPage 4 of 6

Assessment Ru
(Yet to achieve
minimum standard)
High Distinction
Knowledge and

Understanding of the
key concepts of Agile
methods, processes and
the Agile approach.

Lack of understanding of
the required concepts and

Key components of the
assignment are not

Lack of application, and
analysis of information to
provide clear
Limited understanding of
equired concepts and

Some of the key components
of the assignment are not

Limited application and
analysis to provide clear
Adequate knowledge or
understanding of the
equired concepts.

A reasonable capacity to
explain and apply relevant
key concepts.

Supports opinion and
information substantiated
y evidence from research
to provide
Thorough understanding of
the key concepts.

Discriminates between
assertion of opinion and
information substantiated
y robust evidence from
the research/course
materials and extended

Well demonstrated capacity
to apply and analyse
elevant information to
provide clear

Highly developed
understanding of the field
or discipline/s.

Systematically and critically
discriminates between
assertion of opinion and
information substantiated
y robust evidence from
the research/course
materials and extended

Recommendations are
clearly justified based on
the application and analysis
of information.
Analysis and
application with
synthesis of new

Demonstrates a
understanding of the
Agile approach, the
Scrum process, Agile
teams and the role of
the Business Analyst.
Limited synthesis and

ions based upon analysis.
Demonstrated analysis and
synthesis of new knowledge
with application.

Shows the ability to interpret
elevant information and
Well-developed analysis
and synthesis with
application of
ecommendations linked to

Thoroughly developed and
sound analysis and
synthesis with application
of pretested models and /
or independently
developed models and
justified recommendations
linked to analysis/synthesis.
Highly sophisticated and
creative analysis, synthesis
of new with existing

Strong application by way
of pretested models and /
or independently
developed models.
Recommendations are
clearly justified based on

MIS302_Assessment_1_Brief_Report_Module Due XXXXXXXXXXPage 5 of 6

the analysis/synthesis.
Applying knowledge to new
situations/other cases.


Presents information.

Specialised language and
terminology is rarely or
inaccurately employed.

Meaning is repeatedly
obscured by e
ors in the
communication of ideas,
including e
ors in
structure, sequence,
spelling, grammar,
punctuation and/or the
acknowledgment of
Communicates in a readable
manner that largely adheres
to the given format.

Generally employs specialised
language and terminology
with accuracy.

Meaning is sometimes
difficult to follow.
Information, arguments and
evidence are structured and
sequenced in a way that is
not always clear and logical.

Some e
ors are evident in
spelling, grammar and/or
Communicates in a
coherent and readable
manner that adheres to the
given format.

Accurately employs
specialised language and

Meaning is easy to follow.
Information, arguments and
evidence are structured and
sequenced in a way that is
clear and logical.

Occasional minor e
present in spelling,
grammar and/or
Communicates coherently
and concisely in a manner
Answered Same Day Mar 19, 2022


Tanisha answered on Mar 20 2022
110 Votes
    We will be analyzing the agile process, used for the software development process models. In 1990’s, there was development crisis known as application delivery lag where the industry thought that they could not meet the demands of the customer as the estimated time between the business requirements and finishing of the actual application is huge which lead to the introduction of agile methodology in the software industry.
Agile methodology is a kind of process for the project management where demands and solutions are evolved through the efforts of cross functional and self build teams and the customers. It focuses on the main principles that add the value to the flexibility and adaptability.
It is an iterative and incremental based development and a framework that promotes foreseen interactions through the development cycle. Planning, Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing and Maintenance are the software activities that need to be performed according to the demands of the customer. In Agile process, the highest priority is given to the customer satisfaction where the customer interacts directly to evaluate the software.
We will look into agile phases and how it adds value to the overall lifecycle of the software development by dividing the tasks into small increments.
Flow chart of Agile Methodology
    For using the agile process, we consider the Agile Manifesto that declares the values and the principles that aims to help out to find the better ways of developing the software by giving a clear picture.
    Main values and principles that considered in the Agile Manifesto:
· Important interactions over the usage of process and tools.
· Building up the comprehensive documentation for the working software.
· Collaboration of customers over the negotiation of the contract used for building the software.
· Feedback over the change of the plan.
· Customer satisfaction through early and continuous software delivery
· Accommodation of amendable requirements during the development process
· Frequent delivery of the sub part of the software
· Collaboration between developers and stakeholders mapping.
· Motivating, supporting and trusting the people who are involved in the process
· Ability to have face to face interactions
· Primary progress of the process is the working software
· Supporting a consistent pace
· Studying the technical details and design
· Simplicity
· Use of architectural, requirements and designs
· Effectiveness during the process
During the management of the agile project, there are few deliverables important to track the progress and creation of the product which are available in the frameworks such as Kanban and Scrum.
In Scrum framework, we emphasized the five values: commitment, courage, focus, openness and respect. The difference that separates scrum from other agile methodologies is roles, events and the artifacts used for the operation. Roles of the scrum are product owner, who represents the stakeholders and customer, development team who represents the delivery of the product and the scrum...

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