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1 MGT5OBR ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR Assessment 3: Group Assignment This group assignment requires you to apply theoretical concepts covered in the class to a fictional business. This task gives you the...

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Assessment 3: Group Assignment

This group assignment requires you to apply theoretical concepts covered in the class to a fictional
usiness. This task gives you the opportunity to work collaboratively and to develop team-based skills.

You will work in groups of 4 to 5 students (subject to your workshop facilitator’s approval) to complete
the assignment.

Assessment Task

You will be acting as a team of consultants to a fictional global professional services firm with expertise
in accounting, auditing and tax advisory. In all aspects, the firm is comparable to KPMG. Your task is
to produce a report to advise the organisation’s Australian unit (a business comparable to KPMG
Australia) on what should be done to effectively manage employees.

In the report you need to:
1. Briefly describe the fictional firm.
2. Identify and analyse four key issues concerning the management of its employees.
3. Provide recommendations.

The report should have the following sections:
• Title page

• Table of contents

• Introduction
o State the purpose of the report.
o Briefly describe your fictional business. Choose a name for it and in your description
focus on aspects relevant to your subsequent analysis.
For instance, we know motivation is contingent on the types of employees. If you
choose to talk about motivation, you might describe the type of employees at your
fictional business.
o Provide a
ief overview of the report.

• Issue analysis and recommendation
o Identify and analyse four (4) key issues concerning the management of employees.
Analyse each key issue using one organisational behaviour theory or concept. The
issues selected must be spread across at least 3 of the subject’s modules. For each of
the identified key issues, provide recommendations for the Australian unit of the
fictional business.
o For each of the identified key issues,
iefly describe the chosen theory or concept,
then explain in detail why and how it is relevant for the management of employees of
your fictional business. Finally, draw specific and actionable recommendations.
Coverage of each of the four key issues should be roughly equal in word count.
For instance, you may identify employee motivation as one key issue. To analyse the
issue, you might select one motivation theory from Module 3. You would
describe the theory. You would then explain in detail why this theory is relevant for the
employees of your fictional business, and how you will use the theory to improve

motivation. Finally, you would draw specific and actionable recommendations for the
Australian unit of your fictional business.

• Conclusion
o Summarise the report findings.

• Reference list

You need to use the APA or Harvard Referencing System.

Length: The total length of the assignment is a maximum of 4,000 words (+/- 10%)
(Title page, table of contents and reference list are excluded from the word
count. In-text citations are included.)

Weighting: 30% of your total mark.

Due date: First Sunday of Central Examination Period by 11:55pm

Submission: Submit via the LMS (Assignment Turnitin). Hard copies are NOT required

Format: The document should be written as clear, concise report. It is important that
your report has a logical flow and good structure, makes use of relevant
headings and subheadings, and that you write using coherent, integrated
text, avoiding grammatical and spelling mistakes. For reading (and marking)
ease please use a 12-point Cali
i font with 1.5x spacing.

Marking Criteria: Please refer to the LMS for marking criteria.

MGT5OBR: Assessment 3 Marking Guide
Group Assignment
CRITERIA* A: Excellent (> 80 %) B: Very good (70 – 79%) C: Good (60 – 69%) D: Acceptable (50 – 59%) N: Unacceptable (<50%)
(10% of
assessment mark)
Excellent introduction
which clearly defines
the fictional business.
Sharply focused on
elevant and key
organisation details.

(8-10 marks)
Very good introduction
with concise description
of the fictional business
and clear focus on
elevant and key
organisation details.

(7 marks)
Summary of fictional
usiness is mostly clear
and concise. Some
elevant details or
could have more detail
on some key
(6 marks)
Summary of fictional
usiness provided.
Some details
inappropriate or

(5 marks)
Summary of fictional
usiness lacks focus on
key or relevant details.

(< 5 marks)
Issue identification
and analysis

(50% of
assessment mark)

In depth analysis
undertaken. Relevant
OB theory or concepts
from at least 3 modules
are clearly explained
and applied to the
fictional business.
Demonstrates strong
critical or evaluative
thinking about how
elevant theories &/or
concepts are applied;
clear understanding of
how and why they are
used. Excellent linkages
etween the theory and
the fictional business.
(40-50 marks)
Very good analysis
undertaken. Relevant
OB theory or concepts
from at least 3 modules
are clearly explained
and applied to the
fictional business. Very
few and minor e
ors in
easoning, accuracy or
elevance. Very good
linkage between the
theory and the fictional

(35-39 marks)
Good analysis
undertaken. OB theory
or concepts described
and applied to fictional
usiness. Includes some
minor e
ors in
easoning, accuracy or
elevance. May discuss
OB concepts or theories
from fewer than 3
modules, but discussion
of concepts from other
modules is generally
very good. Solid linkage
etween the theory and
the case study.

(30-34 marks)
Solid analysis
undertaken. OB theory
or concepts described
and applied to fictional
usiness, but may have
some minor or a few
major e
ors in
easoning, accuracy or
elevance. May discuss
OB concepts or theories
from fewer than 3
modules. Superficial
linkages between the
theory and the case

(25-29 marks)
Analytical skills not
Does not describe or
apply OB theory or
concepts, or is mostly
inaccurate or i
Does not discuss
concepts from four
modules, and discussion
is generally poor quality.
Theory has not been
Non-academic sources

(<25 marks )

(20% of
assessment mark)

ecommendations that
are clearly stated and
well supported.
Recommendations are
clearly linked back to
issues. The way in which
the recommendations
are communicated is
very clear, compelling
and inspiring.

(16-20 marks)
Very good
ecommendations that
are supported.
Recommendations are
mostly linked back to
issues. Very few and
minor e
ors in
easoning, accuracy or

(14-15 marks)
Good recommendations
ut could be more
strongly related to the
overall article analyses
and comparisons. May
include some minor
ors in reasoning.

(12-13 marks)
Solid attempt to
ecommendations but
may have some minor
or a few e
ors in
easoning or
application. Some
ecommendations are
linked back to issues but
there are key issues
which are not
(10-11 marks)
Recommendations are
missing or are
superficially dealt with.
Recommendations are
disjointed from the rest
of the report.
Inappropriate in the
way in which
ecommendations are

(< 10 marks)
Structure and

(10% of
assessment mark)

Sequence and structure
are logical and easy to
follow; excellent overall
Excellent conclusion.

(8-10 marks)
Sequence and structure
are logical and easy to
follow; very good
overall organisation.
Very good conclusion.

(7 marks)
Structured well enough
to make sense; could be
etter organised and
more tightly focused
upon the topic, may lack
focus, engagement or
summary. Good

(6 marks)
Mostly coherent
organisation; may have
some sections where
difficult to follow
easoning. Could be
more clearly and logically
Solid conclusion.

(5 marks)
Lacks coherent
organisation and
structure. Describes
disconnected bits of
information or many
direct quotes.
either missing or
(<5 marks)
Writing and

(10% of
assessment mark)
Excellent use of relevant
and appropriate sources
of literature. Co
eferencing used
throughout. Excellent
grammar and spelling.
(8 – 10 marks)
Very good use of
elevant and
appropriate sources of
literature. Co
eferencing, and good
grammar and spelling.
(7 marks)
Good grammar and
spelling. May include
some e
ors in
eferencing and

(6 marks)
Acceptable use of
elevant sources of
literature. Mostly co
eferencing. Some
grammar and spelling
(5 marks)
Few if any literature
sources included and
poor referencing. Poor
spelling and grammar.
Answered Same Day May 18, 2020 MGT5OBR La Trobe University


Shashank answered on May 28 2020
165 Votes
Key management issues of fictional firm
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Key Issues Identified in Alliance Air
a. Vagueness in the present and future strategy of the company
i. Recommendations
. Ineffectiveness in the feedback process
i. Recommendations
c. Confusion regarding collective agreements
i. Recommendations
d. Lack of behavioral motivators
i. Recommendations
3. Conclusion
4. References
The time of being the king of the mountain has start changing. Even the biggest companies in the world are fighting harder to hold on the higher ground. The changing business environments has led to many organizational changes which many of them are not able sustain that can help in pursuing their path of growth. What has really happened at the core. Answer is pure and simple: Disruption. Disruption in technology, disruption in business process and disruption in customer preferences. The variables that affect business changes as organizations enter in different era of business. Some of them have been able to handle the change but some get succumb into it.
The public sector companies like Alliance Air which has been operating in the country has been struggling recently with organizational issues. The company is 70 years old flag ca
ier of India which is owned by Alliance Air Limited. It operates with fleet of 95 aircrafts of Ai
us and Boeing for both domestic and international destination. For long period of time, Alliance Air served to their customers without any competition and had monopoly in the airlines industry. Post 1950, government acquired 49% stakes in company. It was only when private players started entering the market and the market share has dropped down to 20 percent. The company operates in more than 50 international destinations across 4 continents. In the last 50 years the airlines have operated from war times to situations where natural hazards have occu
ed to assist the general public. When the economic situation changed in the country, the company was tried to re-privatize in 2000.
Last 15-20 years has been a tough time for the organization. The company top management people were charged with co
uption which led to huge losses for the airlines. The management changed it strategy considering low cost players entering the market by introducing low cost airlines which operated in part of Middle East and Southeast Asia. The airlines has suffered huge losses in past decade. The losses in single financial year has been as high as US $120million. There have been various changes in management to cope with the rising challenges that the company has been facing. But the debt has been on a rise and this has raised the wo
ies of stakeholders of the organization. The government has made efforts by interfering in the operation of the company but realized that the organization has been struggling internally due to poor management and leading to poor operations. (Backx, Carney and Gedajlovic, 2002) The changes that have been made has gone in vain due to lack of ownership in the people of the organization. The blame game has started leading to no where situation for the vintage airlines. The latest development has been government orders of privatization of the Airline but first they want to make improvements in the organization internally. The officers have understood that the company management has failed big time and are motivated to
ing the airlines back on track of business.
This report is analysis of the major issues that the company is facing in cu
ent scenario which they have not been able to come out from a long time. The information has been gathered by understanding various aspects of organization like leadership, management style, decision making, culture, financial structure and organization behavior. At the end of the report, recommendations are given for addressing these challenges in order to improve the situation of organization internally. This is important for any major change that higher management
ings to
ing the business back on track. Any business development might not sustain for longer term if these issues are not addressed at first place by the management. This report does not guarantees for any organization development but only suggest ways on how improvements can be made to follow the path of progress. The research has been done exclusively considering the factors that directly impact this organization and may or may not work for other even if the problem statement is same. The reason behind this every organization face different set external environment even though internal challenges might be same. The solution provided if worked for one might not necessary work for other. Hopefully, this will be the start of
inging your organization back on path of growth and we can come to your help in reaching your ambitions in the years to come ahead.
Key Issues Identified in Alliance Air
The company has been struggling with multiple issues related to management and administration. This has been hampering the performance in direct or indirect ways which are influenced by financial history of organization, and culture of management within this sector. Apart from this, employees from various management levels including both unionized and non-unionized employees, when start losing faith in the process makes uniform performance even more tough to execute. (Cong and Pandya, 2003)The analysis done by taking feedback by various senior level executives and middle level managers has led to identify to four major challenges that are inhibiting Alliance Air to effectively perform in the industry:
1. Vagueness in the present and future strategy of the company
2. Ineffectiveness in the feedback process
3. Confusion regarding collective agreements
4. Lack of behavioral motivators
1. Vagueness in present and future strategy
There are many occasions in the company when decisions are taken for the organization by the top level executives but the public servants are not uniformed about the strategy and future plans. There has been lack of communication of organization leaders to their employees regarding the strategical changes in the organization and the actions that are required from the employees in order to achieve the annual or quarterly goals. The gap that has been created due to this miscommunication has led to misalignment between the goals of employees and organization’s strategy. When employees were interviewed about the company goals, deep lack of clarity was observed in the employees on their key priorities. There was no decisions that could be made on the initiatives that need to be taken from their side and keep their focus on. As a result, the efforts taken by employees lead to efforts in achieving goals which might not be required or are not aligned with the company goals. The time they spend and the resources they utilize to complete the task are not being utilized wisely as the efforts do not contribute towards the plans of organization. Also, on achieving those employees often feel overwhelm but the sense of direction has been lacking throughout the process in them. This also
ings them to risk of losing their motivation after certain period of time as the efforts they have put in past have not
ought the required results that the management is aiming for. This vagueness results in decreasing employee performance over the period of time due to lose of interest and loss of confidence in
inging effective change in organization. (Llewellyn and Tappin, 2003)
Recommendations: It has been realized that communication of organizational goals in isolation cannot
ing changes sufficient enough that can help in alignment of performance. When the employees realizes that their efforts are impacting the organization in specific method their actions are automatically motivated to work in the direction of progress. The methods of extrinsic motivation that the human resource people uses...

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