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1. Good News Letter Congratulatory messages create positive impressions and build goodwill. Write a letter to a customer based on the following fall-inspired prompt: You are a small grocer...

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1. Good News Letter

Congratulatory messages create positive impressions and build goodwill. Write a letter to a customer based on the following fall-inspired prompt:

You are a small grocer specializing in international fine foods. A loyal customer/member of your reward program has won a pre-cooked Turkey Dinner (15 pound free-range/organic turkey, roasted to perfection; stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes with marshmallow glaze, string beans, cranberry sauce, and garden salad, a $300 value). Vegetarian option available.

You may invent a hypothetical store name, personnel, promotions, programs, etc. Remember to spell-grammar check. Refer to chapter 4 for formatting ideas. Use Appendix A for help with letter formatting.

2. Bad-News Letter

Claim Denial: Expensive Glasses Lost on the Plane

Atlantic Southern Airlines (ASA) had an unhappy customer. Casey Segal-Jain flew from Baltimore, Maryland, to Seattle, Washington. The flight stopped briefly at Detroit Metropolitan Airport, where Ms. Segal-Jain got off the plane for half an hour. When she returned to her seat, her $400 prescription reading glasses were gone. She asked the flight attendant where the glasses were, and the attendant said they probably were thrown away since the cleaning crew had come in with big bags and tossed everything in them. Ms. Segal-Jain tried to locate the glasses through the airline’s lost-and-found service, but she failed.

Then she wrote a strong letter to the airline demanding reimbursement for the loss. She felt that it was obvious that she was returning to her seat. The airline, however, knows that an overwhelming number of passengers arriving at hubs switch planes for their connecting flights. The airline does not know who is returning. What’s more, flight attendants usually announce that the plane is continuing to another city and that passengers who are returning should take their belongings. Cabin cleaning crews speed through planes removing newspapers, magazines, leftover food, and trash. Airlines feel no responsibility for personal items left in cabins.

Your Task. As a staff member of the Customer Relations Department of Atlantic Southern Airlines, deny the customer’s claim but retain her goodwill using techniques learned in this chapter. The airline never refunds cash, but it might consider travel vouchers for the value of the glasses. Remember that apologies cost nothing. Write a claim denial to Casey Segal-Jain, 999 3rd Avenue, Apt. 45, Seattle, WA 98104.

3. Persuasive Email:

You are the Community Service Director for a Bay Area company. You want to invite employees to participate in a volunteer opportunity to give back to the community (addressing local issues such as hunger and homelessness, youth development, or environmental issues).

Your task: Find a volunteer opportunity in the Bay Area that your employees can participate in. Write a persuasive email to get them to sign up to volunteer. Provide specific information like date and time, location, etc.

Search online for volunteer opportunities, or visit to an external site. for ideas and then do more research on the company to gather the information you need. When drafting your email, consider the Six Psychological Triggers That Air Persuasion and the Six Effective Persuasion Techniques found in the textbook.
Answered Same Day Mar 15, 2023


Ayan answered on Mar 16 2023
37 Votes
Table of contents
Good News Letter    3
Bad-News Letter    3
Persuasive Email    4
Good News Lette
Dear Valued Customer,
    We are excited to announce that you are the lucky winner of our fall-inspired giveaway! As a loyal member of our reward program, you have won a delicious pre-cooked Turkey Dinner, worth $300, which includes a 15-pound free-range/organic turkey roasted to perfection, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes with marshmallow glaze, string beans, cranbe
y sauce, and garden salad. We also have a vegetarian option available if that's your preference.
    We are thrilled to offer this prize to one of our most valued customers who has been with us for so long. We hope that you and your family will enjoy this mouth-watering meal and make some fond memories this fall season.
    Please come to our store to collect your prize. Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you in any way possible. Thank you for being a loyal customer, and we hope to see you soon.
Best regards,

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