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You undertake this task individually. Your task is to investigate a Community Legal Centre project or program * that improves access to legal representation for criminal justice clients. This may...

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You undertake this task individually.
Your task is to investigate a Community Legal Centre project or program * that improves access to legal representation for criminal justice clients.
This may include any of the following:
A community project; a legal education program; a pro-bono law scheme, or an outreach service.
The program does NOT have to be based in Victoria-you may choose instead to look at something that is happening overseas or interstate and compare it to what is happening locally.
You need to look at the initiative with a critical eye-try to imagine how useful it would be to the end user and reflect on how it could be improved.
Higher marks will be awarded to students who demonstrate that they have read widely on the subject.
Conversely, marks will be deducted for students where there is evidence of “cutting and pasting”/plagiarism from websites, from other author’s work, or from Annual Reports (although you should by all means familiarise yourself with these sources).
You MUST use APA referencing in-text throughout your presentation as necessary, and provide a separate Reference page.
You may wish to conduct the bulk of your research via interview/s, but background reading is still required. If you conduct interview/s, they must also be referenced appropriately.
*Note: You need to focus on a project or program run by a CLC, and NOT the CLC itself. Be careful to select a Community Legal Centre, NOT a Legal Aid program.
* ALL students must upload a copy for grading purposes under the Assessment 2 link.
You will be graded according to the extent to which you can demonstrate:
1.    An understanding of the aim/s of the initiative (up to 3 marks)
2.    An ability to critically evaluate the initiative (up to 5 marks)
3.    The extent to which you are able to engage the online audience (you may like to pose some discussion questions). This will be monitored (up to 2 marks).
4.    Thoroughness of research (you are encouraged to attach a ‘further reading’ list to your presentation)- (up to 4 marks)
5.    Originality of work (up to 3 marks)
6.    Referencing according to APA guidelines (up to 3 marks)
7.    All resubmissions will only be graded on a Pass/Fail basis.

Answered 929 days After Oct 07, 2019


Jose answered on Apr 23 2022
94 Votes

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