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Using the "5 Forces Framework" by Michael Porter write two paragraphs to answer 1. "Threats of New Entrants"What are entry barriers in this industry? How are industry incumbents likely to respond to...

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Using the "5 Forces Framework" by Michael Porter write two paragraphs to answer 1. "Threats of New Entrants"What are entry barriers in this industry?

How are industry incumbents likely to respond to new entrants?

CONCLUSION: HIGH/MEDIUM/LOW. 2nd paragraph"Threat of substitutes"

Close Substitutes,

Distant Substitutes,

CONCLUSION: HIGH/MEDIUM/LOW . You will answer these two paragraphs for the company AMAZON specifically "AMAZON SUBSCRIPTIONS "ONLY!

In this section, list any sources (websites, library databases, articles, annual reports, etc.) you used to complete this assignment. Use high quality/reputable sources (

Wikipedia, blogs, random websites with someone else’s research/coursework, etc.). When in doubt, rely on original sources (i.e., from the company) or reputable financial analyst or similar reports. Format in an appropriate and consistent manner MLA.

Answered Same Day Sep 21, 2023


Dipali answered on Sep 21 2023
30 Votes
Last Name     2
Discussion    3
Threat of New Entrants    3
Threat of Substitutes    4
Work Cited    5
Threat of New Entrants
Due to high entry ba
iers, the threat of new competitors entering the Amazon Subscriptions market is minimal. Amazon, making it difficult for new companies to successfully compete, dominates the e-commerce and subscription service markets. The substantial capital expenditure required replicating Amazon's extensive infrastructure, including its extensive distribution network and data centres, is a significant entrance hurdle. Additionally, Amazon enjoys the advantages of economies of scale, enabling it to provide a large choice of services at affordable prices, making it challenging new competitors to match its selection. Additionally, new entrants find it challenging to win over customers to the same degree of confidence due to Amazon's strong
and loyalty and consumer trust throughout the years. Intellectual property rights and regulatory difficulties might also be a ba
ier for potential immigrants (Klatt & Tyler).
In order to protect their market share against new competitors, industry incumbents are likely to make use of their...

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