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week 2 tab using data on first tab

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week 2 tab using data on first tab
Answered Same Day Jul 18, 2021


Komalavalli answered on Jul 20 2021
152 Votes
    ID    Salary    Compa-ratio    Midpoint     Age    Performance Rating    Service    Gender    Raise    Degree    Gender1    Grade        Do not manipuilate Data set on this page, copy to another page to make changes
    1    66.8    1.172    57    34    85    8    0    5.7    0    M    E        The ongoing question that the weekly assignments will focus on is: Are males and females paid the same for equal work (under the Equal Pay Act)?
    2    27.4    0.884    31    52    80    7    0    3.9    0    M    B        Note: to simplfy the analysis, we will assume that jobs within each grade comprise equal work.
    3    34.7    1.118    31    30    75    5    1    3.6    1    F    B
    4    57.1    1.001    57    42    100    16    0    5.5    1    M    E        The column labels in the table mean:
    5    48.1    1.002    48    36    90    16    0    5.7    1    M    D        ID – Employee sample number             Salary – Salary in thousands
    6    74.4    1.110    67    36    70    12    0    4.5    1    M    F        Age – Age in years            Performance Rating - Appraisal rating (employee evaluation score)
    7    40.6    1.015    40    32    100    8    1    5.7    1    F    C        Service – Years of service (rounded)            Gender – 0 = male, 1 = female
    8    22.9    0.997    23    32    90    9    1    5.8    1    F    A        Midpoint – salary grade midpoint             Raise – percent of last raise
    9    78.1    1.166    67    49    100    10    0    4    1    M    F        Grade – jo
pay grade            Degree (0= BS\BA 1 = MS)
    10    25    1.088    23    30    80    7    1    4.7    1    F    A        Gender1 (Male or Female)            Compa-ratio - salary divided by midpoint
    11    22.4    0.976    23    41    100    19    1    4.8    1    F    A
    12    58.3    1.022    57    52    95    22    0    4.5    0    M    E
    13    42.2    1.055    40    30    100    2    1    4.7    0    F    C
    14    23.9    1.041    23    32    90    12    1    6    1    F    A
    15    24.6    1.071    23    32    80    8    1    4.9    1    F    A
    16    42.6    1.064    40    44    90    4    0    5.7    0    M    C
    17    68.1    1.194    57    27    55    3    1    3    1    F    E
    18    35.9    1.157    31    31    80    11    1    5.6    0    F    B
    19    24.5    1.067    23    32    85    1    0    4.6    1    M    A
    20    35    1.128    31    44    70    16    1    4.8    0    F    B
    21    72    1.074    67    43    95    13    0    6.3    1    M    F
    22    54.8    1.142    48    48    65    6    1    3.8    1    F    D
    23    23.8    1.036    23    36    65    6    1    3.3    0    F    A
    24    52.2    1.087    48    30    75    9    1    3.8    0    F    D
    25    24.4    1.063    23    41    70    4    0    4    0    M    A
    26    23.9    1.037    23    22    95    2    1    6.2    0    F    A
    27    37.7    0.942    40    35    80    7    0    3.9    1    M    C
    28    77.1    1.150    67    44    95    9    1    4.4    0    F    F
    29    76.4    1.141    67    52    95    5    0    5.4    0    M    F
    30    48    1.001    48    45    90    18    0    4.3    0    M    D
    31    24    1.045    23    29    60    4    1    3.9    1    F    A
    32    27.3    0.881    31    25    95    4    0    5.6    0    M    B
    33    63.4    1.112    57    35    90    9    0    5.5    1    M    E
    34    27.9    0.899    31    26    80    2    0    4.9    1    M    B
    35    23.6    1.027    23    23    90    4    1    5.3    0    F    A
    36    23.4    1.016    23    27    75    3    1    4.3    0    F    A
    37    23    0.998    23    22    95    2    1    6.2    0    F    A
    38    60    1.052    57    45    95    11    0    4.5    0    M    E
    39    35    1.128    31    27    90    6    1    5.5    0    F    B
    40    24    1.045    23    24    90    2    0    6.3    0    M    A
    41    44.2    1.106    40    25    80    5    0    4.3    0    M    C
    42    22.6    0.981    23    32    100    8    1    5.7    1    F    A
    43    78.4    1.170    67    42    95    20    1    5.5    0    F    F
    44    62.9    1.103    57    45    90    16    0    5.2    1    M    E
    45    52.5    1.093    48    36    95    8    1    5.2    1    F    D
    46    57.2    1.004    57    39    75    20    0    3.9    1    M    E
    47    63    1.105    57    37    95    5    0    5.5    1    M    E
    48    63.4    1.113    57    34    90    11    1    5.3    1    F    E
    49    63.7    1.118    57    41    95    21    0    6.6    0    M    E
    50    58.1    1.019    57    38    80    12    0    4.6    0    M    E
Week 1
    Week 1: Descriptive Statistics, including Probability                                                                            Gender1    Salary
    While the lectures will examine our equal pay question from the compa-ratio viewpoint, our weekly assignments will focus on                                                                            F    36.2
    examining the issue using the salary measure.                                                                            F    42.1
                                                                                F    22.8
    The purpose of this assignmnent is two fold:                                                                            F    23
    1. Demonstrate mastery with Excel tools.                                                                            F    21.8
    2. Develop descriptive statistics to help examine the question.                                                                            F    40.5
    3. Interpret descriptive outcomes                                                                            F    23.6
                                                                                F    23.4
    The first issue in examining salary data to determine if we - as a company - are paying males and females equally for doing equal work is to develop some                                                                            F    67.5
    descriptive statistics to give us something to make a preliminary decision on whether we have an issue or not.                                                                            F    34.1
                                                                                F    35.2
    1    Descriptive Statistics: Develop basic descriptive statistics for Salary                                                                        F    51.1
        The first step in analyzing data sets is to find some summary descriptive statistics for key variables.                                                                         F    25.3
        Suggestion: Copy the gender1 and salary columns from the Data tab to columns T and U at the right.                                                                        F    51
        Then use Data Sort (by gender1) to get all the male and female salary values grouped together.                                                                        F    24.4
                                                                                F    77.2
        a.     Use the Descriptive Statistics function in the Data Analysis tab                                                                     F    22.7
            to develop the descriptive statistics summary for the overall                                 Salary                                    F    23.9
            group's overall salary. (Place K19 in output range.)                                                                    F    22.8
            Highlight the mean, sample standard deviation, and range.                                Mean    44.454                                F    22.6
                                            Standard E
or    2.7040728314                                F    33.5
                                            Median    42.2                                F    24.1
                                            Mode    23                                F    74.5
                                            Standard Deviation    19.1206823591                                F    48.9
        b.    Using Fx (or formula) functions find the following (be sure to show the formula                                 Sample Variance    365.6004938776                                F    65.6
            and not just the value in each cell) asked for salary statistics for each gender:                                Kurtosis    -1.2688729185                                M    57.7
                Male    Female                        Skewness    0.3392633171                                M    27.9
            Mean:    51.396    37.512                        Range    57.3                                M    63.7
            Sample Standard Deviation:    18.1444775804    17.7992584115                        Minimum    21.8                                M    45.5
            Range:    56.1    55.4                        Maximum    79.1                                M    74.4
                                            Sum    2222.7                                M    77.7
                                            Count    50                                M    55.5
                                                                                M    42.3
                                                                                M    24.3
    2    Develop a 5-number summary for the overall, male, and female SALARY variable.                                                                        M    79.1
        For full credit, show the excel formulas in each cell rather than simply the numerical answer.                                                                        M    23
                    Overall    Males    Females                                                    M    42.9
                Max    79.1    79.1    77.2                                                    M    77.5
                3rd Q    61.725    62.9    48.9                                                    M    46.2
                Midpoint    42.2    55.5    33.5                                                    M    27.2
                1st Q    24.325    42.2    23.4                                                    M    62.9
                Min    21.8    23    21.8                                                    M    28.1
                                                                                M    60
    3    Location Measures: comparing Male and Female midpoints to the overall Salary data range.                                                                        M    23
        For full credit, show the excel formulas in each cell rather than simply the numerical answer.                                                                        M    42.1
        Using the entire Salary range and the M and F midpoints found in Q2                            Male    Female                                        M    63.8
        a. What would each midpoint's percentile rank be in the overall range?                            0.5    0.5    Use Excel's =PERCENTRANK.EXC function                                    M    61.8
        b. What is the normal curve z value for each midpoint within overall range?                            0.2262    -0.2254    Use Excel's =STANDARDIZE function                                     M    61.5
                                                                                M    54.9
                                                                                M    61.9
    4    Probability Measures: comparing Male and Female midpoints to the overall Salary data range
        For full credit, show the excel formulas in each cell rather than simply the numerical answer.
        Using the entire Salary range and the M and F midpoints found in Q2, find                            Male    Female
        a. The Empirical Probability of equaling or exceeding (=>) that value for                            0.34    0.64    Show the calculation formula = value/50 or =countif(range,">="&cell)/50
        b. The Normal curve Prob of => that value for each group                            0.6698380313    0.6021397151    Use "=1-NORM.S.DIST"...

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