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Topic: The Bible and Social EngagementHow does the Bible influence thought and action concerning injustice, the poor, etc. Write a 4 pages paper on the topic. APA style is required. If you would like...

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Topic: The Bible and Social EngagementHow does the Bible influence thought and action concerning injustice, the poor, etc.

Write a 4 pages paper on the topic. APA style is required. If you would like help with APA guidelines, please refer to Additional links can be provided for reference if needed. Guidelines for the paper are as follows: Please keep the front between 10 and 12, double space, and use 1-inch margins. Include a cover sheet and a reference page listing your resources in addition to the 4 pages of content. Make sure you cite all sources and quotations within the text of your paper (minimum of 5 sources required) and All sourcesMUST be academically credible sources...No Wikipedia, no Jim Bob's Bible Blog, etc.)

  1. Make sure you cite within the text of the paper. This is very important! Any direct quotes, statistics, source ideas, etc must be cited within the paper as well as on the reference page.
  2. A cover sheet and reference page listing all resources used are required
  3. Pictures may be used in your paper but will not count toward the content of text (4 pages)
Answered Same Day Jun 27, 2020


Kuldeep answered on Jun 28 2020
156 Votes
Running head: Bible influence thought and action concerning injustice
Bible influence thought and action concerning injustice
Bible influence thought and action concerning injustice
Student Name
Unit Name
Unit Code
University Name
Introduction    3
Bible influence thought and action concerning injustice, the poor, etc    3
Conclusion    6
References    7
Most people in the world today live in poverty. They often face co
uption at all levels of society and suffer unfair treatment in all aspects of life. In 2003, the World Bank classified more than 4 billion people as "poor" and spent less than $2 a day. The five richest countries in the world receive 85% of the world's total income, and the five poorest countries receive 1.4% of global income. Africa loses 148 billion U.S. dollars each year in Africa, accounting for more than 25% of the African continent’s GDP. Sixty-two percent of Ethiopians are illiterate, and 12% of the population (73 million) has AIDS. As followers of Jesus, how should we respond to these big problems that plague our society and our country? What kind of “harassment and helplessness” does the Gospel look like (confusing and non-purpose information) Matthew 9:36? What is the "good news" of "injuries and injuries" (Matthew 10:1)? When Jesus quoted Isaiah 61, Jesus clearly described the gospel: "The Spirit of Lord is upon human beings because God anointed everyone to preach the gospel to the poor, to declare liberty for prisoners, to restore sight to blinds, to release oppressed (burden and battered (information) (Luke 4:18). For those who are facing co
uption and serious injustice, this is indeed good news for humans, especially for the poor (BLUSTEIN, 2010). When Jesus said that he came to "proclaim the Lord in the year of grace (Luke 4:19), he refers to the Jubilee once every 50 years (Leviticus 25:8-55). The slave was released, the debt was cancelled, and the ancestral property was returned to in the original family, Jesus announced the release of sin and all its consequences, including poverty, co
uption, and injustice. Isaiah 11:4 says: “Only God, righteous, will judge the poor. With justice, he will be for the earth. Poor people make decisions. “
Bible influence thought and action concerning injustice, the poor, etc
Biblical justice involves the integrity of individuals, communities, and the universe by adhering to goodness and justice. It stands in the center of true religion. Our father accepts such purity and innocence: take care of the pain of orphans and widows, and keep one safe from being polluted by the world (Luzzi, 2016).
When the words “Bible” and “righteousness” are used together in the Bible (31 times, and 23 examples, two of which appear in poetic...

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