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PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. This is Doctoral work!! Provide one response to EACH student’s POST. Each response should be 150 words. PLEASE KEEP IN ORDER; the responses must be relevant to the...

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PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. This is Doctoral work!! Provide one response to EACH student’s POST. Each response should be 150 words. PLEASE KEEP IN ORDER; the responses must be relevant to the student’s post. LET’S MAKE SURE ALL QUESTIONS ARE COVERED AND ANSWERED, and no negative responses to each student’s post.

Answered Same Day Nov 15, 2023


Dipali answered on Nov 16 2023
26 Votes
Table of contents
Response to Kilburn Fulton    3
Response to Anne Touchstone    3
Response to Ashley Cedeno    4
References    5
Response to Kilburn Fulton
Your examination of the development of human resource management (HRM) from conventional methods to a more strategic function offers insightful insight into the shifting nature of the business environment. It is clear that in the face of quick organisational and technological developments, the conventional HRM model—which places a strong emphasis on data collecting and policy implementation—is becoming antiquated. It is crucial that you address fairness and parity in an organization's strategic human resource plan. The move to see contemporary HRM as a strategic partner is consistent with the overarching objective of promoting equity (Xu,Shonchoy & Fujii, 2022). Organisations may better address issues of diversity, inclusiveness, and general worker well-being by understanding the link between company strategy and people views. Your citations of Beer (1997), Mohrman, and Lawler (1997) strengthen the intellectual foundation of your observations. As a conclusion, your piece emphasises how critical it is for HRM to change with the times and strategically position itself to meet the challenges presented by growing diversity, technology...

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