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Topic: Renal Failure The outline format: Your outline must be formatted as described and exemplified in: Use an alphanumeric sequence Sections should be indented and aligned Follow the suggested order...

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Topic: Renal Failure

The outline format: Your outline must be formatted as described and exemplified in:

  • Use an alphanumeric sequence
  • Sections should be indented and aligned
  • Follow the suggested order of the required elements
  • Use brief but detailed and descriptive phrases.
I.Introduction Section– this section must contain the following:A. Thoroughly define the disease/conditionB. History of the disease/conditionII.Content Sections– this section must contain the following four main topics (the subtopics are recommendations to use if appropriate to your disease/condition):A.Statistics/Epidemiology:1. Statistical prevalence (e.g. overall, gender, age)2. Types of distributions (e.g. frequencies, patterns)3. Types of determinants (e.g. causes, risk factors)B.Financial Costs:1. Costs to the individual/family2. Possible costs to society3. Loss of productivityC. Anatomy & Physiology/Etiology:1. The normal and abnormal structure & function behind the disease/condition2. Cause(s) of the disease/conditionD. Diagnosis/Treatments/Prognosis:1. How this disease/condition is diagnosed (e.g. history, exam, diagnostic imaging, labs)2. How the condition/disease is treated (e.g. traditional medical treatments, alternative methods of treatment)3. The prediction of this disease/condition’s outcome (i.e., prognosis)III.Conclusion Section– this section must contain four to six sentences that sum up the main topics of the outline.IV.Reference Section- This is not just the reference page; rather, referencing should occur throughout the outline as it will in your presentation. Therefore, your outline should include both a separate reference page containing a minimum offive sourceslisted in proper APA reference list formatANDinternal citations throughout the outline where appropriate.
Answered Same Day Aug 06, 2021


Sumita Mitra answered on Aug 06 2021
142 Votes
Renal Failure:
This is a disease which is said to happen when our kidneys fail to filter the metabolic wastes from our blood sufficiently. Renal failure is also known as kidney failure and it depends on the degree of working ability of bot the kidneys that describes the health condition for a patient. The critical stage is known as Chronic Kidney Disease or CKD. If we talk about history of this disease than it is almost 60 years when the first patient with renal failure was diagnosed. Renal failure generally happens due to high blood pressure and diabetes in people. Kidney failure is a chronic disease that can have serious effects on the quality of life of patients and particularly on their social, economic and psychological well-being also. It impacts them mentally so they need to be taken care off well by proper support from family.
( Refer https
enal failure)
Epidemiology of renal failure:
Proper data and statistics helps us to determine the treatment parameters and the health related diagnosis of renal failure properly. The overall prevalence of kidney failure in a population generally ranges from 14-16 percent. Renal failure is also a high risk for cardiovascular diseases. Renal failure generally happens due to high blood pressure and diabetes in people. That is the reason that timely treatment helps to better the kidney function and delay kidney failure and dialysis process to eliminate the wasted from the body. Renal failure affects both males and females alike and is more prevalent for people with high blood pressure and diabetes. Also the food habits have a considerable role to play in renal failure as simple food consumption is always advised by doctors for healthy...

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