Assignment BIO 127
(Total points 100)
The article should be typewritten in 12 point font, double spaced and no more than 3-5 pages
long. The paper should follow the following format:
A. Title of the article: Should be typed on a separate page, in the middle of page with name,
subject, section, and date at the bottom of the page (5 points)
a. Title -1
. Name-1
c. Subject-1
d. Section-1
e. Date-1
B. Introduction/Background/History: This section should include the preface of the article in
other words this section tells in
ief what you are going to write or express in content
section (1-2 paragraphs, 10 points)
a. Grammer-2
. Content and volume -6
c. References-2
C. Content: Should contain a detail description of the article/paper. Depending on the given
assignment it can be divided in several subheadings. For example, if assignment is disease
elated, students must focus and include following sub headings such as detail description of
causative organism, treatments, prevention etc XXXXXXXXXXpages, 40 points)
a. Organization -5
. Grammar- 5
c. Content-10
d. Refrences-10
e. Volume-5
f. Quantitative information-5
D. Discussion/Analysis: Should contain the opinion about the given topic and discusses the
content section. (2-3 paragraphs, 25 points)
a. Comprehension-5
. Grammer-5
c. Content-10
d. Projections-5
E. Conclusion/summary: This section should include the concluding remarks of the
article/paper (1 paragraph, 10 points)
a. Organization-2
. Grammer-2
c. Content-6
F. References: Should include all the references cited in the article/paper (8 points)
a. Journal article 1-2
. Journal article 2-2
c. Journal article 3-2
d. Book-2
e. Website-1
G. Acknowledgements: In this section, students should acknowledge if they get help from
anywhere such as their teachers, friends, testing center, reading/writing center etc. (2 points)
Note: Based on writing assignment, students could add more subheadings but the article must
contain headings outlined above.
In order to write your research article you will have to:
1. Identify all the necessary information components that you will need.
2. Visit the li
ary and learn about the available scientific journals, textbooks, and other
media and technological resources that may be available to you to complete the task.
Some of the databases you may use include Science Direct, NCBI (Pub med), and
google scholar etc.
3. Read a variety of scientific articles related to your topic and understand the material
contained in them. You will need to read relevant articles gathered over the past 10 years
in the major scientific journals.
4. Analyze and study the methods used in the various scientific articles that you gather.
5. Critically evaluate the incidence data as reported using graphs, charts and figures and use
your analysis to generate your own data tables and charts.
6. Properly cite the literature within the text and include all references in the reference
section of the article.
7. Use a dictionary to check your spelling and make sure that you use the co
ect grammar.
You may visit the reading and writing labs to get assistance in this effort.