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This is a progress report linked to a business proposal that I have already made.I am linking all the requirements with this.1. The topic chosen for the business project is 'Tata Group' and the area...

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This is a progress report linked to a business proposal that I have already made.I am linking all the requirements with this.1. The topic chosen for the business project is 'Tata Group' and the area of consideration is 'Employee Engagement' within the Tata industry.2. I will provide and link the Business proposal for a help to you to have look on what I am taking about.3. In the progress report, you dont have to mention any referencing at all. You have to explain that how I am going to complete this project and what all measure i chose and what challeneges I have or i overcame to complete this project.4. I will also link an example of a project report for you to follow with the topic i chose.5. I will also link the article for you to have a look on that i Mainly focused upon for my project. Please try to make a survey form if you can.6. Focus on the literature and according to your own understading on employee engagement.7. I will also link the progress report requirement template including the rubrics.please do not i repeat DONOT put up any stories. be specific and logical in your explanation
Answered Same Day Mar 27, 2020


Abr Writing answered on Mar 29 2020
137 Votes
Progress Report
Progress Summary
This progress report is a formulation to express the achievement of a balance between my research and my schedule that was submitted in my project proposal. The topic of consideration was ‘Employee engagement within Tata Industry'. After much consideration and careful analysis of various articles published in business journals, news reports and some discussions with former and cu
ent employees, I have a
ived at a conclusion that focus should be made on what keeps the employees engaged with an organisation as they are the backbone of a business. Retention and engagement of employees is a crucial step in the progress of a business of any scale. The research aims to study the impact of employee engagement on the success and performance of the organisation. One of the major areas identified for discussion in employee engagement within the Tata Industry is the job engagement and organisational engagement. The core study deals with the work environment, commitment and dedication, supportive of organisational goals, dealings with colleagues or seniors, incentives programs to keep the employees motivated and using their own talents to the maximum.
The following questions were outlined to gauge a better understanding of the challenges faced by the organisation in the endearing required talent pool and retaining them.
· What factors could culminate in the employee leaving the job after a short period of employment?
· Is the support of organisation and seniors helpful in retention and performance of employees in the long run?
· Are the Reward and Appreciation programs beneficial in motivating the employees?
The analysis and study of Tata Group performance were needed to get answers to issues plaguing the organisation. A survey was created to collect information and statistics pertaining to practices followed in different offices and at different levels of management. The survey was designed to cover all aspects of theories and framework used in the project proposal.
^ All measures of job and organisational engagement and...

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