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Running Head: Culture Analysis Paper 1 Running Head: Culture Analysis Paper 2 Benita Defang HRMN 367 Culture Analysis Paper – Cisco Prof. Jessica Bensel 2/22/2022 Introduction Cisco Systems Inc.,...

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Running Head: Culture Analysis Paper                            1
Running Head: Culture Analysis Paper                            2
Benita Defang
HRMN 367
Culture Analysis Paper – Cisco
Prof. Jessica Bensel
Cisco Systems Inc., popularly known as Cisco, is a San Jose, California, United States-based multinational technology company that is also a world leader in providing networking services for the internet. Chuck Ro
ins is cu
ently holding the position of CEO in the company.
Their expertise in network switches and consistently improving products is responsible for customer satisfaction. Soon Cisco is expected to be part of Microsoft as the merger activities have started. Both are trusted technology partners, and the merger will likely create a competitive enterprise bundle for users. It will fuel digital innovation and transformation at a massive scale.
Organizational Culture and its Levels
The organizational culture prevalent in Cisco is called conscious culture. The culture has three parts:
(i) Connection: employees are encouraged to connect at every level,
(ii) Innovation: It promotes an environment that is agile and open to innovative ideas
(iii) Benefit: The company strives to develop its employees to contribute to society, the organization, and themselves (Fo
es, XXXXXXXXXXAccording to Schein, to study organizational culture, it is required to review its components:
Cisco’s culture is based on teamwork, and collaboration is its essence. With global leadership, cross-functional teams value adaptability and flexibility (Kodama, XXXXXXXXXXThe market culture is external, but it strives for internal teams to accomplish goals. The flexibility and ability to take risks through innovation have made competition difficult for other players in the market.
The values of Cisco are Integrity, discretion, reliability, and fair play. Being the most valuable company globally, it gives due weightage to client satisfaction and makes sure that its employees are well trained to address their concerns. Due to overall professionalism and determination to find lasting solutions, the company maintains transparency and fair play (Li, Bhutto, Nasiri, Shaikh & Samo, 2018).
Underlying Assumptions
The assumptions are characteristics of the company, environment, and experience, which employees at large feel. Existing and potential employees actively look for their long-term future with the company, as they are confident that it adds value to skills and personal growth.
Data Collection Process and Analysis of Data
The data for analysis were collected from primary and secondary research.
Primary Research:
It is a method through which first-hand data is collected, and it helps provide insights about the company and its business. The researcher used the case-study approach to understand how change management can affect Cisco. Within six months, Cisco will be part of Microsoft, which will
ing leadership and cultural changes. This will prove to be a tremendous technological merger.
Secondary Research:
This type of research was advantageous as it is available on the internet in abundance. More so, research was done through Google Scholar, the website of Cisco, and media prints were refe
ed. These sources helped to understand various information and relate it to the cultural analysis. It was also valuable for exploring the meaning of definitions and concepts in context to the subject.
Analysis of Data
The data was analyzed after identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the research. It helped develop insights and look into the factors that supported its success. Human resource is one such factor whose performance is directly impacted by the organization's culture.
It also helped collect the examples that will further support the findings in the form of employee and employer behavior, their approach to maintaining the conscious culture, customer views about the company, and the workplace environment, so to why it is prefe
ed as one of the best one. It also helped work on the existing perception about organizational culture, its components, and change management.
The effectiveness of organizational culture is reflected by changed behavior. Cisco stresses sharing, which means using those resources you would need. It helps to develop a cooperative attitude and opt for thoughtful choices (Sulumov & Tavbulatova, 2021).
The language of 'we' is what makes collaboration a success. The global leaders and their cross-functional teams work on various projects, which means that customer satisfaction must be delivered with integrity (Cisco, 2021).
The individual employee's performance, the satisfaction from their work, and the zest to do better every time show how valuable Cisco is in creating a workplace environment.
The e
mergence of Culture in Group
At Cisco, a diverse and inclusive workforce is present round the clock. This diversity helps boost innovation, utilizing the potential of digital transformation and exploring the possibilities which can connect the customers with the new and revolutionized solutions (Kodama, XXXXXXXXXXThe group culture is also influenced by removing ba
iers towards change and supporting communities in the neighborhood to create a platform for social justice. It also works towards treating each other equally with due respect and dignity. This has affected the workforce with a positive attitude towards society and encouraged them to advocate for the issues they strongly connect with (Cisco, 2021).
Kotter’s 8-Step Process for Leading Change
Cisco has its way of transforming its work according to the change required.
i. Step One: Create Urgency:
It identifies the change and converts it into a project to follow a methodology.
ii. Step Two: Form a Powerful Coalition:
It creates awareness about the need for change by planning the projects and designing the strategies (Cisco, 2021).
iii. Step Three: Create a Vision for Change:
It makes the change desirable for the employees to start looking for information. They communicate with their leaders their peers and explore ways by which they can be participative in the process.
iv. Step Four: Communicate the Vision:
Through executive plans, a communication platform informed designs, and employees are aligned with the process. This helps to understand the reasoning with a new perspective.
v. Step Five: Remove Obstacles:
With the help of training, protocols are defined, forward moves are supported, intelligence is adopted to design simulations so testing can give desired outcomes. This helps to remove rumors from the system and answer doubts and questions raised by employees.
vi. Step Six: Create Short-Term Wins:
After the change is taken, teams are appreciated for their efforts, and co
ective measures are executed to control deviations (Kotter, 2021).
vii. Step Seven: Build on the Change:
Sustaining change will mean that continuous reinforcement is infused into the system. An analysis is done through metric, which is based on collected data. Surveys are conducted so that feedback can be used as a measure of continuous improvement (Cisco, 2021)
viii. Step Eight: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture:
The changes are thus practiced until they become new normal. Reaching a place where values and sustainability are maintained requires precision and mentorship. The global leaders have proved their mettle by providing directions to make it one of the best companies in the world.
The analysis above shows that Cisco holds strong values, which are embedded in its organizational culture deeply. All the domains like employee development, customer satisfaction, leadership capacities, innovation, agility towards change management, and handling external forces are taken care of with a collaborative and sustainable approach. It creates a positive environment, which supports the ideas and encourages executing them, thus helping the employee realize his value and accountability towards the company. It not only affects the stakeholders but also ensures a sustainable future.
Cisco XXXXXXXXXXCisco Connected Workplace Change Management. https:
Cisco XXXXXXXXXXAbout Cisco. https:
es XXXXXXXXXXWhy No One Should Be Surprised Cisco Named ‘World’s Best Workplace’ For 2019. https: XXXXXXXXXX
Kodama, M XXXXXXXXXXCapabilities congruence through collaboration management at Cisco: Driving Congruence in Capabilities. In Sustainable Growth Through Strategic Innovation. https: XXXXXXXXXXhtml
Kotter XXXXXXXXXXThe 8-Step Process for Leading Change. https:
Li, W., Bhutto, T. A., Nasiri, A. R., Shaikh, H. A., & Samo, F. A XXXXXXXXXXOrganizational innovation: the role of leadership and organizational culture. International Journal of Public Leadership https:
Sulumov, I., & Tavbulatova, Z XXXXXXXXXXFormation of a Corporate Culture Conducive to the Implementation of Breakthrough Innovative Projects. In VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference' Cu
ent problems of social and labor relations'(ISPC-CPSLR 2020), XXXXXXXXXXhttps: XXXXXXXXXX

Final project part 2: Change Management Plan (presentation)
1. apply knowledge of the levels, components, and development of culture to inform decision making about organizational practices
2. analyze and describe the impact of organizational culture on performance
Based on your last paper, create a change-management plan. Put yourself in the position of a consultant making recommendations to the CEO of the organization. For this presentation, you should follow the 8 step Change Process by John Kotter that we read about in week 6. Make sure that in your recommendations you address each of the eight steps and how they apply to your organization specifically. 
Present your recommendations in a PowerPoint presentation of 10-15 slides. State how the organization can be better prepared to meet the needs and challenges of the future. Defend your argument by using resources to support it. 
Your presentation should include the following (at a minimum):
1)  an evaluation of the cu
ent situation (cu
ent culture)  
2) an analysis of how the culture should change to better address the needs of the future (be specific!)
3) choose one cultural change that needs to happen in the organization. Provide recommendations on how to implement the change, based on Kotter's 8 step change process. 
4) justification and support for the recommended changes, based on both your own observations and the literature (at least three sources) 

Chapters Sixteen and Seventeen described the various ways in which cultures
evolve and change. Many of those changes are stimulated by leadership
ehavior such as promoting people with certain kinds of values and beliefs.
When those kinds of activities are too slow, as when an organization is
facing the need for rapid change, executive leaders turn to a managed
change process, using the change model described in the previous chapter
and the processes that
Answered 4 days After Feb 24, 2022


Kuldeep answered on Mar 01 2022
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Skill Development
Topic: changing business environment
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Every association wants to adapt to the changing business environment. Feeling this want, we came up with these content-aware change management PowerPoint presentation slides. These change management PPT templates can help you deal with various organizational changes. Do it with goals, people, or procedures.
The business resolutions embedded here can help you define your organizational structure, make a vision for execute your strategy, change, recognize resistance as well as risk, handle the cost of change, and get response and ratings. You can use the several change management methods moreover techniques described in this demo design to achieve your desired business results
This business migration PowerPoint design covers specific associated topics for instance change models, transformation strategies, change preparation, change management, project management, as well as business processes. By executing the change management techniques stated in the presentation, you can achieve a smooth transition within your organization.
So don't wait too long to download the presentation of the extensively researched change management framework. Use CM presentation slides to know the want for change moreover plan for easy change.
Kotter’s 8 step model
Creating an Urgency
Identify or highlight probable risks or impacts that might happens in the future.
Consider opportunities that can also be exploited through successful interventions.
Initiate honest conversations as well as discussions that get people thinking about common issues or giving compelling reasons.
Require business personnel, key...

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