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Abstract : The article is about preventing the disease called Diabetes by means of using exercise. Since Diabetes is caused by lifestyle, it is believed that having an exercise pattern strongly...

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Abstract :

The article is about preventing the  disease  called Diabetes by means of using exercise. Since Diabetes is caused by lifestyle, it is believed that having an exercise pattern strongly interconnected with lifestyle would be able to alleviate the problem of diabetes. To analyse the effect of lifestyle related exercise on diabetes,  12 human samples who considered exercise as  part of their lifestyle and those individual who are healthy and age an average of 21 years were considered. The effect of lifestyle related exercise on diabetes  were examined by means of analysing the levels of glucose tolerance levels in the experimented individuals. 

Answered Same Day Oct 26, 2019


David answered on Dec 27 2019
140 Votes
Trendy epidemic and more prone disease Diabetes is infecting 65% of total population.
Diabetic is passing to next generations even though they are healthy.
The lifestyle based exercise experiment are conducted for in depth analysis of diabetic disease and its pattern of infection
The hypothesis based on high and low level intensity exercise are performed to collect the trendy pattern on GT level among different life style groups.
The results from the analysis are vey interesting as 10 minute high intensity are way better than prolonged low level intensity workout, so high intensity should be suggested for better GT performace.
The earlier experiment proved exercise played a vital role in prevention of Type 2 diabetes.
In this study we performed the role of high and low intensity based exercise effect in diabetics control.
The volunteer sample group health are analysed clinically prior before experiment for optimal result.
The experiment showed heart rate during exercise controls the GT level among test groups, also in order to validate our findings the another set of experiment have to be performed with large group of peoples for better findings.
Active age group of 21 years are chosen for the study with sample of 25 for two groups.
High intensity workout been set as one group with a dozen youngsters for 8 minutes and other set for low intensity work out for minimal 30 minutes
The high intensity group were given the...

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