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QUALIFICATION: BSB80615 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
BSBLED802 Lead learning strategy implementation
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IMPORTANT: Your answers must be typed and submitted via email
Assessment 1: Theory Questions
This assessment has TWO parts.
PART A: Refer to the research article: ‘Developing and Delivering a Learning Strategy’ and answer the following questions.
1. List any five trends in the way organisations are approaching ‘learning’
2. What are some of the ba
iers to implementing a learning strategy within organisations?
3. Define ‘learning’ and ‘strategy’
4. Write a
ief summary of the key points made in Michael Eraut’s article- ‘Learning in the Workplace’
5. If you were the learning management consultant in an organization, how would you develop a learning strategy and action plan for the organization (Hint: Refer to Martyn Sloman’s article on ‘From training to learning- the new driver of excellence’
PART C: Read the chapter on ‘Training and Development’ and answer the following questions.
1. Define the following terms in the ‘human resource development’ or learning context
a. Training
. Development
c. Education
d. Learning
2. Why is learning/ training and development important in an organisation?
3. Describe and explain the steps you would use to determine training and development needs within your organisation?
4. Explain any three types of on-the-job training methods
5. What is the difference between ‘coaching’ and ‘mentoring’?
6. Explain any four types of training methods that may be used for formal company training programs
7. Research Question: Conduct an Internet search for the ‘Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs XXXXXXXXXXDownload the ‘Standards’ and find the answers to the ‘compliance’ related questions below:
a. What is the purpose of the Standards?
. How is the term ‘Competency’ defined in the Standards?
c. What are RTOs required to do under Standard 1?
8. Explain some of the methods you can use to evaluate learning programs, in terms of changed behavior or performance.
9. What is action learning?
10. Why is it important to develop management skills on an ongoing basis?
11. Research and list at least three relevant laws or Standards that apply to most workplaces in Australia in terms of human resource management and/or training
Assessment 2- Southwood School Case Study
Read the Southwood School Case Study below. Answer the questions that follow:
(Source: Fiona L Robson, 2008, Society of Human Resource Management)
© 2008 Society for Human Resource Management. Fiona L. Robson 5
Southwood school administrators realized that a newly designed performance
management system for their support staff1 would require a formal training program.
Designing and implementing the new performance management system was a
challenge for the organization; the last system was unpopular with employees, and
negative feelings about the value of performance management linger.
Case Overview
As discussed in the first Southwood case study, some of the issues identified with the
previous performance management system included:
Annual deadlines to complete the process were missed by many staff members. n
Some staff members were confused about what exactly needed to be completed and n
There were complaints that the previous system was a “waste of time” and that n
there were no measurable outputs.
A trade union representative felt the system was not appropriate for all staff n
Criteria on the forms were i
elevant to support staff. For example, support staff n
could not set objectives in pupil progress or have lessons observed.
There was little attention on identifying training needs, and where needs had been n
identified, there was no follow-up with appropriate actions.
Appraisals were led by teachers with little knowledge of their appraisees’ jobs. n
Performance meetings were a one-way process; often, performance goals were n
identified before the meeting and without the appraisee’s input.
A new system was designed in consultation with all stakeholders to address the
issues raised with the previous system. School leaders felt that a formal training
program was vital to ensure all employees supported the new system. This case
study demonstrates how the training was designed and delivered and some of the
complexities involved in this process.
Case Study Na
Examples of support staff jobs include: administrative positions (secretaries, administrators); student support 1.
positions (learning mentors, learning support assistants, special needs assistants, computer technicians);
teacher support positions (teaching assistants, departmental assistants such as science technicians);
and strategic/management positions (HR manager, finance manager, director of administration, director
of information technology).
6 © 2008 Society for Human Resource Management. Fiona L. Robson
Case Details
The case study consists of two parts:
I. Designing the training program for managers (appraisers).
II. Designing the training program for appraisees.
The managers in this case study are the appraisers in the new performance
management process. In some cases, they will be teachers with no formal
management qualifications. In other cases, they will be support staff with specific
management responsibilities in the organization.
Needs Analysis
Initially, the director of administration recommended that a selection of managers
complete a standard Internet-based training program provided by an online
training organization. Managers who completed the online training would receive
a certificate of achievement. Based on input from the HR manager, however, it was
decided that a custom-designed program would be more appropriate because it
would better meet managers’ needs. A custom-designed program would also allow
the school to relate the training back to their new performance management system
and provide flexibility in the program’s delivery.
There were a number of options available to determine who would design and deliver
the program:
The HR manager could design and deliver the training. n
The HR manager could design the content, and the training could be conducted n
y a member of the school’s senior management team.
An external consultant could design and deliver the training. n
An external consultant could design the content, and the HR manager could n
conduct the training.
In the end, it was decided that the HR manager would design and develop the
program with support from the senior management team, if necessary. The reasons
for this decision:
Specialized knowledge. n The HR manager had developed the new performance
management system and was therefore the most knowledgeable about it.
Experience. n The HR manager was experienced in developing training programs.
Cost. n This was the least expensive option; no direct costs would be incu
Context. n It would be easier to include specifics about the new performance
management system if the training was designed by an internal person.
Flexibility. n The sessions could be run at the times convenient to managers, which
may have been more difficult to accommodate with an external trainer.
PLEASE NOTE: From this point forward, the HR manager is refe
ed to
as the trainer.
© 2008 Society for Human Resource Management. Fiona L. Robson 7
Designing the Training
A focus group was held with five managers to find out what they wanted from the
training and to assess their concerns about performance management. This was a
useful process. The managers wanted to include training in how to deal with difficult
people, which otherwise may not have been included in the program. Including this
also assured managers that their views were important and had been considered in
the program’s design.
The training would take place in-house and outside the normal workday. It was
agreed that the most appropriate
Answered Same Day Aug 02, 2020 BSBLED802


Parul answered on Aug 14 2020
140 Votes
Assignment 3
Vision of Exco is to become world leaders in the manufacturing domain and application of organizations’ product lead the market. Organisation derives its competitive edge from its propensity and aptness to bestow and dispense with revolution and desired changes in a very efficacious manner. This organisation is able to develop it more swiftly and promptly with respect from its rivals and peers. Thus, vision of the organisation in a larger context is to become a learning organisation that is actually able to amplify its ability to learn, adapt and produce. Essentially, the vision of the organisation doesn’t believe only on surviving however, their focus is thriving. Credence and significance of the vision along with mission is extremely sensitised and conditioned in the meetings and continuous feedback provided to employees and it is also syncs with all the form of communications. Mission is to innovate not just by developing newer product but also enhance the quality and standards of each product produced by the organization. Underlying strategy of the organization was to skill, re-skill and cross skill the employee. Mission of the organisation stresses more on the principles of learning especially that drives strike of new ideas, innovation and operational excellence. Strategy to re-enforce and em
ace the mission is done be strategic rewarding people who follow these guidelines. This in turn inspires others to achieve the mission and get rewarded. With the rapid changes in the market strategy of the organization was to focus in arming the employees with required skill and knowledge that is critical for the organization to survive and thrive. Exco's main goal underlines learning standards of advancement and
illiance. These ideas are fortified in the association through mission grants that plan to perceive outstanding commitments in the fields of advancement, perfection and administration. Specific accentuation is given to group acknowledgment.
Values of the organisation itself states to trust and regard for individuals, self-awareness and authority. Cooperation with clients, workers and providers. Moral and genuine conduct in wellbeing, condition, wellbeing, and business. Benefit with all exercises including esteem. Organisation focuses on building relationship with its employees by
inging trust and transparency in every process and policies established for the employees. As an organisation in emphasis on individual growth and strong leadership. Exco values work performed by a team and collaborating with customers, employee and suppliers. They expect ethical behaviour from its employees while encouraging honesty.
Critical Success Factors (CSF) An planning, ideation, execution of any of the business proposals are expected to move the organisation towards the ultimate objective which is actually the vision of the organisation. This is governed under the domain of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) that showcases the essential competencies of Exco. Every CSF is actually associated with few key performance parameters that are both financial and non-financial in nature. For instance, revenue and profits of business are the financial parameters while degree of employee engagement and participations in typical projects are included in non-financial. Essentially, people aspect of CSF states about attracting talented people, motivating employees and nourishing them so that the aspire to achieve the vision of the organisation. Another very important aspect of CSF incorporates strong culture of tremendous improvements in every transaction performed in the organisation. Enriching employees to perform very effective role in the consistent improvements.
PART B: Learning Structures and Systems
What are some of the changes that EXCO made to its learning structures and systems that demonstrate that it is a ‘learning organization’.
Exco made a lot of efforts that demonstrates that it is a learning organisation. Beginning from its formal structures they have been very cautious not to provide very formal and hierarchical structure since the overall intent is to develop and grow and that is only possible if employees focuses on learning. Exco as an organisation emphasis on flatter structures such that...

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