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sessment 2: Community Profile Report XXXXXXXXXXAssessment 2: Community Profile Report Description/Focus: Community Profile Report Value: 40% Due date: Week 5 Sunday 23rd August 2020 @ 2359 (ACST)...

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sessment 2: Community Profile Report

XXXXXXXXXXAssessment 2: Community Profile Report

Description/Focus: Community Profile Report
Value: 40%
Due date: Week 5 Sunday 23rd August 2020 @ 2359 (ACST)
Length: 1000 words

You have recently secured a role as a Registered Nurse working with the World Health Organisation (WHO). Congratulations! This is your dream job. WHO are quick to put your skills and knowledge to good use and ask you to prepare a Community Profile Report.

Using the ten categories of the ‘SDH Assessment Circle’ as a guide (Clendon & Munns, 2019, p. 132), describe the health of a community of your choice.

You may choose 5 SDHs to discuss in your report. Based on your skills and knowledge, please conclude your report with basic recommendations.

To further assist you in this task, please follow the below link for more information regarding the ‘SDH Assessment Circle’:

Clendon, J.,& Munns, A. (2019). Community health and wellness: Principles of primary health care. Elsevier.(see Chapter 5, pp XXXXXXXXXX)

Clendon, J.,&Munns, A. (2019).Community health and wellness: Principles of primary health care.Elsevier.(see Appendix A The McMurrayCommunity Assessment Framework, pp XXXXXXXXXX)

  • reparation: Read the task carefully and identify the key areas you need to address. Revise lectures and readings. Revise CDU Governance Documents under ‘Unit Information’. When writing your report, ensure that you refer to follow the documents below, as this is what your markers will be using:
    • The marking criteria/rubric
    • The CDU APA referencing guide
    Please also click below to view the table outlining the differences and similarities between essays and reports, examples of assessment 2 and presentation check list. Students are advised to complete this check list prior to submitting their assessment.
    • Differences and similarities between essays and reports
    • 1st example of Assessment 2 1st example of Assessment 2 - Alternative Formats
    • 2nd example of Assessment 2 2nd example of Assessment 2 - Alternative Formats
    • 3rd example of Assessment 2 3rd example of Assessment 2 - Alternative Formats
    • Presentation check list Presentation check list - Alternative Formats XXXXXXXXXXrevised 6th August, 2020)
    Presentation: Written Report
    Assessment criteria:

    This assessment will be marked against the following criteria:

    • Ability to interpret and address topic
    • Written expression
    • Using the literature effectively
    • Structure, logical sequencing & flow of information
    • CDU APA referencing
  • Item

    XXXXXXXXXXSafeAssign Submission Instructions

Answered Same Day Aug 18, 2021


Bandita answered on Aug 20 2021
139 Votes
Running Head: ASSESSMENT 2                                1
ASSESSMENT 2                                        2
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Physical Environment    3
Education of Population of Adelaide    4
Child Development    5
Social Environment    5
Social Support Network    6
Conclusion    6
References    7
Social determinants of health could reinforce or sabotage the quality of health and well-being of an individual or any community. The choices made by an individual or a community have significant impact on the health and well-being of people in a community. The habits of a person such as smoking, drug intake, consumption of alcohol and maintaining a healthy diet exhibit crucial impact on the health of people. According to World Health Organisation, social determinants are the circumstances, in which an individual or a community grows, survives, ages, works as well as the structure, in which is used to tackle illness in a society.
These circumstances in any community or for any individual are moulded by various economic, social and political aspects. The National Health Performance framework acknowledges the value of social determinants of health and constitutes of various financial and social factors, which would connect with the educational accomplishments, literacy related to health conditions and income of people (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2018). This community profile report focuses on discussing five different social determinants of health in the Adelaide region of Australia.
Physical Environment
Adelaide region is situated in the southern east of South Australia, towards the east coast of Gulf St Vincent. The region stretches from the north at Barossa valley to the south up to the Fleurieu Peninsula. The region also includes the Northern Adelaide Plains, metropolitan Adelaide and the Western Mount Lofty Ranges. The te
itory also covers from the coast consisting of flat plains to the east and south having steep hills. Adelaide region also constitutes of few large as well as small rivers such as the Myponga, Gawler, Onkaparinga, To
ens and the Little Para River.
Studies from many reports have stated that around 50 % of the land of Adelaide region is being used in the agriculture and grazing purposes. The region utilises 1.9 % of water from the total water consumption of Australia. Adelaide region has 12 wetlands, which are of national significance (Bureau of Meteorology, 2020). Adelaide also consists of parklands that are the crowning...

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